Photo: Cherrybrook metro station by John Cowper
Duty Roster
If you are unable to be at the meeting please contact the person doing your role the following week/s, arrange a swap and advise Keith, so he can amend his records.
Also, to avoid being rostered on, please notify Keith of any upcoming known absences (eg holidays) from meetings in the next twelve months.
Also, to avoid being rostered on, please notify Keith of any upcoming known absences (eg holidays) from meetings in the next twelve months.
Special Container and BBQ Edition
Pres. Rosemary describes the "Magical" Day on 30Aug - and more
What a magical Covid Safe day we had on Sunday. Many club members enjoyed each other’s company even though in 3 shifts.
The containers were ‘officially’ opened, Anna Vass was inducted into our club, the revamped BBQ trailer was christened, and we enjoyed a delicious brunch/lunch. We were joined by members of the Galston club who kindly showed us their impressive book setup.
Thank you to those involved with the organisation of the day especially Tony Coote, Douglas Lam and their crew.
Below is a transcript in case you missed out.
It was after the garage sale in 2018 when we knew that as a club, we needed to find extra storage to enable us to collect items during the year as they became available.
So began the hunt. Where? When? How? What?
Their purpose is to enable us to collect items during the year as they became available. Now that we have them, we just all need to help find goods to sell. Anne and Colin with help of Ros and Gino have started, raising around $1000 last week.
After much leg work with people like David, Neville, Tom, Keith and Colin Sharpe we were able to secure this site from Hornsby Council. Thank you to councillor Vince Del Gallego who provided the initial contact with the appropriate council staff. Thank you to the following Council employees Steve Fedorow (Community and Environment Division Director), Peter Powell (Manager, Asset Operations and Maintenance) and Perry Spence (Plant Allocator). Thank you also to the Galston Club for welcoming us to the site that they also occupy and for attending this opening.
Today we are here to officially open the containers.
Thank you to all those involved and here’s to a wonderful partnership ahead with our club.
Don’t forget we are looking for a container champion to take on the role of organiser, contact person, etc in other words “boss” of the containers!
I would like to invite Tom, Colin, David, Neville to cut the ribbon.
Thank you to the BBQ revamp team of Tony Coote, Tony Makin, Ricardo who sprayed the underneath, Adrian, Douglas, David and Peter Stanton who have worked hard to get the BBQ trailer up to speed. Thanks also to Total Print Control, Castle Hill who donated the Rotary decals. It was all possible due to a $5000 grant that Colin Sharpe was able to obtain.
Thanks also to Tony C and his social team especially Douglas our chef extraordinaire for arranging today. Not an easy feat due to Covid. Thank you also to Galston Rotary club for accepting our invitation and for letting us see your impressive Book Sale set up.
On another note, we are now having a District Governor meeting on Zoom with just our club on September 28. Please put that in your diary and partners are very welcome.
What a magical Covid Safe day we had on Sunday. Many club members enjoyed each other’s company even though in 3 shifts.
The containers were ‘officially’ opened, Anna Vass was inducted into our club, the revamped BBQ trailer was christened, and we enjoyed a delicious brunch/lunch. We were joined by members of the Galston club who kindly showed us their impressive book setup.
Thank you to those involved with the organisation of the day especially Tony Coote, Douglas Lam and their crew.
Below is a transcript in case you missed out.
It was after the garage sale in 2018 when we knew that as a club, we needed to find extra storage to enable us to collect items during the year as they became available.
So began the hunt. Where? When? How? What?
Their purpose is to enable us to collect items during the year as they became available. Now that we have them, we just all need to help find goods to sell. Anne and Colin with help of Ros and Gino have started, raising around $1000 last week.
After much leg work with people like David, Neville, Tom, Keith and Colin Sharpe we were able to secure this site from Hornsby Council. Thank you to councillor Vince Del Gallego who provided the initial contact with the appropriate council staff. Thank you to the following Council employees Steve Fedorow (Community and Environment Division Director), Peter Powell (Manager, Asset Operations and Maintenance) and Perry Spence (Plant Allocator). Thank you also to the Galston Club for welcoming us to the site that they also occupy and for attending this opening.
Today we are here to officially open the containers.
Thank you to all those involved and here’s to a wonderful partnership ahead with our club.
Don’t forget we are looking for a container champion to take on the role of organiser, contact person, etc in other words “boss” of the containers!
I would like to invite Tom, Colin, David, Neville to cut the ribbon.
Thank you to the BBQ revamp team of Tony Coote, Tony Makin, Ricardo who sprayed the underneath, Adrian, Douglas, David and Peter Stanton who have worked hard to get the BBQ trailer up to speed. Thanks also to Total Print Control, Castle Hill who donated the Rotary decals. It was all possible due to a $5000 grant that Colin Sharpe was able to obtain.
Thanks also to Tony C and his social team especially Douglas our chef extraordinaire for arranging today. Not an easy feat due to Covid. Thank you also to Galston Rotary club for accepting our invitation and for letting us see your impressive Book Sale set up.
On another note, we are now having a District Governor meeting on Zoom with just our club on September 28. Please put that in your diary and partners are very welcome.
Pres. Rosemary's Report - 7 September 2020
Good to see everyone looking so great after a wonderful Fathers’ Day. Hope your day was enjoyable. Another interesting meeting with many guests. Thank you to Barry Freeman for saying hello again (we miss you too!), Nishant Wankhede and Ros Hogan for checking out our club, and our speaker Marshall Dunn who by the way was a recipient of a Rotary Scholarship to study overseas.
If you have contacts for guest speakers, please contact Kerry Mann. Help is desperately needed to sell handmade, washable and reusable face masks. We have an opportunity to turn this into a fundraiser which can help to fund our projects. Every club member will be able to help in some way. Please refer to an email sent to all members on Tuesday morning. Please remember our District Governor’s meeting on September 28th. It will be a normal club meeting with David as our guest speaker. We have the chance to show him what a vibrant club we are, so please invite your partner to attend. I’ll even wear the President’s collar as it is a special event! Don’t forget to register for the Zone 8 Virtual Conference on Sept 19 and 20 from 11:30am to 1:00pm both days. Please refer to an earlier email. Many of us we will be “car running” on the Sunday! Have a good week and I look forward to hearing from you about the masks. Rosemary |
Night Report - 7 September 2020
Sergeant Colin (McGowan) welcomed President Rosemary to commence our ZOOM meeting at 7.30 pm exactly.
Toast by Steve Baker acknowledging Rotary members still under lock down in Melbourne.
President Rosemary welcomed our guests including our guest speaker Marshall Dunn, Barry Freeman the always popular Past President and guest visitor Nishant Wankhe. Thanks to Kerry and Edwina for organising the excellent line up of speakers. Well done. Rosemary also mentioned a potential fundraiser the making of Covid masks. Wendy Carritt from Probus has already started this project and we have 400 masks ready. Intention is to make more masks and sell them at Pennant Hills Market Place and other venues. Glenhaven made $15000 already. We need a lot more helpers. Email to go out setting out details and requirements.
Reminder for members to register Zone 8 virtual conference.
Excellent meeting last Sunday week at the containers at Galston. Everyone enjoyed themselves. Anna Vass was also inducted on the day. Congratulations from Rosemary and all members as well.
Our District Governor will have an official visit with our club via Zoom on 28 September. Assistant Governor Robert Erskine will also be presenting. Invite your partners and friends along.
Reports / Notices.
Colin Sharpe:
Member Talk – Stan Baseley. gave us a fun talk about his life. Born in 1939 - 10 minutes before his twin brother. Stans family have twins in every second generation. Grew up in Artarmon. There were 7 sets of twins at his school. (must have been something in the water!!) in Artarmon.
Stan can trace his family back to 15th century. There were princes and paupers. Stan said they were unfortunately the paupers. Had several jobs while still at school. They closed his high school after he left?
Started his working life at the electricity commission as an apprentice. Ultimately working for sales in the printing industry for 30 years. Travelled all over the Pacific.
Among other things, Stan was a very keen Dart player. Enjoyed the sport for 65 years. We were regaled with many humorous antics that Stan got up to in his working life. A very interesting and enjoyable talk. Thanks Stan.
Tony introduced our Guest speaker for the evening Marshall Dunn. Tony gave us an update on how Buddhists believe wives and husbands should treat each other. Many of us were trying to see if we ticked all the requirements. I know I was a failure.
Back on the actual topic, Marshalls expertise is Meditation and Spiritual Healing. He works for a number of organisations and individuals helping them to appreciate and know themselves.
To cherry pick some of the things he said;
Forgotten what it means to be human versus doing things (activities).
Exercise of pointing at ourselves. Most people point at their core – their heart.
We are often victims of our fears and it affects our behaviour.
Fallen out of alignment. Opportunity to realign.
Deeper dive in to our essence.
Feel the energy (positive or negative) of others.
Heart is our guiding compass.
Meditation is the enabler.
Instead of heads and tails, Sergeant Colin conducted a very interesting segment of picking song / singers. Winner was Barry Freeman who won a Cyber Bottle of wine. He now needs to hack in to it.
Steve Baker, Night Reporter
Toast by Steve Baker acknowledging Rotary members still under lock down in Melbourne.
President Rosemary welcomed our guests including our guest speaker Marshall Dunn, Barry Freeman the always popular Past President and guest visitor Nishant Wankhe. Thanks to Kerry and Edwina for organising the excellent line up of speakers. Well done. Rosemary also mentioned a potential fundraiser the making of Covid masks. Wendy Carritt from Probus has already started this project and we have 400 masks ready. Intention is to make more masks and sell them at Pennant Hills Market Place and other venues. Glenhaven made $15000 already. We need a lot more helpers. Email to go out setting out details and requirements.
Reminder for members to register Zone 8 virtual conference.
Excellent meeting last Sunday week at the containers at Galston. Everyone enjoyed themselves. Anna Vass was also inducted on the day. Congratulations from Rosemary and all members as well.
Our District Governor will have an official visit with our club via Zoom on 28 September. Assistant Governor Robert Erskine will also be presenting. Invite your partners and friends along.
Reports / Notices.
Colin Sharpe:
- Committee meeting tomorrow night.
- We now have a Covid Safe Plan outlining what to do when we meet face to face. To be circulated to members.
- Colin is following up on Virtual Neighbours with Beecroft club.
- Plan to sell items from our containers. A mini Garage sale??
- Keith to update Website to make it more exciting / attractive. Tony is looking for input.
- Flyers available to any members that would like them.
- Container site function at Galston went well. Will explore further such opportunities.
- Friendship dinners discussed. Alternatively, Baulkham Hills TAFE, but with restricted numbers.
- Looking for nominations for Covid recognition for business’ in the area. Those that went the extra yards to help the community. This is not our annual Pride of Workmanship award.
- Car run on Sunday20th September. Wisemans Ferry for a picnic (via Sackville) etc is the currently planned destination. Run will be Covid safe. Start at Dural Put Put. Details in next Bulletin.
- Article in this months Dooral Roundup. Another booked for next month. Great way of telling the community about our activities.
- Reminded us about the Rotary Foundation.
- Was then asked to give us a 1-minute brief outline of the Foundation for our visitors. Several minutes later…. Great talk. Well done. Thanks David.
- Gave us an update on Rotaract.
- Currently 7 very keen members. Looking for 15 to Charter the club.
- Already have a project collecting books for Numeracy & Literacy assn.
Member Talk – Stan Baseley. gave us a fun talk about his life. Born in 1939 - 10 minutes before his twin brother. Stans family have twins in every second generation. Grew up in Artarmon. There were 7 sets of twins at his school. (must have been something in the water!!) in Artarmon.
Stan can trace his family back to 15th century. There were princes and paupers. Stan said they were unfortunately the paupers. Had several jobs while still at school. They closed his high school after he left?
Started his working life at the electricity commission as an apprentice. Ultimately working for sales in the printing industry for 30 years. Travelled all over the Pacific.
Among other things, Stan was a very keen Dart player. Enjoyed the sport for 65 years. We were regaled with many humorous antics that Stan got up to in his working life. A very interesting and enjoyable talk. Thanks Stan.
Tony introduced our Guest speaker for the evening Marshall Dunn. Tony gave us an update on how Buddhists believe wives and husbands should treat each other. Many of us were trying to see if we ticked all the requirements. I know I was a failure.
Back on the actual topic, Marshalls expertise is Meditation and Spiritual Healing. He works for a number of organisations and individuals helping them to appreciate and know themselves.
To cherry pick some of the things he said;
Forgotten what it means to be human versus doing things (activities).
Exercise of pointing at ourselves. Most people point at their core – their heart.
We are often victims of our fears and it affects our behaviour.
Fallen out of alignment. Opportunity to realign.
Deeper dive in to our essence.
Feel the energy (positive or negative) of others.
Heart is our guiding compass.
Meditation is the enabler.
Instead of heads and tails, Sergeant Colin conducted a very interesting segment of picking song / singers. Winner was Barry Freeman who won a Cyber Bottle of wine. He now needs to hack in to it.
Steve Baker, Night Reporter
Etiquette for zoom meetings
Best Practice Suggestions:
Invest in a high-quality headset and webcam. Most laptops now include these, but for those with dated equipment, this purchase is a must.
Internet - minimum suggested speeds are 20 mbs/download, and 10 mbs/upload.
Present yourself positioned in front of a professional environment, free of distractions, with adequate foreground lighting and minimum background lighting to ensure a visible face to the camera.
Webcam zoom. Ideally, project your face and upper body; no more and no less.
“Can you hear me?” Members are encouraged to avoid the temptation to begin their speaking portion with a question, such as “Can you hear me?” – assume you can be heard.
Sit still when your camera is on…. People moving around consistently is distracting to others especially when someone is speaking.
Have audio on only during speaking portions. In order to minimise distractions, please mute yourself during your non-speaking portions. Your mic should be activated (located in the bottom part of your screen when in the meeting) as soon as your turn begins.
o Pro-tip. Using the space bar acts as a mic-open button. Start with your mic muted, pressing and holding the space bar opens your mic. Releasing the space bar closes your mic.
Cheers. Carol.
Invest in a high-quality headset and webcam. Most laptops now include these, but for those with dated equipment, this purchase is a must.
Internet - minimum suggested speeds are 20 mbs/download, and 10 mbs/upload.
Present yourself positioned in front of a professional environment, free of distractions, with adequate foreground lighting and minimum background lighting to ensure a visible face to the camera.
Webcam zoom. Ideally, project your face and upper body; no more and no less.
“Can you hear me?” Members are encouraged to avoid the temptation to begin their speaking portion with a question, such as “Can you hear me?” – assume you can be heard.
Sit still when your camera is on…. People moving around consistently is distracting to others especially when someone is speaking.
Have audio on only during speaking portions. In order to minimise distractions, please mute yourself during your non-speaking portions. Your mic should be activated (located in the bottom part of your screen when in the meeting) as soon as your turn begins.
o Pro-tip. Using the space bar acts as a mic-open button. Start with your mic muted, pressing and holding the space bar opens your mic. Releasing the space bar closes your mic.
Cheers. Carol.

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Covid-19 and the Club
Our Club Needs Training - Please Volunteer
Training is on-line and takes about 20 minutes – so a few could do it
The training has been developed for anyone working in NSW food retail and food service businesses and covers key measures recommended for COVID-19 control. Key topics addressed:
There is a 20 question multiple-choice quiz at the end.
A ‘COVID-19 awareness for food service’ acknowledgement certificate will be emailed to all participants who complete the quiz.
The training has been developed for anyone working in NSW food retail and food service businesses and covers key measures recommended for COVID-19 control. Key topics addressed:
- COVID-19 Introduction and background
- Infection, signs and symptoms
- Self-protective measures
- Protective measures for premises and personal hygiene
- Cleaning and sanitation practices
- Social distancing measures
- Record keeping.
There is a 20 question multiple-choice quiz at the end.
A ‘COVID-19 awareness for food service’ acknowledgement certificate will be emailed to all participants who complete the quiz.
... and We Should be Covid Safe at Our Activities
Centurion Program and Centurion Membership application
We are now in a new Rotary Year. Please consider renewing your Centurion membership, or if not already a member, why not make this the year to become a Centurion!!!
How you can become a Rotary Foundation Centurion?
Centurion Program Donation Instructions for WPHC Rotary Club - 2020.
How you can become a Rotary Foundation Centurion?
Centurion Program Donation Instructions for WPHC Rotary Club - 2020.
Club Calendar
Editor's Note: If you wish to download and print the Calendar please click here.

27_jul_20_21_rotary_calendar.pdf | |
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Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
Bulletin Editor - Bob
Meetings |
Monday 6:30pm for 7:00pm - Springfield House - 245 New Line Road, Dural 2158
and Zoom Monday 7:15 for 7:30pm - on alternate weeks - see Club Program for details. |
Apologies |
For Springfield meetings, If you are unable to attend or are bringing a guest (even if they are your partner) you must notify Julie. Email [email protected] before 1pm on the Friday before the meeting.
Please no communication via phone (either verbal or SMS) |
If you are expected and do not show you will be required to pay for the meal.
Significant Club Fundraising Events during the year
2019 Trivia Night
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 17 August 2019 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising near $6,600 all of which will go to assist drought relief. Click this link to read more. |
The Garage Sale 2019
We have just had our best and most successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 12 & 13 October raising a gross - north of $35k.
Excellent Project Management and a large number of dedicated volunteers, some putting in hours of effort, in the weeks before the weekend contributed to this result. |
What it takes to be a Rotarian
There are members of the community who may have some misunderstandings about what it takes to be a Rotarian.
We are always looking for new members and, in fact, it is new people joining that keeps us alive as a Service club. From time to time I hear people say things that make me think they don't consider joining or even visiting Rotary for all the wrong reasons.
This article is about the things you don't need to join Rotary, and the things you do, just in case you are not sure. The other thing you should know is that we are a very friendly bunch of men and women and we have a lot of fun, as well as achieving some pretty good things in the community.
We are always looking for new members and, in fact, it is new people joining that keeps us alive as a Service club. From time to time I hear people say things that make me think they don't consider joining or even visiting Rotary for all the wrong reasons.
This article is about the things you don't need to join Rotary, and the things you do, just in case you are not sure. The other thing you should know is that we are a very friendly bunch of men and women and we have a lot of fun, as well as achieving some pretty good things in the community.