The Rotary Club of West Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook celebrated the July 1st end of the Rotary year on June 23rd 2019 at Springfield House, Dural. An afternoon event was held and seventy people were present. Rotary District was represented by the District Governor and the zone Assistant Governor plus other office holders. The mayor of Hornsby Shire and deputy mayor of the Hills Shire were present along with club members, their partners, family members, friends of Rotary and guests.
A number of awards were made to club members and partners to recognise their contribution to the club’s activities during the past year.
The club raised about $60,000 and this money is all distributed to make a difference to people who need help and to students who participate in Rotary Youth development programs, including Youth Exchange.
This year our main focus was drought relief for farmers in western New South Wales. We partnered with the Coonabarabran Rotary Club, whose president was present at our changeover, to provide more than $23,000 for their Drought Relief Fund. All our donation has been given to farmers who need support.
We made donations to many causes in which Rotary participates, for example. Money for three more cows given to Rotarian Anna, from the Glenhaven club which will provide an income for poor families in Central Vietnam. Funds for an insulin pump to keep a young Australian child with Diabetes Type 1 Mellitus alive when the family could not afford one and was not eligible for a free one from the government.
Rotary fulfils a unique role in communities such as ours and that is because of the commitment of its members, who unselfishly give their time on a voluntary basis as Service Above Self to others.
Award Recipients:
Paul Harris Fellows: Matt Giles Rosemary Clarke Cawas Suhukar Paul Laroumanie John Tchetchenian
Trevor Turner Award: Kerry and Bill Mann Allyn Day Award: David Turnbull Olive Turnbull Award: Rashna Suhukar
Presidents Fundraising Leaders Certificates of Appreciation: Neville Hansen Andrew Little Rosemary Clarke Bill Mann
Thank you to the Partners Representative Team: Ann Sharpe Heather Hansen Roma Chandra Beverley Davison