Photo: Cherrybrook metro station by John Cowper
Upcoming Events
We are back having meetings in Springfield House. However, due to availability of the venue. The alternate week arrangement with Zoom may not be strictly adhered to. Some meetings may occur on other weekdays instead of customary Mondays. Please consult your calendar for changes.
Ros Hogan is the Attendance Officer for face-to-face meetings at Springfield. If bringing a partner or not able to attend, please notify Ros via email Ros Hogan [email protected] by 12noon on the Thursday prior to a face-to-face meeting. Charges for non-attendance will be incurred unless previously advised.
Ros Hogan is the Attendance Officer for face-to-face meetings at Springfield. If bringing a partner or not able to attend, please notify Ros via email Ros Hogan [email protected] by 12noon on the Thursday prior to a face-to-face meeting. Charges for non-attendance will be incurred unless previously advised.
Club Zoom Meetings
7:15pm for 7:30pm
Vocational visit has been organised to the Westmead Institute Medical Research (WIMR) to tour the facility and speak to doctors and health professionals involved in planning and delivering their important and ground-breaking research. It's on Monday 25th July 10:am-12noon. There are 11 places left but you need to RSVP by email to Edwina by Friday 18/06/22.
Duty Roster
With COVID lockdowns now ending and even more restrictions being eased, effective 08/11/2021, we appreciate that many Club members may be eager to get out and about and take the chance to have a holiday. So, if you are going to be absent from meetings and events in the months up until July next year, please notify Janelle via email.
Equally now that we are back to face-to-face meetings at Springfield it’s important that we get back into the swing of advising Frank of numbers attending by the Thursday prior to Monday meetings. As per our existing RSVP procedures, if you are not attending you need to advise Ros Hogan otherwise you will be charged the cost of the meal.
Thanks for your patience and understanding with these matters – it’s all part of adjusting to life post COVID!
Equally now that we are back to face-to-face meetings at Springfield it’s important that we get back into the swing of advising Frank of numbers attending by the Thursday prior to Monday meetings. As per our existing RSVP procedures, if you are not attending you need to advise Ros Hogan otherwise you will be charged the cost of the meal.
Thanks for your patience and understanding with these matters – it’s all part of adjusting to life post COVID!
Do Browse Through This Website
This website is not just the bulletin. There are many useful information within. Please use the heading buttons at the top to the right of the Club's Rotary Logo and dropdown menus to navigate to other areas of interests. Just be aware that some information may not be up-to-date but come back often. It is a dynamic site and will be updated periodically.
President Keith's Report - 20 June 2022
Wow, what a fantastic night. We had Lu Sierra from Lifeline present on Lifeline. We had a great time discussing Lifeline districts, the do’s and dont’s of telephone calls. Lu fielded a variety of questions from members. I believe most members enjoyed the presentation.
We have 14 visitors for WIMR in July. There is room for a few more. On Saturday we have a BBQ for Pennant Hills High School Fete. We will serve 1200 sausages in four hours. Please contact Neville if you can be of assistance. On Sunday we have our Changeover. This promises to be a great event for the sixty-one attendees. So, this is my last President’s Report. There is no rest, however, as Douglas has told me I am Bulletin Editor for the next Club Bulletin. Yours in Rotary Keith |

An update from the Push-Up Challenge indicates that as a Team we have reached our target of completing the 3139 push-ups in 24 days, with a collective amount showing as 4088 as at 22/06/2022 and still set to grow with 2 more days to go.
At this point however we have yet to reach our target donation amount of $1000, as we only have $440 in the account so far.
So once again, and especially having heard from Lu Sierra from Lifeline at last Monday night's meeting, it's not too late to donate to help raise funds for mental health programs and suicide prevention. You can support the Club's here at the push-up challenge site:
The Push-Up Challenge - Rotary WPH&C (
At this point however we have yet to reach our target donation amount of $1000, as we only have $440 in the account so far.
So once again, and especially having heard from Lu Sierra from Lifeline at last Monday night's meeting, it's not too late to donate to help raise funds for mental health programs and suicide prevention. You can support the Club's here at the push-up challenge site:
The Push-Up Challenge - Rotary WPH&C (
People of Action
Alex in action for the Push Up Challenge. Help support him and Board members as they raise funds for mental health and suicide prevention. So far we've raised $440 (thank you to those who've donated to us) of our target $1000, so 44% of the way there. Click the link here to checkout the Rotary WPH&C team page: |
Hi fellow Rotarians,
It is time for you all to put your thinking caps on and nominate someone who you think would
be a worthy recipient this year for our
which will be held in first week of July. The Nominees this YEAR DO NOT have to be actual business owners. They can be the little people who work in businesses; they can be a person who volunteers their time doing good in the Community!!!
Please submit nominations to myself or any member of the Vocational Services Committee (Keith, Rosemary, Douglas, George, Bernard, Cawas for this year) so that an awardee/s can be chosen.
It is time for you all to put your thinking caps on and nominate someone who you think would
be a worthy recipient this year for our
which will be held in first week of July. The Nominees this YEAR DO NOT have to be actual business owners. They can be the little people who work in businesses; they can be a person who volunteers their time doing good in the Community!!!
Please submit nominations to myself or any member of the Vocational Services Committee (Keith, Rosemary, Douglas, George, Bernard, Cawas for this year) so that an awardee/s can be chosen.
Centurion Program and Centurion Membership application
Please consider renewing your Centurion membership, or if not already a member, why not make this the year to become a Centurion!!!
Know Your Members
Petition for Guest Speaker recommendations
Please contact John Caruana if you know of any prospective guest speakers of interest to the club [email protected] Mob: 0417 394 854 |
Night Report - 20 June 2022
Sergeant Jim Simpson opened meeting at 7:30pm and introduced President Keith.
President Keith welcomed all.
Carol gave the toast to Rotary and all that Offers and to all Loyal Rotary Members.
President Keith gave an apology on behalf of Rosemary as she is away. He also welcomed our Guest Speaker Lu Sierra from Lifeline.
Keith advised that there are still a couple of vacancies for the visit to Westmead Medical Research Centre.
There is now five clear days left before the Changeover.
Directors & Members Reports:
David Turnbull (Foundation): Thanked all members who contributed to the Foundation during the year. Approximately $1000 was donated to End Polio and $8000 to the General Fund. Exact figures will be available in the Annual Club report.
Edwina Ruff (Vocational): 12 members booked to visit the Westmead Medical research Centre, target of 16. Presenters are being organized and suggested car-pooling and ensure to wear non-slip shoes.
Pride In Workmanship – have four nominees, the Plaques have been ordered and program in preparation. The Guest Speaker is locked in and we are on target for the 4th July.
Carol Russell (Membership): have 4 prospects in view of joining the club.
Max Henderson (Fundraising): Nothing to Report
Tony Coote (Treasurer): in process of closing off the books for the Rotary/financial year. Requested all invoices outstanding to be submitted immediately for payment.
(Social) Friendship dinners were successful thanks to the hosts Max, Janelle and Douglas
Jim Simpson reported that the Mudgee trip is progressing Friday night dinner has been booked at the Mudgee Club. Organizing bus and tours.
Peter Stanton advised that Stephanie Hughes is doing surveillance in East Timor for MTA. The District Grant has been finalized. Will try for a Global Grant for next year
Neville Hansen (Publicity): another article has been submitted to the Dural Round-Up. The Board agreed to donate $1000.00 to the Lismore Library for them to purchase books. A label will be affixed to each book saying that the Rotary Club of West Pennant Hills & Cherrybrook donated it.
Cawas Suhukar (Community): The Pennant Hills school carnival is for Saturday 25th June. Have 15 members for first shift between 2:00 -6:00pm and 17 for 2nd shift 6:00-10:00pm
Janelle Craig (Club Service): the push up target is going good. Have raised $400.00 towards target of $1000.00. The program finishes on the 24th June.
Janelle tanked all the members for their support during the year as it had made her job easier.
Keith Ball (on behalf of Rosemary Clarke- Youth): looking for host families for 4 students between 4-8th October 2022.
Guest Speaker:
Tony Coote introduced our Guest Speaker Lu Sierra from Lifeline.
Lifeline has 4o centres around Australia. Harbour to Harbour (2H2) centre is the largest in Australia. It covers the area from North of Sydney up to Mooney Mooney. The area takes 11% of all calls (highest percentage)
Their vision is to have Australia free of suicides.
Their focus is on Engagement, Preservation, Intervention and Recovery.
All councillors are volunteers and operate 24hrs a day.
In 2021 the received over one million calls on an average of one call very 30 second.
August 2021 saw the highest number of calls received since inception.
Other staistics:
In 2019 there were 3318 suicides and over 65,000 attempted suicides
75% are male.
Suicide is the highest cause of death for males between the ages of 15 and 44
Every suicide effects 135 people.
Members asked a number of questions
President Keith thanked Lu for her presentation. He reminded members of the Changeover Sunday 26th June.
Night Reporter
John Caruana
President Keith welcomed all.
Carol gave the toast to Rotary and all that Offers and to all Loyal Rotary Members.
President Keith gave an apology on behalf of Rosemary as she is away. He also welcomed our Guest Speaker Lu Sierra from Lifeline.
Keith advised that there are still a couple of vacancies for the visit to Westmead Medical Research Centre.
There is now five clear days left before the Changeover.
Directors & Members Reports:
David Turnbull (Foundation): Thanked all members who contributed to the Foundation during the year. Approximately $1000 was donated to End Polio and $8000 to the General Fund. Exact figures will be available in the Annual Club report.
Edwina Ruff (Vocational): 12 members booked to visit the Westmead Medical research Centre, target of 16. Presenters are being organized and suggested car-pooling and ensure to wear non-slip shoes.
Pride In Workmanship – have four nominees, the Plaques have been ordered and program in preparation. The Guest Speaker is locked in and we are on target for the 4th July.
Carol Russell (Membership): have 4 prospects in view of joining the club.
Max Henderson (Fundraising): Nothing to Report
Tony Coote (Treasurer): in process of closing off the books for the Rotary/financial year. Requested all invoices outstanding to be submitted immediately for payment.
(Social) Friendship dinners were successful thanks to the hosts Max, Janelle and Douglas
Jim Simpson reported that the Mudgee trip is progressing Friday night dinner has been booked at the Mudgee Club. Organizing bus and tours.
Peter Stanton advised that Stephanie Hughes is doing surveillance in East Timor for MTA. The District Grant has been finalized. Will try for a Global Grant for next year
Neville Hansen (Publicity): another article has been submitted to the Dural Round-Up. The Board agreed to donate $1000.00 to the Lismore Library for them to purchase books. A label will be affixed to each book saying that the Rotary Club of West Pennant Hills & Cherrybrook donated it.
Cawas Suhukar (Community): The Pennant Hills school carnival is for Saturday 25th June. Have 15 members for first shift between 2:00 -6:00pm and 17 for 2nd shift 6:00-10:00pm
Janelle Craig (Club Service): the push up target is going good. Have raised $400.00 towards target of $1000.00. The program finishes on the 24th June.
Janelle tanked all the members for their support during the year as it had made her job easier.
Keith Ball (on behalf of Rosemary Clarke- Youth): looking for host families for 4 students between 4-8th October 2022.
Guest Speaker:
Tony Coote introduced our Guest Speaker Lu Sierra from Lifeline.
Lifeline has 4o centres around Australia. Harbour to Harbour (2H2) centre is the largest in Australia. It covers the area from North of Sydney up to Mooney Mooney. The area takes 11% of all calls (highest percentage)
Their vision is to have Australia free of suicides.
Their focus is on Engagement, Preservation, Intervention and Recovery.
All councillors are volunteers and operate 24hrs a day.
In 2021 the received over one million calls on an average of one call very 30 second.
August 2021 saw the highest number of calls received since inception.
Other staistics:
In 2019 there were 3318 suicides and over 65,000 attempted suicides
75% are male.
Suicide is the highest cause of death for males between the ages of 15 and 44
Every suicide effects 135 people.
Members asked a number of questions
President Keith thanked Lu for her presentation. He reminded members of the Changeover Sunday 26th June.
Night Reporter
John Caruana
Social Calendar 2022
Friendship Lunches/Dinner Second Round - Commence Sunday 12th June 2022
Please refer to email from Tony
Tony Coote
Please refer to email from Tony
Tony Coote
2nd Round Of Friendship Lunch/Dinner
Last weekend, 4 groups met for friendship lunches or dinners.
Many thanks to the hosts - Hendersons, Lams, Craig and Cootes. Everyone enjoyed the food and fellowship.
This was our last social event for the Rotary Year. My thanks to all the Social Committee members for arranging the many activities we have held throughout the year.
Many thanks to the hosts - Hendersons, Lams, Craig and Cootes. Everyone enjoyed the food and fellowship.
This was our last social event for the Rotary Year. My thanks to all the Social Committee members for arranging the many activities we have held throughout the year.
Welfare Report
Field Report from Stephanie
Newsletter June 2022
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Club Calendar
Editor's Note: If you wish to download and print the Calendar please use the link below.

club_calendar_2022x.pdf | |
File Size: | 562 kb |
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Bulletin Editor - Douglas
Meetings |
Mondays 6:30pm for 7:00pm - Springfield House - 245 New Line Road, Dural 2158
and Zoom Mondays 7:15 for 7:30pm - on alternate weeks - see Club Program for details. |
Apologies |
For Springfield meetings, If you are unable to attend or are bringing a guest (even if they are your partner) you must notify Ros. Email: [email protected] before 1pm on the Thursday before the meeting.
For Springfield House meetings - if you are expected and do not show you will be required to pay for the meal.
Significant Club Fundraising Events during the year
2022 Trivia Night -- 20th August - To Be Updated
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 17 August 2019 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising near $6,600 all of which will go to assist drought relief. Click this link to read more. |
The Garage Sale -- TBC
We have just had our best and most successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 12 & 13 October raising a gross - north of $35k.
Excellent Project Management and a large number of dedicated volunteers, some putting in hours of effort, in the weeks before the weekend contributed to this result. |
The club runs fund raising barbecues throughout the year, mainly at Bunnings (Dural and Thornleigh) We are also present at elections (pictured at Eurambie Park Child Care during 2021 Hills Shire local elections), local public school fêtes, fun runs, to name a few. We have a trailer that can be hired for events. For details, please click HERE. |
What it takes to be a Rotarian
There are members of the community who may have some misunderstandings about what it takes to be a Rotarian.
We are always looking for new members and, in fact, it is new people joining that keeps us alive as a Service club. From time to time I hear people say things that make me think they don't consider joining or even visiting Rotary for all the wrong reasons.
This article is about the things you don't need to join Rotary, and the things you do, just in case you are not sure. The other thing you should know is that we are a very friendly bunch of men and women and we have a lot of fun, as well as achieving some pretty good things in the community.
We are always looking for new members and, in fact, it is new people joining that keeps us alive as a Service club. From time to time I hear people say things that make me think they don't consider joining or even visiting Rotary for all the wrong reasons.
This article is about the things you don't need to join Rotary, and the things you do, just in case you are not sure. The other thing you should know is that we are a very friendly bunch of men and women and we have a lot of fun, as well as achieving some pretty good things in the community.