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Monday 29th August
Charlotte McCartney Steve Baker Brian Furrer John Tchetchenian Alan Paynter Tom Westcott Ross Ballinger Clive Denmark |
Monday 5th September
Neville Hansen Roslyn Savio Carol Russell Stan Baseley Bernard Chandra Gino Savio Peter Stanton Keith Ball |
Monday 12th September
Janelle Craig Andrew Little Brian Furrer John Tchetchenian Steve Baker Tom Westcott Ross Ballinger Carol Russell |
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27th August 2016
3rd September 8th & 9th October |
Trivia Night - Cherrybrook Community Centre
District Governor Official Clubs Visit Dural Country Club Garage Sale |
Trivia Night

.Save the date - Saturday 27th August 2016.
We are holding our annual trivia night on Saturday 27 August 2016 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre.
Book Now
As with last year, it will be an enjoyable and affordable night at only $20.00 per person (no extra costs re the trivia rounds) with the only optional extras being a raffle and a separate activity at intermission (gold coin nearest the bottle).
Invite all your friends and relatives and start putting tables of 8 together (can accommodate 10 at a stretch).
We had around 200 people attend last year and we are targeting an additional row of 5 tables this year to get up to a record 240 people.
Last year we raised around $5,000 from the trivia night, so let’s all work on filling all 30 tables this year and beat last year’s total!
Steve Sims will be the quiz master again this year and we will have a new MC this year as Jim Simpson will be away.
You will have to guess who he is (Hint - he loves to have a microphone in his hand!).
We will start putting out lists at the meeting on Monday 18 July, which is a partner’s night.
Whilst we have asked all the local Probus Clubs and Rotary clubs to promote the trivia night at their meetings, we would like members to send the attached flyer to as many people as possible so that the trivia night gets maximum publicity.
For all the latest developments a website page has been developed by Andrew Little. Link
Note: This link goes to another page. At the bottom of that page is a link back to this page..
We are holding our annual trivia night on Saturday 27 August 2016 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre.
Book Now
As with last year, it will be an enjoyable and affordable night at only $20.00 per person (no extra costs re the trivia rounds) with the only optional extras being a raffle and a separate activity at intermission (gold coin nearest the bottle).
Invite all your friends and relatives and start putting tables of 8 together (can accommodate 10 at a stretch).
We had around 200 people attend last year and we are targeting an additional row of 5 tables this year to get up to a record 240 people.
Last year we raised around $5,000 from the trivia night, so let’s all work on filling all 30 tables this year and beat last year’s total!
Steve Sims will be the quiz master again this year and we will have a new MC this year as Jim Simpson will be away.
You will have to guess who he is (Hint - he loves to have a microphone in his hand!).
We will start putting out lists at the meeting on Monday 18 July, which is a partner’s night.
Whilst we have asked all the local Probus Clubs and Rotary clubs to promote the trivia night at their meetings, we would like members to send the attached flyer to as many people as possible so that the trivia night gets maximum publicity.
For all the latest developments a website page has been developed by Andrew Little. Link
Note: This link goes to another page. At the bottom of that page is a link back to this page..
Trivia Night Housekeeping Rules
· Wear Dinner badges
· Car parking, park away from hall to cater for older guests and visitors.
· Not that anyone would, however don’t reorganise where you are sitting, will impact on the scoring. NB; you won’t be given your correct score.
· Car parking, park away from hall to cater for older guests and visitors.
· Not that anyone would, however don’t reorganise where you are sitting, will impact on the scoring. NB; you won’t be given your correct score.
District Governor's Official Clubs Visit
Garage Sale Flyer
Garage Sale Presentation
Neville has supplied a PDF copy of his presentation. It is detailed but subject to change. Link (Opens in a new window)
A thank you from WPH Valley Scout Group
Note: If the above is too small to read, click on the item for a larger image.
Taldumande Painting Project

A group of us returned to Taldumande Pennant Hills to paint another room.
RYE - Amelia's Report
I have created a new page that contains all of Amelia's Reports. The intent is to show the latest here as it comes in and then give access in the following weeks by referring the reader to Amelia's Reports.
Take me to Amelia's Reports. Note to website neophytes - At the bottom right of each report is a link back to Club Bulletin. |
News from Other Clubs
More Rotary GraphicsThought I might follow a theme. These images can be downloaded by left clicking and saving.

A dairy cooperative in Githunguri, Kenya, that received Foundation funding to upgrade facilities and provide vocational training.

Agricultural programs help families and communities learn practical food-producing skills, thereby directly reducing malnutrition. Improved crops and income bring better health to the farmer, his family and his community. Teams address agricultural topics such as crop and garden planning, seed sowing and saving, natural disease and pest controls, and water conservation and irrigation practices. These principles are foundational for sustainable community development.

Smallholder farmers in Madagascar benefit from agricultural technologies training by Land O’Lakes and the U.S. Agency for International Development. Addressing the needs of smallholder farmers is important because they produce over 80 percent of food consumed in low-income countries.
Significant Club fundraising events during the year

The Book Sale March 2016. As the result of a lot of hard work the March book fair which was a great success, especially from the organisers Max Henderson, Andrew Little and Clive Denmark. Funds raised were $14,000. Well done.

The Trivia Night
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 29 August 2015 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising just over $5,000 for local charities including: Shine for Kids, Books in Homes Australia, Familial Cancer - Lynch Syndrome Australia, Warrah Society and other charities supported by the club.
Next Trivia Night is 27th August - Book Now
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 29 August 2015 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising just over $5,000 for local charities including: Shine for Kids, Books in Homes Australia, Familial Cancer - Lynch Syndrome Australia, Warrah Society and other charities supported by the club.
Next Trivia Night is 27th August - Book Now

The Garage Sale
We had a very successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 26/27 September raising over $24k gross. The weather made it hard to set-up in the lead up to the event, but for the sale the wet weather stayed away.
We had a very successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 26/27 September raising over $24k gross. The weather made it hard to set-up in the lead up to the event, but for the sale the wet weather stayed away.

The club runs fund raising barbecues throughout the year, mainly at Bunnings (both Dural and Thornleigh) Here are Barry, Tony, Nick and David hard at work. at Thornleigh..
The club runs fund raising barbecues throughout the year, mainly at Bunnings (both Dural and Thornleigh) Here are Barry, Tony, Nick and David hard at work. at Thornleigh..
:Monday 6:30pm for 7:00pm - Springfield House - 245 New Line Road, Dural.
If you are unable to attend or are bringing a guest (even if they are your partner) you must notify Jilda. Phone 9439 1422 or email [email protected] before 11am on the day of the meeting.
If you are expected and do not show you may be required to pay for the meal.
President Elect's Report 22nd August 2016

Another great evening of fellowship highlighted by yet another interesting speaker conjured up by Peter Cleary. Thank you Peter for a sterling effort in managing the Club Program. Sarah shared her week and it reminded me to encourage members to invite Sarah to their place and share some hospitality. Thank you Bernard for an insight into you life history.
A final reminder to club members to attend the Zone District Governor’s dinner on Sept 3rd at Dural Country Club. Entertainment will be provided by the “Sweet Adelines” and it promises to be a great evening of fun and fellowship. Please let Rosemary know as soon as possible if you can attend. So far we still only have 3 attending which is a very poor showing. Unfortunately Anne and I are traveling on a booking done long before the Governor's dinner was announced, or there would be 5.
Thank you to the club directors for their reports updating members on club activities, and we have plenty going on at the moment. Trivia night bookings are up to expectations much to the relief of Andrew who has put much hard work into arranging the night - Well done Andrew and team.
Don't forget next Monday is Ricardo Raad's induction. It is not a partner's night but partner's would be most welcome.
We have many members putting in a lot of work for the Club so to quote from the Rotary vision of Allen D. Albert RI President a hundred years ago is appropriate: Development of the individual
Rotarian to become his 'best self' in service to others.
A final reminder to club members to attend the Zone District Governor’s dinner on Sept 3rd at Dural Country Club. Entertainment will be provided by the “Sweet Adelines” and it promises to be a great evening of fun and fellowship. Please let Rosemary know as soon as possible if you can attend. So far we still only have 3 attending which is a very poor showing. Unfortunately Anne and I are traveling on a booking done long before the Governor's dinner was announced, or there would be 5.
Thank you to the club directors for their reports updating members on club activities, and we have plenty going on at the moment. Trivia night bookings are up to expectations much to the relief of Andrew who has put much hard work into arranging the night - Well done Andrew and team.
Don't forget next Monday is Ricardo Raad's induction. It is not a partner's night but partner's would be most welcome.
We have many members putting in a lot of work for the Club so to quote from the Rotary vision of Allen D. Albert RI President a hundred years ago is appropriate: Development of the individual
Rotarian to become his 'best self' in service to others.
Night Report 22nd August 2016
Sergeant Barry opened the meeting and passed the microphone (reluctantly) over to President Elect Colin Sharpe who welcomed our guests for the evening Angelo Casamento and our guest speaker Ben Gooley Announcements.
* The Rotary Leadership course over 3 weekends starting in October was promoted.
* 3rd of September District Governors visit at Dural County Club.
* Sarah gave a report of her weeks activities.
* Trivia Night at Cherrybrook Community Centre. All 30 tables have been filled. Set up is at 5p.m., start 7p.m.
* Dinner at Baulkham Hills TAFE has been cancelled for this year.
* Social Committee is organising two outings for 2017
A. A day trip to the Hunter Valley for the Lovedale Long Lunch, and or,
B. an overnight Stay at the Carrington Hotel Katoomba for Christmas in July, Scenic railway, Lithgow small arms factory etc.
* David Turnbull reminded us of The Garage Sale preparations.
18th Sept. collections start. All hands on deck for the sale, 8th and 9th Oct.
Please fill in roster sheet.
* Colin McGowan gave an update on Graham Cuthbertson’s condition. See emails for further updates. A card was passed around for members to write their best wishes.
* Tony Coote reported on the 1st meeting of “The WPH and District Probus Club” which meets at WPH Sports Club on the 4th Wed. 10a.m. for 10.30a.m.
and the progress of the North Connex Roadworks at Pennant Hills Road.
* Cawas reported on the progress made at the Pennant Hills Taldumande painting project and thanked participants for their help. There is still a small amount of work to finish off.
Bunnings will be donating a BBQ and further work will be considered in the future.
Our member talk for the night was given by Bernard Chandra. He was Born in Fiji , worked in Tobacco industry for many years and was also the National Sales and Marketing Manager for
a materials handling company. President of Nandi Rotary Club 1986. Joined our Club 2013. Married to Roma, one daughter and 3 grand children.
Our guest speaker for the night Ben Gooley from the Motor Neurone Association described his involvement with the Association. His Father passed away recently after suffering from the
disease which attacks the nerve cells that control movement, mainly in the arms, legs, hands, speech and swallowing.
No known cause, no cure, no remission.
2000 sufferers in Australia , more common in men, 600 people die per year from Motor Neurone Disease.
The Association started in 1981, run by volunteers. Provides aids, education and services.
Funding by Government = about 20% of requirements
Fines Session.
Barry fined those who were not on Facebook and many other fabricated fines..
Two up - No winner. Wine given to our guest speaker.
Raffle won by Tony Coote
A reminder that Ricardo Raad will be inducted next week.
* The Rotary Leadership course over 3 weekends starting in October was promoted.
* 3rd of September District Governors visit at Dural County Club.
* Sarah gave a report of her weeks activities.
* Trivia Night at Cherrybrook Community Centre. All 30 tables have been filled. Set up is at 5p.m., start 7p.m.
* Dinner at Baulkham Hills TAFE has been cancelled for this year.
* Social Committee is organising two outings for 2017
A. A day trip to the Hunter Valley for the Lovedale Long Lunch, and or,
B. an overnight Stay at the Carrington Hotel Katoomba for Christmas in July, Scenic railway, Lithgow small arms factory etc.
* David Turnbull reminded us of The Garage Sale preparations.
18th Sept. collections start. All hands on deck for the sale, 8th and 9th Oct.
Please fill in roster sheet.
* Colin McGowan gave an update on Graham Cuthbertson’s condition. See emails for further updates. A card was passed around for members to write their best wishes.
* Tony Coote reported on the 1st meeting of “The WPH and District Probus Club” which meets at WPH Sports Club on the 4th Wed. 10a.m. for 10.30a.m.
and the progress of the North Connex Roadworks at Pennant Hills Road.
* Cawas reported on the progress made at the Pennant Hills Taldumande painting project and thanked participants for their help. There is still a small amount of work to finish off.
Bunnings will be donating a BBQ and further work will be considered in the future.
Our member talk for the night was given by Bernard Chandra. He was Born in Fiji , worked in Tobacco industry for many years and was also the National Sales and Marketing Manager for
a materials handling company. President of Nandi Rotary Club 1986. Joined our Club 2013. Married to Roma, one daughter and 3 grand children.
Our guest speaker for the night Ben Gooley from the Motor Neurone Association described his involvement with the Association. His Father passed away recently after suffering from the
disease which attacks the nerve cells that control movement, mainly in the arms, legs, hands, speech and swallowing.
No known cause, no cure, no remission.
2000 sufferers in Australia , more common in men, 600 people die per year from Motor Neurone Disease.
The Association started in 1981, run by volunteers. Provides aids, education and services.
Funding by Government = about 20% of requirements
Fines Session.
Barry fined those who were not on Facebook and many other fabricated fines..
Two up - No winner. Wine given to our guest speaker.
Raffle won by Tony Coote
A reminder that Ricardo Raad will be inducted next week.
Night Photos 22nd August 2016
Editor: Click on any photo to see a larger display
This Week's Humour
Golf on Friday
After 35 years of marriage, a husband and wife came for counseling. When asked what the problem was, the wife went into a tirade listing every problem they had ever had in the years they had been married.
On and on and on: neglect, lack of intimacy, emptiness, loneliness, feeling unloved and unlovable, an entire laundry list of unmet needs she had endured.
Finally, after allowing this for a sufficient length of time, the therapist got up, walked around the desk and after asking the wife to stand, he embraced and kissed her long and passionately as her husband watched - with a raised eyebrow. The woman shut up and quietly sat down in a daze.
The therapist turned to the husband and said, "This is what your wife needs at least 3 times a week. Can you do this?"
"Well, I can drop her off here on Mondays and Wednesdays, but I play golf on Fridays.”
Colin McGowan
After 35 years of marriage, a husband and wife came for counseling. When asked what the problem was, the wife went into a tirade listing every problem they had ever had in the years they had been married.
On and on and on: neglect, lack of intimacy, emptiness, loneliness, feeling unloved and unlovable, an entire laundry list of unmet needs she had endured.
Finally, after allowing this for a sufficient length of time, the therapist got up, walked around the desk and after asking the wife to stand, he embraced and kissed her long and passionately as her husband watched - with a raised eyebrow. The woman shut up and quietly sat down in a daze.
The therapist turned to the husband and said, "This is what your wife needs at least 3 times a week. Can you do this?"
"Well, I can drop her off here on Mondays and Wednesdays, but I play golf on Fridays.”
Colin McGowan
Why teachers drink ...
Stan Baseley
A Golf Story
John, who lived in the north of England, decided to go golfing in Scotland with his friend, Shawn.
They loaded up John's minivan and headed north.
After driving for a few hours, they got caught in a blizzard.
So they stopped at a farm and asked the attractive lady who answered the door if they could spend the night.
‘I realise it's terrible weather out there and I have this huge house all to myself, but I'm recently widowed,' she explained, 'and I'm afraid the neighbours will talk if I let you stay in my house.'
'Don't worry,' John said. 'We'll be happy to sleep in the barn.
And if the weather breaks, we'll be gone at first light.'
The lady agreed, and the two men found their way to the barn and settled in for the night.
In the morning, the weather cleared, and they went on their way.
They enjoyed a good weekend of golf.
About nine months later, John got a letter from a lawyer.
It took him a few minutes to work out, but he realised that it was from the lawyer of the widow they’d met on the golf weekend.
He called his friend Shawn and asked,
"Shawn, do you remember that lovely widow from the farm we stayed at on our golf holiday in Scotland about 9 months ago?'
‘Yes, I do,' said Shawn.
'Did you, er, happen to get up in the middle of the night, and go up to the house to pay her a visit?'
'Well, um, yes.' Shawn said, a little embarrassed about being found out. 'I have to admit that I did.'
'And did you give her my name instead of yours?'
Shawn's face turned bright red and he said,
'Yeah, look, I'm sorry mate, I'm afraid I did. Why do you ask?'
'She just died and left me everything.'
... Heh, Heh, Heh …
Colin McGowan
John, who lived in the north of England, decided to go golfing in Scotland with his friend, Shawn.
They loaded up John's minivan and headed north.
After driving for a few hours, they got caught in a blizzard.
So they stopped at a farm and asked the attractive lady who answered the door if they could spend the night.
‘I realise it's terrible weather out there and I have this huge house all to myself, but I'm recently widowed,' she explained, 'and I'm afraid the neighbours will talk if I let you stay in my house.'
'Don't worry,' John said. 'We'll be happy to sleep in the barn.
And if the weather breaks, we'll be gone at first light.'
The lady agreed, and the two men found their way to the barn and settled in for the night.
In the morning, the weather cleared, and they went on their way.
They enjoyed a good weekend of golf.
About nine months later, John got a letter from a lawyer.
It took him a few minutes to work out, but he realised that it was from the lawyer of the widow they’d met on the golf weekend.
He called his friend Shawn and asked,
"Shawn, do you remember that lovely widow from the farm we stayed at on our golf holiday in Scotland about 9 months ago?'
‘Yes, I do,' said Shawn.
'Did you, er, happen to get up in the middle of the night, and go up to the house to pay her a visit?'
'Well, um, yes.' Shawn said, a little embarrassed about being found out. 'I have to admit that I did.'
'And did you give her my name instead of yours?'
Shawn's face turned bright red and he said,
'Yeah, look, I'm sorry mate, I'm afraid I did. Why do you ask?'
'She just died and left me everything.'
... Heh, Heh, Heh …
Colin McGowan
Club Calendar
Take me to the Club Calendar
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