Monday 14 November
'Textile Forensics-Dr Mike Pailthorpe
Duty Roster
Duty |
Monday 31st October |
Monday 7th November |
Monday 14th November |
Speaker Host |
Colin Sharpe |
- |
Ian Roberts |
Night Reporter |
Janelle Craig |
Alan Paynter |
Carol Russell |
Front Desk |
Bob Davison |
Bob Davison |
Bob Davison |
Front Desk |
Brian Furrer |
Charlie McCartney |
Stan Baseley |
Steward |
Andrew Little |
- |
Colin Baxter |
Steward |
Tom Westcott |
- |
Steve Baker |
IT Person |
Nick Chuah |
- |
Tony Coote |
Photographer |
Peter Stanton |
Ross Ballinger |
Peter Stanton |
Member Talk |
Daniel Tan |
- |
Teresa Janowski |
Inside This Issue |
Upcoming Events |
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Friday 18 November
Beauty and The Beast - SYMT
SYMT - Beauty and the Beast
Sydney Youth Musical Theatre is putting on Beauty and the Beast at Hornsby RSL in Mid Nov. This show will be put on by the under 21 age group performers. Thirty club members attended SYMT's previous show, Legally Blonde, in July. A club group booking is going to be made for Friday 18th November, at 7.30pm. Please let Colin Sharpe know by 30 October if you are interested in going.

Proudly presented by the Sydney Youth Musical Theatre
Based on the Academy-Award winning animated feature, the stage version of Disney's BEAUTY AND THE BEAST includes all the wonderful songs written by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman.
When Maurice becomes lost in the woods on the way to the fair, he seeks shelter in an old castle, but the master of the castle is a horrible beast that takes him captive. Maurice's daughter, Belle, must then give up her freedom to save his life. Belle's taming of the unfortunate Beast and his ultimate transformation into a handsome prince enthralled Broadway audiences for over 13 years.
SYMT is now in its 39th year of staging productions in the Sydney region, and it remains the largest exclusively youth musical society in Australia. Each year, we stage two productions: one in July for our 14-25 year old members , and one in November for our 10-18 year old members.
Didi Foundation Update

Didi's Stories- By Anita Ghimire
I could not continue my study after SLC (School Leaving Certificates) but I am not complaining. I am learning so much here at Didi Headquarters. I have been taking sewing and weaving course since one month and I feel extremely happy. I feel that once you have a skill or two in your hand then you don’t have to depend on others. So I am planning to continue the training and when it is over I’ll probably take a private course to start my own business.
Our teacher, teaches us quite well and I am extremely grateful that Didi Foundation has given us this opportunity.
I think whatever service we’re getting here is good because there are some women who don’t even have access to any of these opportunities. We should be grateful towards whatever we have.
I could not continue my study after SLC (School Leaving Certificates) but I am not complaining. I am learning so much here at Didi Headquarters. I have been taking sewing and weaving course since one month and I feel extremely happy. I feel that once you have a skill or two in your hand then you don’t have to depend on others. So I am planning to continue the training and when it is over I’ll probably take a private course to start my own business.
Our teacher, teaches us quite well and I am extremely grateful that Didi Foundation has given us this opportunity.
I think whatever service we’re getting here is good because there are some women who don’t even have access to any of these opportunities. We should be grateful towards whatever we have.

Didi's Stories- By Anita Ghimire
Today is the first day of my computer lessons. Though I am more interested in sewing and knitting, I joined the computer classes just because I wanted to. And the reason why I am taking tailoring course is I want to be able to stitch my little daughter’s clothes myself. I have to pay extra money to a tailor to mend them and I don’t want to do that anymore.
I know I will be able to sew my own clothes soon enough but I don’t think I’ll start my own business. There’s nothing a person cannot do. I can too but I have my personal reasons holding me back. Despite that, I am quite hopeful that I’ll be able to open my own tailoring shop in future. If not then I’ll utilize my skills at home.
Today is the first day of my computer lessons. Though I am more interested in sewing and knitting, I joined the computer classes just because I wanted to. And the reason why I am taking tailoring course is I want to be able to stitch my little daughter’s clothes myself. I have to pay extra money to a tailor to mend them and I don’t want to do that anymore.
I know I will be able to sew my own clothes soon enough but I don’t think I’ll start my own business. There’s nothing a person cannot do. I can too but I have my personal reasons holding me back. Despite that, I am quite hopeful that I’ll be able to open my own tailoring shop in future. If not then I’ll utilize my skills at home.
Epping Rotary 2016 Trivia Night- Saturday 12 November

We are aiming to raise $20,000 towards the extremely important counselling work undertaken by CCA in Epping through the Shack for young people with a range of mental health issues. This services young people in the broader area.
This type of intervention is very expensive and requires considerable resourcing.
I am asking that you form a table of 6-10 people as a team representing your Rotary Club.
It would be great to have your support.
Please contact Ian Bittner for bookings- details on the flyer- or me on 0410685417
Many thanks for your support
Peter Garrard
Epping Rotary
Click on Flyer for larger view
Centenary Foundation Dinner
Please contact Rosemary or self for contact/payment details if you wish to attend.
More Rotary GraphicsSome more Rotary graphics. These images can be downloaded by left clicking and saving.
Skydivers Raise Thousands For Polio Eradication
Anybody in the club interested in doing this for a fundraising event???
The first time Noel Jackson jumped out of a plane at 14,000 feet, it had nothing to do with raising money for polio eradication.
The Michigan dentist had received a gift certificate to go skydiving from his staff because they knew he was into adventure.
“It is definitely a defining moment,” says Jackson, a member of the Rotary Club of Trenton, Michigan, USA, of that first jump, done in tandem strapped to a professional skydiver. “The rush of the free fall is beyond anything I have ever experienced before. Just the speed and acceleration is unbelievable. You don’t even have time to figure out if you are enjoying it or not -- it’s just a sensation that happens.”
But Jackson did enjoy the sensation. So much so that he agreed to do another jump, with Shiva Koushik, a Rotarian friend in nearby Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
The two men were waiting for this second jump when their wives came up with the idea of enlisting other jumpers and raising pledges for polio eradication.
So, in August 2014, a jump in the skies of northeastern Michigan raised $15,000 for Rotary’s polio eradication campaign. Matched 2-to-1 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the effort contributed $45,000 to the cause.
Since 1985, when Rotary committed to polio eradication, the organization has contributed more than $1.5 billion and countless volunteer hours to immunize children against the disease. In that time, the number of polio cases has dropped 99.9 percent, and only three countries remain where the virus has never been stopped: Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan. While World Polio Day, 24 October, serves as an important opportunity to remind the world of the need to finish the job, raising money and awareness is a year-round effort for many.
Significant Club fundraising events during the year

The Book Sale March 2016. As the result of a lot of hard work the March book fair which was a great success, especially from the organisers Max Henderson, Andrew Little and Clive Denmark. Funds raised were $14,000. Well done.

The Trivia Night
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 27 August 2016 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising just over $5,000 towards the charities we support.
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 27 August 2016 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising just over $5,000 towards the charities we support.

The Garage Sale
We have just had a very successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 8/9 October raising a record gross of over $30k. The combination of good planning and benign weather contributed to this result.
We have just had a very successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 8/9 October raising a record gross of over $30k. The combination of good planning and benign weather contributed to this result.

The club runs fund raising barbecues throughout the year, mainly at Bunnings (both Dural and Thornleigh) Here are Barry, Tony, Nick and David hard at work. at Thornleigh..
The club runs fund raising barbecues throughout the year, mainly at Bunnings (both Dural and Thornleigh) Here are Barry, Tony, Nick and David hard at work. at Thornleigh..
:Monday 6:30pm for 7:00pm - Springfield House - 245 New Line Road, Dural.
If you are unable to attend or are bringing a guest (even if they are your partner) you must notify Jilda. Phone 9439 1422 or email [email protected] before 11am on the day of the meeting.
If you are expected and do not show you may be required to pay for the meal.
President's Report 24th October 2016

How lovely to have a casual but very interesting vocational visit to Australian Brewery on Monday evening. Judging by the laughter, the tasting paddles went down a treat. Thank you John for organising such an educational night.
The club continues its work in many areas with theatre visits, Taldumunde, Senior’s BBQ’s, vocational visit to Alfresco Shades and the Melbourne Cup night to mention a few. It’s wonderful to belong to such a vibrant, active club.
Keith has now passed the bulletin over to Andrew. Thank you Keith for all your hard work in setting it up. Andrew has suggested that to make the night reporter’s job easier, could all the directors send any notices to the n/r so copious notes are not required on the evening? It also ensures that the information is current.
The AGM is coming upon us soon so please consider getting involved at board level. It is very rewarding to see the club accept challenges with such vigour and then to think that you may have had a small hand with the organisation. Remember “Service above Self” is our Rotary motto and we are “serving humanity”.
The club continues its work in many areas with theatre visits, Taldumunde, Senior’s BBQ’s, vocational visit to Alfresco Shades and the Melbourne Cup night to mention a few. It’s wonderful to belong to such a vibrant, active club.
Keith has now passed the bulletin over to Andrew. Thank you Keith for all your hard work in setting it up. Andrew has suggested that to make the night reporter’s job easier, could all the directors send any notices to the n/r so copious notes are not required on the evening? It also ensures that the information is current.
The AGM is coming upon us soon so please consider getting involved at board level. It is very rewarding to see the club accept challenges with such vigour and then to think that you may have had a small hand with the organisation. Remember “Service above Self” is our Rotary motto and we are “serving humanity”.
Night Report 24th October 2016
Vocational Visit to Australian Brewery at Rouse Hill tonight which was organised by John Tchetchenian. It was very well attended and speaks volumes for our Club.
The whole pub facility pub is huge- more Club’ish than Pub’ish in its style.
John generously shouted everybody for most of the night. Thanks John…too generous.
The meal was excellent- pub food is always good value. We then did a tour of the beer making operation which was in a large warehouse off the room were merry in.
The whole thing had its genesis 20 years ago when 6 brothers with a passion for craft beer started creating a range of beers. This eventually led to the Australian Brewery opening in 2010-with many awards to follow.
They currently have 3 full time brewers and their core range consists of 7 different styles of beer and an apple cider- although they also have a range of seasonal beers. All beer in the place is made on site. They are the first craft brewery in Australia to sell in cans -which they say gives the highest quality beer (protection form light and oxygen), is easy to cart around and is a lot better for the environment.
The four basic ingredients for beer are grain, hops, yeast and water. There are two types of beer:
*Ales (pale ale, IPA, stouts, porters). These are the oldest style of beer- 5000 years.
*Lagers- which are the most popular today and includes lagers, pilsner and bocks.
We were then told of the brewing process… hic…hic… I stopped taking notes at this point.
Thanks again John… and Brian Furrer for being the nominated driver for Neville and myself.
Colin McGowan
Night Reporter
Night Photos 24th October 2016
Editor: Click on any photo to see a larger display
This Week's Humour - From Stan - Warning - It's a long one!
We'll be friends until we are old and senile.
Then we'll be new friends.
Then we'll be new friends.
Club Calendar
Editor's Note: The Scrib'd display is not functioning.
If you wish to see a PDF of version of the Calendar then click here.
If you wish to see a PDF of version of the Calendar then click here.