Photo: Cherrybrook metro station by John Cowper
Upcoming Events
We are back having meetings in Springfield House. However, due to availability of the venue. The alternate week arrangement with Zoom may not be strictly adhered to. Some meetings may occur on other weekdays instead of customary Mondays. Please consult your calendar for changes.
Ros Hogan is the Attendance Officer for face-to-face meetings at Springfield. If bringing a partner or not able to attend, please notify Ros via email Ros Hogan [email protected] by 12noon on the Thursday prior to a face-to-face meeting. Charges for non-attendance will be incurred unless previously advised.
Ros Hogan is the Attendance Officer for face-to-face meetings at Springfield. If bringing a partner or not able to attend, please notify Ros via email Ros Hogan [email protected] by 12noon on the Thursday prior to a face-to-face meeting. Charges for non-attendance will be incurred unless previously advised.
Club Zoom Meetings
7:15pm for 7:30pm
Mon 31 January 2022
Venue: TBA |
Mon 06 February 2021
Venue: TBA |
Duty Roster
With COVID lockdowns now ending and even more restrictions being eased, effective 08/11/2021, we appreciate that many Club members may be eager to get out and about and take the chance to have a holiday. So, if you are going to be absent from meetings and events in the months up until July next year, please notify Janelle via email.
Equally now that we are back to face-to-face meetings at Springfield it’s important that we get back into the swing of advising Frank of numbers attending by the Thursday prior to Monday meetings. As per our existing RSVP procedures, if you are not attending you need to advise Ros Hogan otherwise you will be charged the cost of the meal.
Thanks for your patience and understanding with these matters – it’s all part of adjusting to life post COVID!
Equally now that we are back to face-to-face meetings at Springfield it’s important that we get back into the swing of advising Frank of numbers attending by the Thursday prior to Monday meetings. As per our existing RSVP procedures, if you are not attending you need to advise Ros Hogan otherwise you will be charged the cost of the meal.
Thanks for your patience and understanding with these matters – it’s all part of adjusting to life post COVID!
Do Browse Through This Website
This website is not just the bulletin. There are many useful information within. Please use the heading buttons at the top to the right of the Club's Rotary Logo and dropdown menus to navigate to other areas of interests. Just be aware that some information may not be up-to-date but come back often. It is a dynamic site and will be updated periodically.
President Keith's Report 06 December 2021
It is good to see the efforts of Max and Peter resulted in a successful Polling Day BBQ using the Club BBQ Trailer. Andrew and Tony have since run their slide rules over the event. I will allow them to announce the dollar profit.
Being the first Monday in December, we held our AGM. The audited accounts for 2020-21 were presented and accepted. We also achieved a full complement of nominees for the 2022-23 Board. An excellent outcome. Dame Barbara’s presentation on the Order of St John of Jerusalem Knights Hospitaller contained numerous photos of Malta. These demonstrated civilisation repeatedly building on the sites of their forbears. Next week on Monday we will have wrapping/collation of presents as nominated by our various charities. Congratulations to Bernard and Colin for near daily collection of presents from Cherrybrook and Westleigh Centres. On Tuesday we will have our Kris Kringle at Springfield House. Stay Safe Keith |
Petition for Guest Speaker recommendations
Please contact John Caruana if you know of any prospective guest speakers of interest to the club [email protected] Mob: 0417 394 854 |
Night Report - 06 December 2021
Sergeant David opened the meeting in the absence of President Keith who turned up a few minutes later.
Tony Makin
NB: An error transpired in the 29/11 Night Report that Peter Stanton has volunteered for the position of Development Officer. Ed.
- David proposed the toast.
- Presidents report:
- Welcomed all to the AGM followed by an address by Dame Barbara Abley.
- Keith noted apologies from Bernard Chandra, Janelle Craig and Paul Laroumanie.
- Director’s reports:
- Fund Raising – Max
- Local elections BBQ at Coonara Shops had been a success after a slow start. Max thanked all who attended, especially Peter for organising the event and to Tony Coote for delivering the trailer. Sales totalled $1,036, including $814 for food, $46 for drinks and $87 donations. Tony Coote reported total expenses of $568 which included stock for future BBQs. Net profit approximately $750.
- Max asked for volunteers for the Bunnings BBQ on Sunday.
- Max also confirmed that he is finalising the bookings for the SMYT show, the Adams Family, on 28Jan22. $37 per seat plus dinner.
- Community Service – Cawas
- Noted by David that only 82 presents have been received of a total of 1,053 cards. Colin Sharpe reported that Westleigh is progressing well.
- Youth - Rosemary
- $200 vouchers have been presented to two public schools.
- RYLA Zoom meeting last Friday confirmed that RYLA is on track for January.
- Club Service - Janelle
- Keith reported for Janelle – important to report attendance of partners when providing numbers for meetings to Ros Hogan. Note that Ros does not know how much has been paid into the club account for bookings.
- Janelle confirmed maximum price for presents for the Kris Kringle is $15.
- Tony Coote
- Referred to the audited accounts and noted the Club’s thanks to Paul for his work as Treasurer.
- Rotary Foundation – David
- Centurion contributions to be sent to RI in a couple of weeks.
- Membership – Carol
- Confirmed that Paul Laroumanie has tendered his formal resignation.
- Keith then handed over the meeting to Douglas for the Annual General Meeting – refer to separate minutes of this meeting.
- Following the AGM, John Caruana introduced the guest speaker – Dame Barbara Abley AM GCSJ FACN, Medal of Merit from the Order of St John of Jerusalem Knights Hospitaller in Australia. He also confirmed he is a member of the Order.
- Barbara has Qualifications in Health, Management, Nursing, Internal Auditing (Aged Care), is an Australian College of Nursing Fellow. She was honoured to receive an Order of Australia, in 2007. She served three terms 2001-2012 on the Greater Geelong Council; Mayor (2 years) and was the first female to hold this position in Geelong’s history.
- She is a current Rotarian of 29 years standing, has served twice as President, awarded a Paul Harris Fellow (with Sapphire). She was a awarded a Lions International Medal of Merit by the World President – a rarity for a Rotarian.
- Barbara was invested into the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem Knights Hospitaller in 1998 and is the Prior (Leader) of the Victorian Priory.
- Barbara presented a colourful powerpoint including pictures of the Order ceremonies and lots of pictures of Malta which has been the base for the order since 1630.
- The order was established 1,000 years ago and has 2,000 members worldwide. Numbers are growing.
- Members enter the order by invitation only and must be Christian, of good character and having contributed to society.
- The order engages in humanitarian projects and is funded entirely from its own members, friends of members and donations.
- The order meets bimonthly and concentrates on projects for the very poor and very underprivileged.
- KB thanked Barbara for her presentation and closed the meeting. Keith noted that the next meeting is on Tuesday – Christmas meeting at Springfield. Tree of Joy wrapping is at David’s house on Monday at 7.00pm.
Tony Makin
NB: An error transpired in the 29/11 Night Report that Peter Stanton has volunteered for the position of Development Officer. Ed.
AGM 2021 Minutes Draft
Download draft minutes here
Social Calendar 2021-2022
Kris Kringle - 14th December Springfield House
President’s Lunch - Saturday 22nd January at Vanilla Cream at Amaroo Park
SYMT Addams Family - 28th January Hornsby RSL
Lunch @ Il Lago Norwest - Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Book Sale Dinner - Saturday 12th March at WPH Sports Club
BBQ at Fagan Park - Monday 21st March
Tony Coote
President’s Lunch - Saturday 22nd January at Vanilla Cream at Amaroo Park
SYMT Addams Family - 28th January Hornsby RSL
Lunch @ Il Lago Norwest - Wednesday 2nd March 2022
Book Sale Dinner - Saturday 12th March at WPH Sports Club
BBQ at Fagan Park - Monday 21st March
Tony Coote
Friendship Meals
Hosted by Ros & Gino - Guests were Rosemary & Rob Clarke, Lynne & Max Henderson, Carol Russell
Welfare Report
What's included in the kit? Kits include: Gingerbread house, icing, cake board, limited lollies for decorations,
and packaging (so you can take your creations home!).
Extra lollies will be available for purchase on the day. BYO lollies and decorations are encouraged!
Ticketing: Each ticket includes ONE gingerbread house kit.
Pricing is dependent on the number of people (max 4) who will be working on the one kit.
and packaging (so you can take your creations home!).
Extra lollies will be available for purchase on the day. BYO lollies and decorations are encouraged!
Ticketing: Each ticket includes ONE gingerbread house kit.
Pricing is dependent on the number of people (max 4) who will be working on the one kit.
Pre-order Prices:
Ticket price for 1-2 people: $25
Ticket price for 3 people: $30
Ticket price for 4 people: $35
To pre-order, please visit:
At-door Prices (while stocks last):
Ticket price for 1-2 people: $30
Ticket price for 3 people: $35
Ticket price for 4 people: $40
Have questions, want to get in touch or know more about what we do?
Email us at [email protected] or give us a ring at 0468 302 202.
Check out our website for more about what we do!
Ticket price for 1-2 people: $25
Ticket price for 3 people: $30
Ticket price for 4 people: $35
To pre-order, please visit:
At-door Prices (while stocks last):
Ticket price for 1-2 people: $30
Ticket price for 3 people: $35
Ticket price for 4 people: $40
Have questions, want to get in touch or know more about what we do?
Email us at [email protected] or give us a ring at 0468 302 202.
Check out our website for more about what we do!
Street Libraries Update
You may have noticed that street libraries are springing up in peoples’ gardens, especially if you have been doing a lot of walking as we have during the lockdown. It seems that the Board noticed too. They decided that it would be nice to have one, two, three - make it four at various locations.
A suitable design was sourced – like the one at the end of New Line Road but taller to accommodate a shelf.
Cawas provided some marine ply courtesy of mates’ rates at Bunnings and I went to Bunnings and Mitre10 about a dozen times to purchase the other bits.
So with the help of Peter and Tony we assembled the structures, I painted them and Colin Sharpe provided some polycarbonate for the windows. It took a while but they came together well.
Now we needed a post to fix them to. Bunnings had some woofy posts designed for post boxes but Mitre10 came up with galvanised beasts suitable as a foundation for a tower block.
An erection team was organised of David, George, Keith, Bob and me and we burst into action like a well oiled machine – well actually more like a council work gang with one person doing all the work and rest watching. We decided that Bev’s place was a good place to start since it is a relatively quiet street.
Bob came up with a crowbar the size of a tooth pick and we set about digging a hole in the incredibly hard ground. At about 400mm we decided to stop before we encountered a 33kV cable and set up the post in lots of rapid setting concrete.
Bev provided an excellent morning tea while we waited for the concrete to go hard.
Finally we lugged the box into place and bolted it down.
The only thing missing is the Rotary sign. This has been ordered and will be fixed later. It is large enough for the Amazon astronauts to read it on their next trip.
Colin Sharpe did a nice job of fixing his to his letter box and even painted the inside (they had already had two coats of lacquer but the paint is a nice touch and we fully expect Anne to install curtains).
Next week the council work gang is reassembling to install Carol’s library.
Thanks to the team and thanks to Bev, Carol and Colin Sharpe for providing the locations. The fourth will be fixed at the Uniting Church when Neville returns from wherever he is this week.
Tony Makin
A suitable design was sourced – like the one at the end of New Line Road but taller to accommodate a shelf.
Cawas provided some marine ply courtesy of mates’ rates at Bunnings and I went to Bunnings and Mitre10 about a dozen times to purchase the other bits.
So with the help of Peter and Tony we assembled the structures, I painted them and Colin Sharpe provided some polycarbonate for the windows. It took a while but they came together well.
Now we needed a post to fix them to. Bunnings had some woofy posts designed for post boxes but Mitre10 came up with galvanised beasts suitable as a foundation for a tower block.
An erection team was organised of David, George, Keith, Bob and me and we burst into action like a well oiled machine – well actually more like a council work gang with one person doing all the work and rest watching. We decided that Bev’s place was a good place to start since it is a relatively quiet street.
Bob came up with a crowbar the size of a tooth pick and we set about digging a hole in the incredibly hard ground. At about 400mm we decided to stop before we encountered a 33kV cable and set up the post in lots of rapid setting concrete.
Bev provided an excellent morning tea while we waited for the concrete to go hard.
Finally we lugged the box into place and bolted it down.
The only thing missing is the Rotary sign. This has been ordered and will be fixed later. It is large enough for the Amazon astronauts to read it on their next trip.
Colin Sharpe did a nice job of fixing his to his letter box and even painted the inside (they had already had two coats of lacquer but the paint is a nice touch and we fully expect Anne to install curtains).
Next week the council work gang is reassembling to install Carol’s library.
Thanks to the team and thanks to Bev, Carol and Colin Sharpe for providing the locations. The fourth will be fixed at the Uniting Church when Neville returns from wherever he is this week.
Tony Makin
The team continued their exploits
Erection of Street Library at Carol Russell's Business Premises
Erection of Street Library at Carol Russell's Business Premises
Recent articles in Dooral Roundup by Carol Russell
Keep up the good work Carol
Email From NTA
rom: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, 25 October 2021 9:08 AM
To: 'Peter Stanton'
Cc: 'Stephanie Heighes'; 'Keith Ball '; 'Tony Coote'
Subject: Thanks from the NTA
Dear Peter and the Rotary Club of West Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook
Many thanks for your support for the NTA. Your donation helps to make a big difference to the lives of poor farming communities living in south east Indonesia.
The last 2 years have been particularly challenging for everyone. While it has been tough for our recipient communities we can take stock in the things we have been able to achieve:
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like any further information or clarification.
Once again many thanks for your support
Sent: Monday, 25 October 2021 9:08 AM
To: 'Peter Stanton'
Cc: 'Stephanie Heighes'; 'Keith Ball '; 'Tony Coote'
Subject: Thanks from the NTA
Dear Peter and the Rotary Club of West Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook
Many thanks for your support for the NTA. Your donation helps to make a big difference to the lives of poor farming communities living in south east Indonesia.
The last 2 years have been particularly challenging for everyone. While it has been tough for our recipient communities we can take stock in the things we have been able to achieve:
- We have just celebrated our 30th birthday. We have been successfully implementing programs in Indonesia for 3 decades.
- Our COVID and cyclone appeals have been our most successful appeals ever, raising collectively some $25 000. This has allowed us to quickly and easily roll out COVID messaging and prevention measures including hand washing stations, soap, posters and banners into all of our schools and communities. We are currently working with communities and local governments to help NTA supported schools severely impacted by the Cyclone Sejora to bounce back to full capacity.
- We held our most successful fund raising dinner ever with 122 attendees and we raised $8000.
- Our peak partner, NTA Indonesia, has shown great capacity and resourcefulness to maintain our activities around the COVID restrictions and while NTA is unable to visit Indonesia.
- Our new program to promote traditional ikat weaving continues to expand and to attract high interest. This is aimed directly at improving livelihoods for women. We provide sewing machines and run training to diversify products, and improve quality and marketing.
- Our management systems continue to improve through the development of our computerised database systems. NTA Indonesia now uses tablets to record activity progress and photographs and to record answers to questions. This information is uploaded to the cloud providing real time information flow to NTA in Australia.
- We work to continuously improve our efforts to protect vulnerable people and to focus greater effort on those in need. We have developed improved systems and are providing training and guidance to our Indonesian counterparts.
- COVID has re energised and accelerated our efforts in health and sanitation. These are preventative measures not just for COVID but also for a host of other diseases and health issues prevalent in the region.
- WE will report our efforts for 2020-21 in our annual report which should be available in December.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like any further information or clarification.
Once again many thanks for your support
Westmead Institute of Medical Research
“COVID -19 Variants and Vaccines, the Lockdown update”
COVID-19: Variants & Vaccines, the Lockdown Update - YouTube
The presentation was accurate as of 9th July 2021. Some widening of the age group acceptability for the AstraZeneca vaccine have been made since that presentation date.
The 2 main speakers were Internationally renowned experts in immunology and vaccine development, Professor Tony Cunningham and Professor Sarah Palmer.
I have attached a link to that presentation. It is well worth watching.
I also took some Notes and attach for those who only wish to get a quick grab - but the notes don’t do the presentation justice.
Kind Regards
Colin McGowan
The 2 main speakers were Internationally renowned experts in immunology and vaccine development, Professor Tony Cunningham and Professor Sarah Palmer.
I have attached a link to that presentation. It is well worth watching.
I also took some Notes and attach for those who only wish to get a quick grab - but the notes don’t do the presentation justice.
Kind Regards
Colin McGowan
10 classical pieces that you have all heard.
How many did you manage to identify and name the composer? Answers: 1. Flight Of The Bumblebee -- Rimsky-Korsakov 2. Für Elise -- Beethoven 3. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik -- Mozart 4. Wedding March -- Mendelssohn 5. Marche Funèbre -- Chopin 6. Clair de Lune (Suite Bergamasque 3rd Mvnt) -- Debussy 7. Moonlight Sonata (Piano Sonata #14 1st Mvnt) -- Beethoven 8. Frühlingsstimmen (Voices Of Spring) -- Strauss II 9. Piano Sonata #16 (1st Mvnt) -- Mozart 10. Hungarian Dances #5 -- Brahms |
10 more this week. Answers in a fortnight.
Too easy? Too hard? More? Less? Suggestions welcome -- please send comments to [email protected] |
Covid Safe food handling
Training is on-line and takes about 20 minutes – so a few could do it
The training has been developed for anyone working in NSW food retail and food service businesses and covers key measures recommended for COVID-19 control. Key topics addressed:
There is a 20 question multiple-choice quiz at the end.
A ‘COVID-19 awareness for food service’ acknowledgement certificate will be emailed to all participants who complete the quiz.
The training has been developed for anyone working in NSW food retail and food service businesses and covers key measures recommended for COVID-19 control. Key topics addressed:
- COVID-19 Introduction and background
- Infection, signs and symptoms
- Self-protective measures
- Protective measures for premises and personal hygiene
- Cleaning and sanitation practices
- Social distancing measures
- Record keeping.
There is a 20 question multiple-choice quiz at the end.
A ‘COVID-19 awareness for food service’ acknowledgement certificate will be emailed to all participants who complete the quiz.
... and We Should be Covid Safe at Our Activities
Centurion Program and Centurion Membership application
We are now in a new Rotary Year. Please consider renewing your Centurion membership, or if not already a member, why not make this the year to become a Centurion!!!
How you can become a Rotary Foundation Centurion?
Centurion Program Donation Instructions for WPHC Rotary Club - 2020.
How you can become a Rotary Foundation Centurion?
Centurion Program Donation Instructions for WPHC Rotary Club - 2020.
Club Calendar
Editor's Note: If you wish to download and print the Calendar please click here.

club_calendar_2021-2022h.pdf | |
File Size: | 566 kb |
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Bulletin Editor - Douglas
Meetings |
Monday 6:30pm for 7:00pm - Springfield House - 245 New Line Road, Dural 2158
and Zoom Monday 7:15 for 7:30pm - on alternate weeks - see Club Program for details. |
Apologies |
For Springfield meetings, If you are unable to attend or are bringing a guest (even if they are your partner) you must notify Ros. Email: [email protected] before 1pm on the Thursday before the meeting.
For Springfield House meetings - if you are expected and do not show you will be required to pay for the meal.
Significant Club Fundraising Events during the year
2019 Trivia Night
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 17 August 2019 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising near $6,600 all of which will go to assist drought relief. Click this link to read more. |
The Garage Sale 2019
We have just had our best and most successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 12 & 13 October raising a gross - north of $35k.
Excellent Project Management and a large number of dedicated volunteers, some putting in hours of effort, in the weeks before the weekend contributed to this result. |
What it takes to be a Rotarian
There are members of the community who may have some misunderstandings about what it takes to be a Rotarian.
We are always looking for new members and, in fact, it is new people joining that keeps us alive as a Service club. From time to time I hear people say things that make me think they don't consider joining or even visiting Rotary for all the wrong reasons.
This article is about the things you don't need to join Rotary, and the things you do, just in case you are not sure. The other thing you should know is that we are a very friendly bunch of men and women and we have a lot of fun, as well as achieving some pretty good things in the community.
We are always looking for new members and, in fact, it is new people joining that keeps us alive as a Service club. From time to time I hear people say things that make me think they don't consider joining or even visiting Rotary for all the wrong reasons.
This article is about the things you don't need to join Rotary, and the things you do, just in case you are not sure. The other thing you should know is that we are a very friendly bunch of men and women and we have a lot of fun, as well as achieving some pretty good things in the community.