Photo: Cherrybrook metro station by John Cowper
Club Zoom Meetings
7:15pm for 7:30pm
Pop-Up Book Sale
No dates until further notice
Social Calendar May to July 2021
Sydney Youth Musical Theatre Friday 9th July at Hornsby RSL The Addams Family. Tickets $37 each Please contact Max Henderson if you would like to attend.
Postponed and refunded
Please contact Tony if you have not received a refund and is entitled to one.
Friendship Lunches/Dinners The next round of Friendship Lunches/Dinners is scheduled for around Weekend of 14th August. Please notify Tony Coote if you would like to be a host or a guest.
Tony Coote
Postponed and refunded
Please contact Tony if you have not received a refund and is entitled to one.
Friendship Lunches/Dinners The next round of Friendship Lunches/Dinners is scheduled for around Weekend of 14th August. Please notify Tony Coote if you would like to be a host or a guest.
Tony Coote
Duty Roster
If you are unable to be at the meeting please contact the person doing your role the following week/s, arrange a swap and advise Keith, so he can amend his records.
Also, to avoid being rostered on, please notify Keith of any upcoming known absences (eg holidays) from meetings in the next twelve months.
Also, to avoid being rostered on, please notify Keith of any upcoming known absences (eg holidays) from meetings in the next twelve months.
President Keith's Report 05 July 2021

Tonight some 24 members and guest attended our first meeting of the 2021-22 year. Yes, it was a Zoom Meeting.
Congratulations to Janelle for organising a Ted Talk.
I will discuss with Peter the possibility of requesting a Foundation Grant for NTA. We need to be quick as the deadline is 15 July.
Club Changeover is ‘pencilled in” for Sunday, 1st August. Over the next week expect to see efforts to firm this up.
Next week has been changed to a Zoom Meeting. His ensures that both Springfield House and the Club do not lose monies through extension of lockdown or hesitancy to attend. The Guest Speaker has agreed to give a Zoom presentation.
Vale to Col Gage. I remember several New Years Eves, with Col and our wives, finding a spot on the harbour to moor his boat and enjoy a quiet afternoon. Later, after the fireworks, motoring quietly back to home, only to be swamped by Howard zooming by in his motorised stink-pot. Farewell Col.
Stay Safe
Congratulations to Janelle for organising a Ted Talk.
I will discuss with Peter the possibility of requesting a Foundation Grant for NTA. We need to be quick as the deadline is 15 July.
Club Changeover is ‘pencilled in” for Sunday, 1st August. Over the next week expect to see efforts to firm this up.
Next week has been changed to a Zoom Meeting. His ensures that both Springfield House and the Club do not lose monies through extension of lockdown or hesitancy to attend. The Guest Speaker has agreed to give a Zoom presentation.
Vale to Col Gage. I remember several New Years Eves, with Col and our wives, finding a spot on the harbour to moor his boat and enjoy a quiet afternoon. Later, after the fireworks, motoring quietly back to home, only to be swamped by Howard zooming by in his motorised stink-pot. Farewell Col.
Stay Safe
Night Report - 05 July
Max in his role of Acting Sergeant opened the Meeting at 7.33pm
Adrian was invited to give the toast- to Rotary, Australia and No more lockdowns.
President Keith welcomed everyone including prospective member Alex Jugueta. It was noted that Alex was due to be inducted next week but as it will be a Zoom meeting the induction will be deferred until it can be done at the next live meeting.
Sunday 1st August has been pencilled in for the deferred Changeover at Springfield House.
We were advised that John Carauna’s mother recently passed away and John was understandingly not up to giving his members talk tonight. We offer our thought to John and his family.
Directors Reports:
David Turnbull is representing Foundation. He advised District grants are still available with 2 weeks to run for submissions. Peter Stanton to liaise with David re NTA.
David and Keith each gave a short eulogy on their memories of past member Colin Gage who passed away recently.
Carol advised there is a Club writeup in the Dooral Round up Magazine, a publication put out by the Dural and Round Corner Chamber of Commerce. The article also featured recently on Facebook.
Peter Stanton gave an update on International and advised District is keen to close the financial year with us but is still waiting for a report from RC of Phuket (Patong Beach)- our JV partner in this aid programme. Peter also advised of some changes on foot with respect to our NTA aid involvement (Nusa Tenggara Association in Indonesia). This continue to be WIP.
Cawas, our Community Services Director advised he had nothing to report.
Edwina- reported her Vocational team were awarded a Certificate from District for Vocational Services.
Rosemary - Youth Report. The Santos Science Experience was supposed to have been held this week – but now postponed until 22-24 Sept holidays.
Our RYPEN student has applied for the National Science Forum. Interviewed by Rosemary and Janelle. Good application and awaiting outcome.
Jason will be busy with his District Rotaract role and we need to help him grow his Club numbers and help out where we can as we are their sponsor club.
Janelle - Janelle advised she has taken over from Keith this year as the Club Services Director and she thanked him for his hard work in this role during the past year. So as an update on current issues in this portfolio, a few things to note:
If you are unable to be at the meeting please contact the person doing your role the following week/s, arrange a swap and advise Janelle, so she can amend her records.
Also, to avoid being rostered on, please notify Janelle of any upcoming known absences (eg holidays) from meetings in the next twelve months.
Ros Hogan is now the Attendance Officer. For Springfield meetings, if bringing a partner or not able to attend, please notify Ros via email Ros Hogan <[email protected]>
And to reiterate what Tony Coote as Treasurer said, attendance must be notified to Ros by 12noon on the Thursday prior to a face-to-face meeting at Springfield otherwise charges will be incurred.
Jim Simpson has taken on the role as Welfare Officer. Please advise Jim of any welfare issues or updates, particularly health and wellbeing of current and former members, so that the Club can respond and assist if required.
John Caruana has taken on the role as Speaker recruiter. Please let him know of anyone who would make an engaging speaker for our meetings.
Tony Coote- SYMT did not go ahead. He has refunded the monies paid but if you didn’t get your refund let him know.
Friendship Meals- start around mid-August. Let Tony know if you want to participate.
Social Committee – first meeting 22nd July at Tony’s place if possible, otherwise by Zoom.
Annual Fees are now payable -$300 for full year or $150 for half year. Tony will be sending out an email with the General Accounts details etc.
Max – Fund Raising. Max thanked Bill and Kerry Mann who have agreed to continue to run the Bunnings BBQ’s.
Fund Raising this 12mths- with the COVID uncertainty we need to come up with ideas for events that can be cancelled at short notice so as to not waste manpower that is involved in large setup events. He drew the analogy between the Book sale which requires a big effort from a lot of people and the Trivia night which is less intensive. His thoughts, subject to Committee discussion is not to hold the Book sale each month but may be every two months. He confirmed there will be no book sale this month and Andrew Little will take it down from our website.
Members Talk. In the absence of a members talk Janelle did some research on suitable TED talks (TED Conferences (Technology, Entertainment, Design -an American media organization that posts talks online for free distribution under the slogan "ideas worth spreading)
Janelle found two which she thought would be interesting and uplifting, one of which was viewed tonight.
It was titled “What makes a good life- lessons from the longitudinal study on happiness”, presented by Robert Waldinger. This was a report on a unique annual study of 724 men over 75 years. There are 64 men still alive and participating in the study. The men were drawn from two groups, one from college students at Harvard who later left for WW2 and the other from the boys in the impoverished neighbourhoods of Boston in the 1930’s. The study continues with 2,000 of their children now involved.
In summary the study revealed that while many young people tend to think that fame, fortune, and hard work will bring them happiness, it's actually our social connections that are most important for our wellbeing.
TED talks can be accessed on line through U Tube.
Sgt Max then wound up the Meeting with a True and False question game. Nobody won (ie, guessed the correct answers for all the questions), but Max pushed on with a couple more to see if the light came on for anyone.
P Keith thanked everyone and confirmed that next week’s meeting will also be by Zoom.
Colin McGowan
Night Reporter
Adrian was invited to give the toast- to Rotary, Australia and No more lockdowns.
President Keith welcomed everyone including prospective member Alex Jugueta. It was noted that Alex was due to be inducted next week but as it will be a Zoom meeting the induction will be deferred until it can be done at the next live meeting.
Sunday 1st August has been pencilled in for the deferred Changeover at Springfield House.
We were advised that John Carauna’s mother recently passed away and John was understandingly not up to giving his members talk tonight. We offer our thought to John and his family.
Directors Reports:
David Turnbull is representing Foundation. He advised District grants are still available with 2 weeks to run for submissions. Peter Stanton to liaise with David re NTA.
David and Keith each gave a short eulogy on their memories of past member Colin Gage who passed away recently.
Carol advised there is a Club writeup in the Dooral Round up Magazine, a publication put out by the Dural and Round Corner Chamber of Commerce. The article also featured recently on Facebook.
Peter Stanton gave an update on International and advised District is keen to close the financial year with us but is still waiting for a report from RC of Phuket (Patong Beach)- our JV partner in this aid programme. Peter also advised of some changes on foot with respect to our NTA aid involvement (Nusa Tenggara Association in Indonesia). This continue to be WIP.
Cawas, our Community Services Director advised he had nothing to report.
Edwina- reported her Vocational team were awarded a Certificate from District for Vocational Services.
Rosemary - Youth Report. The Santos Science Experience was supposed to have been held this week – but now postponed until 22-24 Sept holidays.
Our RYPEN student has applied for the National Science Forum. Interviewed by Rosemary and Janelle. Good application and awaiting outcome.
Jason will be busy with his District Rotaract role and we need to help him grow his Club numbers and help out where we can as we are their sponsor club.
Janelle - Janelle advised she has taken over from Keith this year as the Club Services Director and she thanked him for his hard work in this role during the past year. So as an update on current issues in this portfolio, a few things to note:
If you are unable to be at the meeting please contact the person doing your role the following week/s, arrange a swap and advise Janelle, so she can amend her records.
Also, to avoid being rostered on, please notify Janelle of any upcoming known absences (eg holidays) from meetings in the next twelve months.
Ros Hogan is now the Attendance Officer. For Springfield meetings, if bringing a partner or not able to attend, please notify Ros via email Ros Hogan <[email protected]>
And to reiterate what Tony Coote as Treasurer said, attendance must be notified to Ros by 12noon on the Thursday prior to a face-to-face meeting at Springfield otherwise charges will be incurred.
Jim Simpson has taken on the role as Welfare Officer. Please advise Jim of any welfare issues or updates, particularly health and wellbeing of current and former members, so that the Club can respond and assist if required.
John Caruana has taken on the role as Speaker recruiter. Please let him know of anyone who would make an engaging speaker for our meetings.
Tony Coote- SYMT did not go ahead. He has refunded the monies paid but if you didn’t get your refund let him know.
Friendship Meals- start around mid-August. Let Tony know if you want to participate.
Social Committee – first meeting 22nd July at Tony’s place if possible, otherwise by Zoom.
Annual Fees are now payable -$300 for full year or $150 for half year. Tony will be sending out an email with the General Accounts details etc.
Max – Fund Raising. Max thanked Bill and Kerry Mann who have agreed to continue to run the Bunnings BBQ’s.
Fund Raising this 12mths- with the COVID uncertainty we need to come up with ideas for events that can be cancelled at short notice so as to not waste manpower that is involved in large setup events. He drew the analogy between the Book sale which requires a big effort from a lot of people and the Trivia night which is less intensive. His thoughts, subject to Committee discussion is not to hold the Book sale each month but may be every two months. He confirmed there will be no book sale this month and Andrew Little will take it down from our website.
Members Talk. In the absence of a members talk Janelle did some research on suitable TED talks (TED Conferences (Technology, Entertainment, Design -an American media organization that posts talks online for free distribution under the slogan "ideas worth spreading)
Janelle found two which she thought would be interesting and uplifting, one of which was viewed tonight.
It was titled “What makes a good life- lessons from the longitudinal study on happiness”, presented by Robert Waldinger. This was a report on a unique annual study of 724 men over 75 years. There are 64 men still alive and participating in the study. The men were drawn from two groups, one from college students at Harvard who later left for WW2 and the other from the boys in the impoverished neighbourhoods of Boston in the 1930’s. The study continues with 2,000 of their children now involved.
In summary the study revealed that while many young people tend to think that fame, fortune, and hard work will bring them happiness, it's actually our social connections that are most important for our wellbeing.
TED talks can be accessed on line through U Tube.
Sgt Max then wound up the Meeting with a True and False question game. Nobody won (ie, guessed the correct answers for all the questions), but Max pushed on with a couple more to see if the light came on for anyone.
P Keith thanked everyone and confirmed that next week’s meeting will also be by Zoom.
Colin McGowan
Night Reporter
Sydney Rowing Club Lunch 20 June
26 members and Partners spent a relaxing lunch at Watergrill at Sydney Rowing Club on Sunday. The rain held off (mostly) so most of us took the ferry from Rydalmere to Abbotsford. Its an interesting trip and a bit different arriving by boat. The food was good, the grog was on the expensive side, but overall it was fun and we would certainly go back. A special welcome to Alex and Jocelyn, who fitted into the group very well.
Jill and David Turnbull's 50 Anniversary
Photos from Coonabarabran
21 June Coonabarabran Presentation |
Pop-Up Book Sale now at Cherrybrook Uniting Sale
(waterproof since now indoors)
Next Sale: Watch this Space
Club Changeover at Springfield House - 01 August
SYMT Presents "The Addams Family" on Friday 9 July
POSTPONED - refunded
“The Addams Family” presented by Sydney Youth Musical Theatre at Hornsby RSL Club, 7:30pm on Friday 9 July 2021 Tickets $37.00.
The Addams Family have lived in their unique values for hundreds of years; however, the family encounters an unforeseen obstacle when Wednesday, now eighteen years old, decides to introduce her new “normal” boyfriend, Lucas Beineke, to the family. Wednesday has found herself experiencing a surprising new sensation, one that frightens both her and her family; she has fallen in love. In protest, Uncle Fester enlists the help of the Addam’s ancestors to call an end to the young budding romance. Morticia, Gomez and Pugsley worry about her changing ways. As the Addams and Beinekes come together for dinner one fateful evening, chaos ensues, and the two families find themselves admitting deep secrets and come together in ways they never would have imagined. The Addams family must face up to the one horrible thing they’ve managed to avoid for generations: change. Guests welcome, eg grandchildren. As with previous productions the suggestion is we dine in the bistro prior to the show, say 6.00pm. Please make your payment ($37.00pp) into the club’s General Account by 30 June and identify your payment with your Surname and "SYMT". |
TRIVIA NIGHT Saturday 18th September 2021
Colin Gage PP 1993-1994 of this club
Funeral Service -- Tuesday, 13 July at 11.15am
Palm Chapel, MacQuarie Park Cemetery & Crematorium
Corner Delhi & Plassey Roads, North Ryde
Funeral Service -- Tuesday, 13 July at 11.15am
Palm Chapel, MacQuarie Park Cemetery & Crematorium
Corner Delhi & Plassey Roads, North Ryde
Welfare Report
Great News!! Peter Cleary is recovering well. All signs showing his internal organs are functioning normal.
He will be visiting a specialist in July to discuss operation of his gall bladder.
Ros Bushell (partner of Dick Bushell - ex-member of the club) is home after a bone marrow transplant. Although she suffered a blood clot in her lungs she is improving steadily. However, she is still very weak and require wheelchair support for external activities.
There will be chemo-therapy down the line.
Steve Baker is being diagnosed of suffering from Ocular Myasthenia Gravis. He started medication on 1st June. Responding to drugs well. Still have double vision.
Colin McGowan Shingles problem is still vexing but manageable.
He will be visiting a specialist in July to discuss operation of his gall bladder.
Ros Bushell (partner of Dick Bushell - ex-member of the club) is home after a bone marrow transplant. Although she suffered a blood clot in her lungs she is improving steadily. However, she is still very weak and require wheelchair support for external activities.
There will be chemo-therapy down the line.
Steve Baker is being diagnosed of suffering from Ocular Myasthenia Gravis. He started medication on 1st June. Responding to drugs well. Still have double vision.
Colin McGowan Shingles problem is still vexing but manageable.
Humour of the week
Rotaract - Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook Club
pennant_hills_cherrybrook_rotaract_club_31_march_2021_newsletter.pdf | |
File Size: | 1835 kb |
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Covid Safe food handling
Training is on-line and takes about 20 minutes – so a few could do it
The training has been developed for anyone working in NSW food retail and food service businesses and covers key measures recommended for COVID-19 control. Key topics addressed:
There is a 20 question multiple-choice quiz at the end.
A ‘COVID-19 awareness for food service’ acknowledgement certificate will be emailed to all participants who complete the quiz.
The training has been developed for anyone working in NSW food retail and food service businesses and covers key measures recommended for COVID-19 control. Key topics addressed:
- COVID-19 Introduction and background
- Infection, signs and symptoms
- Self-protective measures
- Protective measures for premises and personal hygiene
- Cleaning and sanitation practices
- Social distancing measures
- Record keeping.
There is a 20 question multiple-choice quiz at the end.
A ‘COVID-19 awareness for food service’ acknowledgement certificate will be emailed to all participants who complete the quiz.
... and We Should be Covid Safe at Our Activities
Centurion Program and Centurion Membership application
We are now in a new Rotary Year. Please consider renewing your Centurion membership, or if not already a member, why not make this the year to become a Centurion!!!
How you can become a Rotary Foundation Centurion?
Centurion Program Donation Instructions for WPHC Rotary Club - 2020.
How you can become a Rotary Foundation Centurion?
Centurion Program Donation Instructions for WPHC Rotary Club - 2020.
Club Calendar
Editor's Note: If you wish to download and print the Calendar please click here.

20_21_rotary_calendar_05_jul_21.pdf | |
File Size: | 159 kb |
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Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
Bulletin Editor - Douglas
Meetings |
Monday 6:30pm for 7:00pm - Springfield House - 245 New Line Road, Dural 2158
and Zoom Monday 7:15 for 7:30pm - on alternate weeks - see Club Program for details. |
Apologies |
For Springfield meetings, If you are unable to attend or are bringing a guest (even if they are your partner) you must notify Julie. Email [email protected] before 1pm on the Thursday before the meeting.
Please no communication via phone (either verbal or SMS) |
If you are expected and do not show you will be required to pay for the meal.
Significant Club Fundraising Events during the year
2019 Trivia Night
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 17 August 2019 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising near $6,600 all of which will go to assist drought relief. Click this link to read more. |
The Garage Sale 2019
We have just had our best and most successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 12 & 13 October raising a gross - north of $35k.
Excellent Project Management and a large number of dedicated volunteers, some putting in hours of effort, in the weeks before the weekend contributed to this result. |
What it takes to be a Rotarian
There are members of the community who may have some misunderstandings about what it takes to be a Rotarian.
We are always looking for new members and, in fact, it is new people joining that keeps us alive as a Service club. From time to time I hear people say things that make me think they don't consider joining or even visiting Rotary for all the wrong reasons.
This article is about the things you don't need to join Rotary, and the things you do, just in case you are not sure. The other thing you should know is that we are a very friendly bunch of men and women and we have a lot of fun, as well as achieving some pretty good things in the community.
We are always looking for new members and, in fact, it is new people joining that keeps us alive as a Service club. From time to time I hear people say things that make me think they don't consider joining or even visiting Rotary for all the wrong reasons.
This article is about the things you don't need to join Rotary, and the things you do, just in case you are not sure. The other thing you should know is that we are a very friendly bunch of men and women and we have a lot of fun, as well as achieving some pretty good things in the community.