President's Report

It is good to be back at Rotary meetings after a wonderful 2 months leave.
Thank you to President Elect Keith for doing a wonderful job as acting President including taking care of the final arrangements for the combined clubs event.
It was pleasing to have 150 present tonight representing 12 of the 17 clubs that were invited from the Upper North Shore, Hills and Norwest zones. Judging by the level of conversation it was evident a lot of fellowship occurred so I hope everyone enjoyed the evening and that we can do more of these combined meetings to allow clubs get to know each other better. There was support to do another combined meeting with Riccardo as the speaker.
The Rotary Club of West Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook had pleasure in welcoming District Governor Elect Kalma McLellan, and Assistant Governor’s, John Fenessy, and Bruce Jacobs. The Club presidents present tonight, their club members and partners and the guests of Rotarians were welcomed. Finally, a welcome was made to Riccardo Rossi, our guest speaker, who told us about his Afghan Adventures which was a wonderful insight to living in the UAE with his family and the war on terror in Afghanistan. Riccardo was formally introduced by Rotarian Kerry.
Thank you to Sergeant Rosemary for running the meeting tonight, which was a simple meeting with no formal Rotary content to allow Riccardo enough time to tell his story. The night started by candlelight due to a district wide power outage. Fortunately, power was restored in time for the talk.
Thank you Rob Clarke for being our night photographer.
We mixed up the seating for the clubs to encourage Rotarians to take this opportunity to learn about other clubs in our area. Kalma was invited to say a few words.
I remind the WPHC Rotarians that the next time we meet will be Tuesday April 23rd at WPH Sports Club to join with WPH and Cherrybrook Lions for their annual ANZAC Commemoration Dinner.
Until April 23rd have fun and be an inspiration to others.
Thank you to President Elect Keith for doing a wonderful job as acting President including taking care of the final arrangements for the combined clubs event.
It was pleasing to have 150 present tonight representing 12 of the 17 clubs that were invited from the Upper North Shore, Hills and Norwest zones. Judging by the level of conversation it was evident a lot of fellowship occurred so I hope everyone enjoyed the evening and that we can do more of these combined meetings to allow clubs get to know each other better. There was support to do another combined meeting with Riccardo as the speaker.
The Rotary Club of West Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook had pleasure in welcoming District Governor Elect Kalma McLellan, and Assistant Governor’s, John Fenessy, and Bruce Jacobs. The Club presidents present tonight, their club members and partners and the guests of Rotarians were welcomed. Finally, a welcome was made to Riccardo Rossi, our guest speaker, who told us about his Afghan Adventures which was a wonderful insight to living in the UAE with his family and the war on terror in Afghanistan. Riccardo was formally introduced by Rotarian Kerry.
Thank you to Sergeant Rosemary for running the meeting tonight, which was a simple meeting with no formal Rotary content to allow Riccardo enough time to tell his story. The night started by candlelight due to a district wide power outage. Fortunately, power was restored in time for the talk.
Thank you Rob Clarke for being our night photographer.
We mixed up the seating for the clubs to encourage Rotarians to take this opportunity to learn about other clubs in our area. Kalma was invited to say a few words.
I remind the WPHC Rotarians that the next time we meet will be Tuesday April 23rd at WPH Sports Club to join with WPH and Cherrybrook Lions for their annual ANZAC Commemoration Dinner.
Until April 23rd have fun and be an inspiration to others.
Night Photos
Night Report
Opening: at 6:45 we lost power: minimal lights, no PA, but will the meal be affected?
Sgt Rosemary opened the meeting at 7am with a “cooee”.
We have a special zone meeting as a great opportunity for clubs to engage and hear our wonderful speaker. The clubs present tonight were:
President Col’s Report
Refer President’s report in bulletin. Someone wished him Happy Birthday for last Tues.
DGE Kalma McLellan’s Report
Kalma reported that the Assembly on the weekend was very successful
Director’s Reports due to the many clubs attending there were no reports except:
Tony for Paul (Treasurer) – some clubs hadn’t paid for tonight – Tony will resolve
Guest Speaker
Riccardo Bosi, former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel.
First topic was UAE. From a tourist perspective, so much modern development, a lot to see. From a locals perspective, nobody trusts any body. Some great slides
Second topic was of his deployment to Afghanistan. He arrived in Kandahar, then Froward Operating Base Robinson, Sangin. They were up against the Taliban with mortars, snipers and IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices). He spoke about weapons, personnel training and the harsh conditions. When asked “why?”, “so others may live”.
Webpage: for some info on Riccardo (he avoided politics on the night)
Sergeant at Arm’s
Raffle won by: I didn’t see the first one, but the second bottle to a Dural Club member.
Meeting closed at 9:20, but nobody seemed to mind, even Frank.
Night Reporter: Bob Davison
Sgt Rosemary opened the meeting at 7am with a “cooee”.
We have a special zone meeting as a great opportunity for clubs to engage and hear our wonderful speaker. The clubs present tonight were:
- West Pennant Hills & Cherrybrook (32)
- Beecroft (19)
- Berowra (1)
- Carlingford (23)
- Castle Hill (4)
- Dural (11)
- Epping (8)
- Glenhaven (8)
- North Rocks (8)
- Norwest Sunrise (8)
- Pennant Hill (15)
- Hills-Kellyville (9)
President Col’s Report
Refer President’s report in bulletin. Someone wished him Happy Birthday for last Tues.
DGE Kalma McLellan’s Report
Kalma reported that the Assembly on the weekend was very successful
Director’s Reports due to the many clubs attending there were no reports except:
Tony for Paul (Treasurer) – some clubs hadn’t paid for tonight – Tony will resolve
Guest Speaker
Riccardo Bosi, former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel.
First topic was UAE. From a tourist perspective, so much modern development, a lot to see. From a locals perspective, nobody trusts any body. Some great slides
Second topic was of his deployment to Afghanistan. He arrived in Kandahar, then Froward Operating Base Robinson, Sangin. They were up against the Taliban with mortars, snipers and IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices). He spoke about weapons, personnel training and the harsh conditions. When asked “why?”, “so others may live”.
Webpage: for some info on Riccardo (he avoided politics on the night)
Sergeant at Arm’s
Raffle won by: I didn’t see the first one, but the second bottle to a Dural Club member.
Meeting closed at 9:20, but nobody seemed to mind, even Frank.
Night Reporter: Bob Davison
What a great night we had. The talk that Riccardo gave us tonight was absolutely fantastic. His enthusiasm and fondness for what he does is very energising. The members from North Rocks had an extremely wonderful night and we would be interested in listening to another talk about his experiences. The best speaker I have heard in a long time. Thank you also for a great meal and venue.
Thank you once again.
Kind Regards
Mervyn Tilden. (President)
North Rocks.
Thank you once again.
Kind Regards
Mervyn Tilden. (President)
North Rocks.
Thanks for last night , Riccardo is a terrific speaker
and my appreciation to both you club and Springfield on the way you handled the BLACKOUT
Again enjoyed the fellowship and look to keep in touch.
Kind Regards
Greg Keighran | President 2018-19 | Rotary Club of Beecroft
and my appreciation to both you club and Springfield on the way you handled the BLACKOUT
Again enjoyed the fellowship and look to keep in touch.
Kind Regards
Greg Keighran | President 2018-19 | Rotary Club of Beecroft
Comment on Header Photo
The header photo is called "First Look- Cherrybrook metro station …" has produced this and at least one other with this title. I do not remember the "Cherry" theme of the station being so vivid at the Community day - so I suspect considerable post-processing. |