Monday 12th June
No Meeting - Public Holiday
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Club CalendarTake me to the Club Calendar
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4th June 2017
5th June 2017
17th June 2017
1st July 2017
Vivid Bus Tour
CareFlight Vocational Visit
Changeover Dinner
District Changeover
These little critters are cute. I have six CareBears plus numerous friends in my guest bedroom. Occasionally I have a "deep and meaningful" with them to allow a guest to occupy the bed.
Club Changeover

It’s my pleasure to invite you to our Club Changeover to be held at Pennant Hills Golf Club on Saturday 17th June 2017 commencing at 6.30 for 7:00pm. There will be a 3 course meal with wine and the cost will be $65 per person. Dress is black tie.
This is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the year that has been and also to find out what is in store for the coming Rotary year.
Several awards and Paul Harris Fellows will be announced as well as a lot of fun and fellowship.
Would you please advise me by Friday 2nd June whether or not you will be able to join us?
If you have already filled in the sheet at our last meeting, thank you.
You can pay into the General Account BSB 062 890 Account 1005 2963 with your surname and changeover or make a payment next week, our last formal meeting of the year.
Yours in Rotary,
This is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the year that has been and also to find out what is in store for the coming Rotary year.
Several awards and Paul Harris Fellows will be announced as well as a lot of fun and fellowship.
Would you please advise me by Friday 2nd June whether or not you will be able to join us?
If you have already filled in the sheet at our last meeting, thank you.
You can pay into the General Account BSB 062 890 Account 1005 2963 with your surname and changeover or make a payment next week, our last formal meeting of the year.
Yours in Rotary,
Club Facebook Site
"I've found 7 so far - what has everyone else been drinking or smoking?!?"

Do you know who wrote this?
I can tell you that they are both right and wrong. (Actually wrong and right.)
I had just counted eight.
Anne found six.
However, some authoritive soul is telling the me/us there are fifteen.
Need to know more, then go to the Club Facebook site and click "Like"
You can then be kept up to date.
Carol has a lot to answer for, and she is none of the above.
I can tell you that they are both right and wrong. (Actually wrong and right.)
I had just counted eight.
Anne found six.
However, some authoritive soul is telling the me/us there are fifteen.
Need to know more, then go to the Club Facebook site and click "Like"
You can then be kept up to date.
Carol has a lot to answer for, and she is none of the above.

Spamalot presented by SYMT - Hornsby RSL Club - Friday, 14 July 7:30pm
Written by Eric Idle, and presented by Sydney Youth Musical Theatre, Spamalot is lovingly ripped off from the classic film comedy MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL. It retells the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.
SYMT (Sydney Youth Musical Theatre) are renowned for tremendous quality shows featuring performers aged between 14 to 25 years. They have two productions pa with July for the older U25 age group and in November for the U18 age group.
Our club members and partners have developed a strong following over the past three years with usually twenty to thirty supporting each show. Combined with the recently refurbished bistro an affordable and enjoyable night out is readily achievable.
To book please deposit $32.00 per attendee into our Rotary General Account by Friday 23 June 2017 as follows:
BSB: 062 890
Account Number: 1005 2963
Please quote your surname and SYMT
Written by Eric Idle, and presented by Sydney Youth Musical Theatre, Spamalot is lovingly ripped off from the classic film comedy MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL. It retells the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.
SYMT (Sydney Youth Musical Theatre) are renowned for tremendous quality shows featuring performers aged between 14 to 25 years. They have two productions pa with July for the older U25 age group and in November for the U18 age group.
Our club members and partners have developed a strong following over the past three years with usually twenty to thirty supporting each show. Combined with the recently refurbished bistro an affordable and enjoyable night out is readily achievable.
To book please deposit $32.00 per attendee into our Rotary General Account by Friday 23 June 2017 as follows:
BSB: 062 890
Account Number: 1005 2963
Please quote your surname and SYMT
District Changeover
June is Rotary Fellowship Month
Significant Club fundraising events during the year

The Book Sale March 2017. As the result of a lot of hard work the April Book Sale was a great success, especially from the organisers Max Henderson, Andrew Little and Clive Denmark. Funds raised were circa $13,000. Well done.

2016 Trivia Night
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 27 August 2016 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising just over $5,000 towards the charities we support.
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 27 August 2016 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising just over $5,000 towards the charities we support.

The Garage Sale
We have just had a very successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 8/9 October raising a record gross of over $30k. The combination of good planning and benign weather contributed to this result.
We have just had a very successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 8/9 October raising a record gross of over $30k. The combination of good planning and benign weather contributed to this result.

The club runs fund raising barbecues throughout the year, mainly at Bunnings (both Dural and Thornleigh) Here are Barry, Tony, Nick and David hard at work. at Thornleigh..
The club runs fund raising barbecues throughout the year, mainly at Bunnings (both Dural and Thornleigh) Here are Barry, Tony, Nick and David hard at work. at Thornleigh..
Monday 6:30pm for 7:00pm - Springfield House - 245 New Line Road, Dural 2158
If you are unable to attend or are bringing a guest (even if they are your partner) you must notify Jilda.
Phone 8484 7106 or email [email protected] before 11am on the day of the meeting.
Phone 8484 7106 or email [email protected] before 11am on the day of the meeting.
If you are expected and do not show you will be required to pay for the meal.
President's Report 29th May 2017
It was a fabulous occasion on Monday evening where we recognised 5 excellent candidates for the Pride of Workmanship awards. The worthy winners were Linda Barrett, Frances Mendham, Sarah Price, Brooke Daniel and Dr Jane Rickard. All were great representatives of their chosen professions. Congratulations again and congratulations to John Tchetchenian for a well organised evening. The committee of one has excelled!
Our Changeover is on the 17th June at Pennant Hills Golf Club. If you have not let either Bob Davison or myself know of your attendance, please do so asap. It should be a great night of fun and fellowship with a few awards thrown in for good luck. At this stage we have representatives from Shine for Kids, Country Hope and Operation Hope attending so it will be wonderful to hand over some cheques to these worthy causes. If you need to know about any of these charities, please Google them. I’m especially excited that Ellie from Country Hope will be attending as this charity is based in Wagga and trips to the “big smoke” don’t happen very often. We have our last Vocational visit for the Rotary year on Monday to Careflight. It should be a very interesting evening. Finally, I have submitted 3 applications to District for Rotary awards. Rob and I will be attending the District Changeover on Saturday July 1 at Hornsby RSL, 6:00 for 6:30pm. The cost is $55 so it would be great to have a contingent there from our club especially if we win an award. Please contact me before our Changeover as numbers need to be notified. Have a great week and continue to have fun and fellowship whilst serving Humanity. Rosemary |
Night Report 29th May 2017
The meeting opened at 7pm with Charlie McCartney leading the Rotary Grace and Tony Coote proposing the toast to Australia, Rotary, Switzerland and Sweden.
President Rosemary Clarke welcomed everyone present tonight for our Pride of Workmanship Awards.
She welcomed members, partners Patricia, Gwen, Bev, Rob, Margaret, Pam and Jill, as well as Anne-Marie and Par Jansaker – parents of former exchange student Erika, and potential new member, Joseph De Gabriele
In particular, Rosemary welcomed our very special guests for the Pride of Workmanship Awards:
Rosemary gave a quick update on recent club activities including Donations in Kind and the Red Shield Appeal, but deliberately kept her report fairly brief as tonight’s agenda was very full. She did mention the upcoming Changeover Dinner on 17 June 2017 at Pennant Hills Golf Club. Numbers for this event need to be in by Friday 2 June. She encouraged members to join in this important event to welcome Incoming President Colin Sharp and his new Board.
Rosemary’s Rotary Fact: As Rotarians, we have a code of conduct that says in part that we:
Director’s Reports:
Vocational – John Tchetchenian reminded all members attending the Careflight vocational visit on 5 June 2017 that the starting time for this meeting is 6.30pm, so please arrive between 6.00-6.30pm. There is no alcohol on the night (as it is a functional workplace operational at the time of the visit) and parking is extremely limited, so please carpool where possible.
Donations in Kind – Tony Makin thanked everyone who attended last Saturday’s session at Minchinbury which was a great success and lots of fun – Pamela, Bob and Bev, Max, Andrew, Peter Stanton, Nick, Barry, Paul, Alan , Gino, Stan.
Social – Ros updated members regarding the Vivid tour scheduled for Sunday 4 June 2017. She updated those attending advising that pick up from Cherrybrook Community Centre is 2pm (not 2.30pm). Currently 35 members/partners/guests are attending. Given there is extra space on the coach, the bus company has asked if we will allow them to book other local residents onto the tour. Rosemary has agreed to this, as who knows, we may gain some more new members when they find out what an amazing and fun group we are! Colin Baxter, reported on Max’s behalf providing a update on Spamalot the musical which will take place on 14 July at Hornsby RSL. Payment is direct deposit into the club’s account – please follow the instructions in the Bulletin if you wish to attend this show.
Red Shield Appeal – the club participated yesterday in the annual Red Shield appeal on behalf of the Salvation Army. Thank you to: Rosemary, Bob, Max, Steve, Barry, Alan, Janelle, Peter Stanton and Colin McGowan for participating and representing the club at this event.
Inbound Exchange Student:
Sarah reported that she has 5 weeks left on her exchange. The past week has seen her have the best dinner she’s had whilst here in Australia, when she joined her close school friend and her family for an Indian meal at Bella Vista on Friday evening. On Saturday she had lunch with Charlie and her family at Wild Pear Cafe and on Sunday she had partook in some good old retail therapy. Sarah has also been very happily enjoying Charlie’s two new kittens.
Past Exchange Student Update:
Anne-Marie and Par Jansaker, who are currently in Australia attending a conference, provided an update on behalf of their daughter Erika who was an exchange student with the club in 2007-8. They showed a lovely slide show which informed us what Erika has been up to in the past 10 years, including graduating high school and then having a gap year in Austria, completing a dentistry degree, marrying and having a beautiful baby boy who is now 2 years old. Anne Marie thanked the club and host parents/counsellors for taking such good care of Erika whilst she was on exchange.
Bob Davison, who was Erika’s 3rd host family, spoke on behalf of club and shared some fond memories of Erika’s time her in Australia. The club wished Erika well for the future and would gladly welcome her and her family back if she visits in the future.
Sergeant at Arms John Tchetchenian then handed over to Barry Freeman to MC the Pride of Workmanship Awards. Barry provided a brief background to the history of the awards and their importance in recognising those in the community who excel in their professions. Each award winner, their supporters and their sponsoring Rotarian was then called upon to come forward and receive their award.
Pride of Workmanship Awards:
Linda Brown – Salvation Army Store Manager (nominated by Neville Hansen)
In Neville’s absence, Andrew Little read out Linda’s citation. Linda manages the Salvation Army shop at Baulkham Hills, and it is through receipt of left over stock from the 2016 Garage Sale that we first established the link between Linda and the Club. On this occasion, Linda agreed to take as much left over stock as we had, not knowing the volume this would be. Throughout this exercise, Linda remained positive, undaunted by the sheer volume of items, and extremely grateful for the assistance. Linda is always enthusiastic, hard working and a pleasure to deal with. She is consistent and true to her word, and this is what makes a great person and a great partnership with Rotary. We believe Linda thoroughly deserves to be awarded the Pride of Workmanship award.
Frances Mendham – Travel Agent (nominated by Ros Savio)
Ros’ citation of Francis’ work was a very personal one, given that Frances has worked for Ros for 15 years. In that time, Frances has gone far beyond the expectations of her role to provide highly professional and personalised attention to each and every one of her clients. Ros read from a letter sent to her travel agency from a client who gave tremendous praise for Francis’ efforts in managing their complex and changing travel needs. Due to illness and misadventure, the client had to make last minute changes to her travel plans, which saw Frances take charge of the situation, even going to the extent of driving tickets to the clients home in her own time and ensuring the client made it onto the cruise ship in time for departure. Ros commended Frances on this, but said this is but one of the many examples of Frances’ commitment to her customers and to the service provision of the agency. I’ m proud to have Frances as a loyal and trusted employee and believe her to be a fitting recipient of the Pride of Workmanship Award.
Sarah Price – General Manager Media Alzheimer’s Australia (nominated by Barry Freeman)
Barry’s citation of Sarah’s work acknowledged the long term relationship Barry and his family have had with Sarah, this dating back to late 2010, following training Joanie and he received through Alzheimers Australia’s “Living with memory loss” program earlier in the same year.
In this time we have done many things with Sarah through these past 7 years. Throughout our journey it has been a dream to support Sarah in her role because she is so organised, so “get the job done fast and efficiently” and so responsive to everyone’s needs. Indeed, from my experience in Marketing at all levels, Sarah is one of those special people who has not only the job focus but the human element in the way she treats people and thinks about their needs. It has been this human element that she has that has endeared her to me and encouraged me to support her work whenever I can do so.
I believe she thoroughly deserves this award and am very happy that we have been able to give it to her and recognise the great work she has been doing in getting the message of “Helping those who are dealing with Dementia” out there.
Brooke Daniel – Bunnings Dural (nominated by Cawas)
In Cawas’ absence, John Tchetchenian read out Brooke’s citation. When we approached Bunnings to assist with the Taldumande painting project, Brooke, as Community Activities Coordinator went over and beyond her duty. Not only did she assist with painting materials, she also followed up with the paint manufacturer and managed to obtain a large quantity of paint free of charge, she then joined us to paint the actual premises as well as laying on a huge morning tea for the working bee. When Taldumande approached the club for a BBQ for the residents, it was again Brooke who helped the club by securing a virtually new and state of the art BBQ.
I believe Brooke has all the qualities of being a great Rotarian for she amply demonstrates “Service above Self” and takes pride in assisting the local community.
Dr Jane Rickard – The Hills Vet Clinic (nominated by Charlie McCartney)
We have only known Jane, and her amazing team, since December 2016, since she started caring for our cat Erik. Upon taking him in for his annual vaccination, Jane immediately identified him as suffering from Diabetes, and when this condition worsened in February, he was given priority over all other ‘patients’. They worked on him tirelessly, to resuscitate and stabilize him. Erik was never the same again, but he always received the best care. Whilst being cared for in the equivalent of ICU, Jane personally phoned me daily, sometimes multiple times, even late at night. There were even occasions when she stayed at the hospital overnight, so that she could monitor Erik’s vitals.
Jane is so passionate about providing the best care for animals and also having a professional, respectful and compassionate relationship with the animals’ owners. Jane advised us when it was time to assist Erik to depart this world. She communicated this in a way that was respectful, calm and kind, explaining everything to us in detail. Losing a beloved pet is always hard, but when they have been given the type of care, as provided by Jane and her team, it seems to make the sorrow more bearable. This is a selfless act of love and kindness, which just amplifies the reasons why I considered Jane to be a worthy recipient for the Pride of Workmanship Award.
Barry handed back to John, who, having not been Sergeant for some time now, took on the fines session with gusto. It was fitting that the wine prizes tonight were taken out by our guests - Brooke Daniel (winning the raffle) and Jo-Anne Brown (winning Heads and Tails).
In her closing remarks, Rosemary thanked members attending tonight. She extended congratulations to our 5 award winners, Linda, Frances, Sarah, Brooke and Jane as well as thanking the Rotarians who nominated them. She thanked John Tchetchenian ( and his PA Anna Jones) for his efforts in putting together tonight’s proceedings as well as organising the Pride of Workmanship program for the club, not to mention everything he’s done for the vocation portfolio this year. Given that it was the last meeting at Springfield in her role as President, Rosemary took the opportunity to thank Frank and his staff for their consistently high level of service they provide to the club. Peter Stanton lead the club in the national anthem.
Night Reporter: Janelle
President Rosemary Clarke welcomed everyone present tonight for our Pride of Workmanship Awards.
She welcomed members, partners Patricia, Gwen, Bev, Rob, Margaret, Pam and Jill, as well as Anne-Marie and Par Jansaker – parents of former exchange student Erika, and potential new member, Joseph De Gabriele
In particular, Rosemary welcomed our very special guests for the Pride of Workmanship Awards:
- Linda Barrett, and her supporters – daughters Lara and Sian
- Francis Mendham and her supporters - her daughter Annabel, Nora Cary and Willy Truelove
- Sarah Price and her supporter Jo-Anne Brown
- Brooke Daniel and her supporters – Nadia Treadgold-Suir and Trina Baird
- Dr Jane Rickard and her supporter – husband John Paterson
Rosemary gave a quick update on recent club activities including Donations in Kind and the Red Shield Appeal, but deliberately kept her report fairly brief as tonight’s agenda was very full. She did mention the upcoming Changeover Dinner on 17 June 2017 at Pennant Hills Golf Club. Numbers for this event need to be in by Friday 2 June. She encouraged members to join in this important event to welcome Incoming President Colin Sharp and his new Board.
Rosemary’s Rotary Fact: As Rotarians, we have a code of conduct that says in part that we:
- will promote recognition and respect for all occupations that are useful to society;
- conduct all of our personal business and professional affairs ethically, encouraging and fostering high ethical standards as an example to others.
Director’s Reports:
Vocational – John Tchetchenian reminded all members attending the Careflight vocational visit on 5 June 2017 that the starting time for this meeting is 6.30pm, so please arrive between 6.00-6.30pm. There is no alcohol on the night (as it is a functional workplace operational at the time of the visit) and parking is extremely limited, so please carpool where possible.
Donations in Kind – Tony Makin thanked everyone who attended last Saturday’s session at Minchinbury which was a great success and lots of fun – Pamela, Bob and Bev, Max, Andrew, Peter Stanton, Nick, Barry, Paul, Alan , Gino, Stan.
Social – Ros updated members regarding the Vivid tour scheduled for Sunday 4 June 2017. She updated those attending advising that pick up from Cherrybrook Community Centre is 2pm (not 2.30pm). Currently 35 members/partners/guests are attending. Given there is extra space on the coach, the bus company has asked if we will allow them to book other local residents onto the tour. Rosemary has agreed to this, as who knows, we may gain some more new members when they find out what an amazing and fun group we are! Colin Baxter, reported on Max’s behalf providing a update on Spamalot the musical which will take place on 14 July at Hornsby RSL. Payment is direct deposit into the club’s account – please follow the instructions in the Bulletin if you wish to attend this show.
Red Shield Appeal – the club participated yesterday in the annual Red Shield appeal on behalf of the Salvation Army. Thank you to: Rosemary, Bob, Max, Steve, Barry, Alan, Janelle, Peter Stanton and Colin McGowan for participating and representing the club at this event.
Inbound Exchange Student:
Sarah reported that she has 5 weeks left on her exchange. The past week has seen her have the best dinner she’s had whilst here in Australia, when she joined her close school friend and her family for an Indian meal at Bella Vista on Friday evening. On Saturday she had lunch with Charlie and her family at Wild Pear Cafe and on Sunday she had partook in some good old retail therapy. Sarah has also been very happily enjoying Charlie’s two new kittens.
Past Exchange Student Update:
Anne-Marie and Par Jansaker, who are currently in Australia attending a conference, provided an update on behalf of their daughter Erika who was an exchange student with the club in 2007-8. They showed a lovely slide show which informed us what Erika has been up to in the past 10 years, including graduating high school and then having a gap year in Austria, completing a dentistry degree, marrying and having a beautiful baby boy who is now 2 years old. Anne Marie thanked the club and host parents/counsellors for taking such good care of Erika whilst she was on exchange.
Bob Davison, who was Erika’s 3rd host family, spoke on behalf of club and shared some fond memories of Erika’s time her in Australia. The club wished Erika well for the future and would gladly welcome her and her family back if she visits in the future.
Sergeant at Arms John Tchetchenian then handed over to Barry Freeman to MC the Pride of Workmanship Awards. Barry provided a brief background to the history of the awards and their importance in recognising those in the community who excel in their professions. Each award winner, their supporters and their sponsoring Rotarian was then called upon to come forward and receive their award.
Pride of Workmanship Awards:
Linda Brown – Salvation Army Store Manager (nominated by Neville Hansen)
In Neville’s absence, Andrew Little read out Linda’s citation. Linda manages the Salvation Army shop at Baulkham Hills, and it is through receipt of left over stock from the 2016 Garage Sale that we first established the link between Linda and the Club. On this occasion, Linda agreed to take as much left over stock as we had, not knowing the volume this would be. Throughout this exercise, Linda remained positive, undaunted by the sheer volume of items, and extremely grateful for the assistance. Linda is always enthusiastic, hard working and a pleasure to deal with. She is consistent and true to her word, and this is what makes a great person and a great partnership with Rotary. We believe Linda thoroughly deserves to be awarded the Pride of Workmanship award.
Frances Mendham – Travel Agent (nominated by Ros Savio)
Ros’ citation of Francis’ work was a very personal one, given that Frances has worked for Ros for 15 years. In that time, Frances has gone far beyond the expectations of her role to provide highly professional and personalised attention to each and every one of her clients. Ros read from a letter sent to her travel agency from a client who gave tremendous praise for Francis’ efforts in managing their complex and changing travel needs. Due to illness and misadventure, the client had to make last minute changes to her travel plans, which saw Frances take charge of the situation, even going to the extent of driving tickets to the clients home in her own time and ensuring the client made it onto the cruise ship in time for departure. Ros commended Frances on this, but said this is but one of the many examples of Frances’ commitment to her customers and to the service provision of the agency. I’ m proud to have Frances as a loyal and trusted employee and believe her to be a fitting recipient of the Pride of Workmanship Award.
Sarah Price – General Manager Media Alzheimer’s Australia (nominated by Barry Freeman)
Barry’s citation of Sarah’s work acknowledged the long term relationship Barry and his family have had with Sarah, this dating back to late 2010, following training Joanie and he received through Alzheimers Australia’s “Living with memory loss” program earlier in the same year.
In this time we have done many things with Sarah through these past 7 years. Throughout our journey it has been a dream to support Sarah in her role because she is so organised, so “get the job done fast and efficiently” and so responsive to everyone’s needs. Indeed, from my experience in Marketing at all levels, Sarah is one of those special people who has not only the job focus but the human element in the way she treats people and thinks about their needs. It has been this human element that she has that has endeared her to me and encouraged me to support her work whenever I can do so.
I believe she thoroughly deserves this award and am very happy that we have been able to give it to her and recognise the great work she has been doing in getting the message of “Helping those who are dealing with Dementia” out there.
Brooke Daniel – Bunnings Dural (nominated by Cawas)
In Cawas’ absence, John Tchetchenian read out Brooke’s citation. When we approached Bunnings to assist with the Taldumande painting project, Brooke, as Community Activities Coordinator went over and beyond her duty. Not only did she assist with painting materials, she also followed up with the paint manufacturer and managed to obtain a large quantity of paint free of charge, she then joined us to paint the actual premises as well as laying on a huge morning tea for the working bee. When Taldumande approached the club for a BBQ for the residents, it was again Brooke who helped the club by securing a virtually new and state of the art BBQ.
I believe Brooke has all the qualities of being a great Rotarian for she amply demonstrates “Service above Self” and takes pride in assisting the local community.
Dr Jane Rickard – The Hills Vet Clinic (nominated by Charlie McCartney)
We have only known Jane, and her amazing team, since December 2016, since she started caring for our cat Erik. Upon taking him in for his annual vaccination, Jane immediately identified him as suffering from Diabetes, and when this condition worsened in February, he was given priority over all other ‘patients’. They worked on him tirelessly, to resuscitate and stabilize him. Erik was never the same again, but he always received the best care. Whilst being cared for in the equivalent of ICU, Jane personally phoned me daily, sometimes multiple times, even late at night. There were even occasions when she stayed at the hospital overnight, so that she could monitor Erik’s vitals.
Jane is so passionate about providing the best care for animals and also having a professional, respectful and compassionate relationship with the animals’ owners. Jane advised us when it was time to assist Erik to depart this world. She communicated this in a way that was respectful, calm and kind, explaining everything to us in detail. Losing a beloved pet is always hard, but when they have been given the type of care, as provided by Jane and her team, it seems to make the sorrow more bearable. This is a selfless act of love and kindness, which just amplifies the reasons why I considered Jane to be a worthy recipient for the Pride of Workmanship Award.
Barry handed back to John, who, having not been Sergeant for some time now, took on the fines session with gusto. It was fitting that the wine prizes tonight were taken out by our guests - Brooke Daniel (winning the raffle) and Jo-Anne Brown (winning Heads and Tails).
In her closing remarks, Rosemary thanked members attending tonight. She extended congratulations to our 5 award winners, Linda, Frances, Sarah, Brooke and Jane as well as thanking the Rotarians who nominated them. She thanked John Tchetchenian ( and his PA Anna Jones) for his efforts in putting together tonight’s proceedings as well as organising the Pride of Workmanship program for the club, not to mention everything he’s done for the vocation portfolio this year. Given that it was the last meeting at Springfield in her role as President, Rosemary took the opportunity to thank Frank and his staff for their consistently high level of service they provide to the club. Peter Stanton lead the club in the national anthem.
Night Reporter: Janelle
Night Photos - Peter Stanton
Wow, Peter was busy - 44 images. He adviced me to cull some. I demure.
Lightbox is on. If you think they are a wee small, click on the photo and it will grow larger. (Much larger than a slide show.)
Lightbox is on. If you think they are a wee small, click on the photo and it will grow larger. (Much larger than a slide show.)
Click to set custom HTML
This Week's Humour
Patrick was a youthful and hardworking Irishman at a Coastal village in Ireland. Daily he would pole
a heavy old punt out to sea, then work a heavy iron grapple to bring up the many sand oysters, which he sold to the local ice works.
He was a man of regular habits, and he always arrived home each day at a certain time. Sadly, Paddy did not realise the heavy grappling was taking a toll on a faulty heart.
One day he failed to come home, so his wife contacted the Police to investigate.
They rowed out, and found Paddy dead in the punt, and beside him was a huge grapple full of oysters he'd tried to hoist aboard.
Headlines next day in the 'Irish Times Newspaper' Said........
Wait for it!
a heavy old punt out to sea, then work a heavy iron grapple to bring up the many sand oysters, which he sold to the local ice works.
He was a man of regular habits, and he always arrived home each day at a certain time. Sadly, Paddy did not realise the heavy grappling was taking a toll on a faulty heart.
One day he failed to come home, so his wife contacted the Police to investigate.
They rowed out, and found Paddy dead in the punt, and beside him was a huge grapple full of oysters he'd tried to hoist aboard.
Headlines next day in the 'Irish Times Newspaper' Said........
Wait for it!
James Bond - Always that one step ahead
A very confident James Bond walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman.
He gives her a quick glance then casually looks at his watch for a moment.
The woman notices this and asks, “Is your date running late?”
“No,” he replies, “Q has just given me this state-of-the-art watch. I was just testing it.”
The intrigued woman says, “A state-of-the-art watch? What’s so special about it?”
Bond explains, “It uses alpha waves to talk to me telepathically.”
The lady says, “What’s it telling you now?”
“Well, it says you’re not wearing any knickers.”
The woman giggles and replies, “Well it must be broken because I am wearing knickers!”
Bond smirks, taps his watch and says, “Bloody thing’s an hour fast.”
A very confident James Bond walks into a bar and takes a seat next to a very attractive woman.
He gives her a quick glance then casually looks at his watch for a moment.
The woman notices this and asks, “Is your date running late?”
“No,” he replies, “Q has just given me this state-of-the-art watch. I was just testing it.”
The intrigued woman says, “A state-of-the-art watch? What’s so special about it?”
Bond explains, “It uses alpha waves to talk to me telepathically.”
The lady says, “What’s it telling you now?”
“Well, it says you’re not wearing any knickers.”
The woman giggles and replies, “Well it must be broken because I am wearing knickers!”
Bond smirks, taps his watch and says, “Bloody thing’s an hour fast.”
Church ladies with their typewriters/or Arse-up with care
They're Back! Those wonderful Church Bulletins! Thank God for the church ladies with typewriters. These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced at church services:
The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.
Scouts are saving aluminium cans, bottles and other items to be recycled Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.' The sermon tonight:'Searching for Jesus.'
Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.
Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.
Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.
For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
Next Thursday there will be try-outs for the choir. They need all the help they can get.
Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.
At the evening mass tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice.
Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.
The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.
Pot-luck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.
This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.
Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM . Please use the back door.
The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM. You are invited to attend this tragedy.
Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM in the Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.
And this one just about sums them all up
The Associate Pastor unveiled the church's new campaign slogan last Sunday:
'I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours.'
They're Back! Those wonderful Church Bulletins! Thank God for the church ladies with typewriters. These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced at church services:
The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.
Scouts are saving aluminium cans, bottles and other items to be recycled Proceeds will be used to cripple children.
The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.' The sermon tonight:'Searching for Jesus.'
Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.
Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.
Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.
For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
Next Thursday there will be try-outs for the choir. They need all the help they can get.
Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.
At the evening mass tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice.
Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.
The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.
Pot-luck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.
This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.
Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM . Please use the back door.
The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM. You are invited to attend this tragedy.
Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM in the Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.
And this one just about sums them all up
The Associate Pastor unveiled the church's new campaign slogan last Sunday:
'I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours.'
Club Calendar
Editor's Note: If you wish to download and print the Calendar please click here.
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Bulletin Editor - Keith Ball