Monday 3rd October
No meeting - Labour Day
Monday 10th October
No meeting after Garage Sale
Duty Roster
Speaker Host Night Reporter Front Desk Front Desk Steward Steward IT Person Photographer Member Talk |
Monday 26th September
Steve Baker Neville Hansen Bob Davison Brian Furrer Ricardo Raad Andrew Little Nick Chuah Ross Ballinger Steve Baker |
Monday 17th October
Howard Fleming Roslyn Savio Bob Davison TBA Alan Paynter David Turnbull Neville Hansen Peter Stanton Gino Savio |
Monday 24th October
John Tchetchenian Colin McGowan Bob Davison Stan Baseley - - - Ross Ballinger David Turnbull |
Inside This Issue |
Upcoming Events |
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Club CalendarTake me to the Club Calendar
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24th September
25th September 8th & 9th October |
DIK Event - Cancelled (see below)
Guide Hall clean up of the grounds. Garage Sale |
WPH Public School Walkathon
DIK - Needs Our Assistance
Hi Team,
I had a call from Miriam this morning to advise that the container will not be available for another week (ie 1st October). Since this is perilously close to the garage sale I told Miriam we cant assist.
Accordingly the DIK session this weekend is cancelled.
Could those who were scheduled to attend please confirm receipt of this email otherwise I shall have to phone to confirm you got the message.
Tony Makin
I had a call from Miriam this morning to advise that the container will not be available for another week (ie 1st October). Since this is perilously close to the garage sale I told Miriam we cant assist.
Accordingly the DIK session this weekend is cancelled.
Could those who were scheduled to attend please confirm receipt of this email otherwise I shall have to phone to confirm you got the message.
Tony Makin
Tree of Joy
It is now time for the Club to commence planning for this year’s Tree of Joy.
Last year we formed a committee of 8 to 10 Rotarians to run the project and it was most successful: I would suggest we adopt the same approach this year and ask Rotarians who are interested in being part of it this year, to contact me. Hopefully we can get together before the meeting on 26th September
Already the Centre Management is “onside”, decorations up and the Tree will be ready for the cards on Monday 7th November and the collection will close, at least nominally, on Wednesday 14th December, and distribution on Friday 16th.
The Tree of Joy is the Club project where we organize collection of Christmas gifts from the Community of Cherrybrook in association with Cherrybrook Shopping Village, for distribution via charities to disadvantaged people. Any member of the Club is welcome to be part of the committee and project; if you want more information please talk to me or one of last year’s committee.
Brian Furrer
Last year we formed a committee of 8 to 10 Rotarians to run the project and it was most successful: I would suggest we adopt the same approach this year and ask Rotarians who are interested in being part of it this year, to contact me. Hopefully we can get together before the meeting on 26th September
Already the Centre Management is “onside”, decorations up and the Tree will be ready for the cards on Monday 7th November and the collection will close, at least nominally, on Wednesday 14th December, and distribution on Friday 16th.
The Tree of Joy is the Club project where we organize collection of Christmas gifts from the Community of Cherrybrook in association with Cherrybrook Shopping Village, for distribution via charities to disadvantaged people. Any member of the Club is welcome to be part of the committee and project; if you want more information please talk to me or one of last year’s committee.
Brian Furrer
Garage Sale Flyer
Garage Sale Presentation
Neville has supplied a PDF copy of his presentation. It is detailed but subject to change. Link (Opens in a new window)
Garage Sale - Help Needed
At the most recent meeting Neville supplied each table with a multi-page form seeking people availability. Several Members were unable to fill in these pages as their diary was at home.
Here is a link to People Availability to enable you to indicate when you are available.
Please return to Neville on completion.
A note on the facts of life
When you have finished filling in the form, you need to save it and email a copy to Neville.
The website is not all seeing, all knowing and does not know what you have entered.
Here is a link to People Availability to enable you to indicate when you are available.
Please return to Neville on completion.
A note on the facts of life
When you have finished filling in the form, you need to save it and email a copy to Neville.
The website is not all seeing, all knowing and does not know what you have entered.
RYE - Amelia's Report
Amelia's August Report can now be found at Amelia's Reports.
Note: At the bottom right of each of Amelia's reports is a link back to Club Bulletin.
Note: At the bottom right of each of Amelia's reports is a link back to Club Bulletin.
Epping Rotary 2016 Trivia Night- Saturday 12 November
We are aiming to raise $20,000 towards the extremely important counselling work undertaken by CCA in Epping through the Shack for young people with a range of mental health issues. This services young people in the broader area.
This type of intervention is very expensive and requires considerable resourcing.
I am asking that you form a table of 6-10 people as a team representing your Rotary Club.
It would be great to have your support.
Please contact Ian Bittner for bookings- details on the flyer- or me on 0410685417
Many thanks for your support
Peter Garrard
Epping Rotary
Click on Flyer for larger view
Rotary Foundation
More Rotary GraphicsThought I might follow a theme. These images can be downloaded by left clicking and saving.
Worldwide, 67 million children have no access to education, and more than 775 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate. Our members support educational projects that provide technology, teacher training, vocational training teams, student meal programs, and low-cost textbooks to communities. Our goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy.
Every child has the right to go to school, without danger or discrimination. 59 million children around the world don’t have access to basic education. Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors all over the world are taking action to enhance basic education and literacy in their communities.
Many children, especially girls are denied the right to go to school. An example are the schools in Pakistan. The Taliban has refused to let girls go to school to learn, and have even used violent threats to make sure people obey their rules.
Significant Club fundraising events during the year
The Book Sale March 2016. As the result of a lot of hard work the March book fair which was a great success, especially from the organisers Max Henderson, Andrew Little and Clive Denmark. Funds raised were $14,000. Well done.
The Trivia Night
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 27 August 2016 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising just over $5,000 towards the charities we support.
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 27 August 2016 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising just over $5,000 towards the charities we support.
The Garage Sale
We had a very successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 26/27 September raising over $24k gross. The weather made it hard to set-up in the lead up to the event, but for the sale the wet weather stayed away.
We had a very successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 26/27 September raising over $24k gross. The weather made it hard to set-up in the lead up to the event, but for the sale the wet weather stayed away.
What Are You Doing on the 8th & 9th October?
Garage Sale
If you are a Rotarian we need you to assist.
If you are not a Rotarian we need you to come and purchase something. . We will have comfortable seats to
Forget Bathurst! We will have lounge chairs to enable you to watch Bathurst on TVs at the Garage Sale. David will sell you the lounge chair and also the TV. So, come early and come often. See if you can beat the record (circa 10 visits).
Garage Sale
If you are a Rotarian we need you to assist.
If you are not a Rotarian we need you to come and purchase something. . We will have comfortable seats to
Forget Bathurst! We will have lounge chairs to enable you to watch Bathurst on TVs at the Garage Sale. David will sell you the lounge chair and also the TV. So, come early and come often. See if you can beat the record (circa 10 visits).
The club runs fund raising barbecues throughout the year, mainly at Bunnings (both Dural and Thornleigh) Here are Barry, Tony, Nick and David hard at work. at Thornleigh..
The club runs fund raising barbecues throughout the year, mainly at Bunnings (both Dural and Thornleigh) Here are Barry, Tony, Nick and David hard at work. at Thornleigh..
:Monday 6:30pm for 7:00pm - Springfield House - 245 New Line Road, Dural.
If you are unable to attend or are bringing a guest (even if they are your partner) you must notify Jilda. Phone 9439 1422 or email [email protected] before 11am on the day of the meeting.
If you are expected and do not show you may be required to pay for the meal.
President's Report 19th September 2016
What a busy night! Thank you to all our partners for attending our meeting – it’s always lovely to catch up with you all.
It was fantastic to welcome Angelo Casamento into our club. We hope you enjoy your Rotary journey with us.
Thank you to David Turnbull for stepping in at the last moment to be Sergeant in Barry’s absence. We are all thinking of you Barry and wishing you well.
A huge thank you to Andrew Frank for filling in as our guest speaker at a moment’s notice. We learnt so much about wills, trusts etc. in such a clearly explained way.
The Garage Sale looms closer and I urge all of you to get as involved as possible. Even though the whole event is enormous, there is a lot of fun and fellowship on offer. It’s a great way to get to know everyone away from the setting of a meeting. It is our major fundraising event for the year so if you have not put your name down for anything now is the time to step up. Don’t forget to make cakes, cup cakes, slices, jam, plants etc. for the stalls.
We also have a Bunnings BBQ on Sunday 2nd October. Being a long weekend, I’m sure there will be many at Bunnings to get supplies for all those jobs around the house that never get done!!
Thank you to all of you who are going above and beyond with the Garage Sale. Our charities will salute you.
Have fun and fellowship whilst serving humanity.
It was fantastic to welcome Angelo Casamento into our club. We hope you enjoy your Rotary journey with us.
Thank you to David Turnbull for stepping in at the last moment to be Sergeant in Barry’s absence. We are all thinking of you Barry and wishing you well.
A huge thank you to Andrew Frank for filling in as our guest speaker at a moment’s notice. We learnt so much about wills, trusts etc. in such a clearly explained way.
The Garage Sale looms closer and I urge all of you to get as involved as possible. Even though the whole event is enormous, there is a lot of fun and fellowship on offer. It’s a great way to get to know everyone away from the setting of a meeting. It is our major fundraising event for the year so if you have not put your name down for anything now is the time to step up. Don’t forget to make cakes, cup cakes, slices, jam, plants etc. for the stalls.
We also have a Bunnings BBQ on Sunday 2nd October. Being a long weekend, I’m sure there will be many at Bunnings to get supplies for all those jobs around the house that never get done!!
Thank you to all of you who are going above and beyond with the Garage Sale. Our charities will salute you.
Have fun and fellowship whilst serving humanity.
Night Report 19th September 2016
There’s no doubt that a glass of good red makes it easier to write up the night report.
Many thanks to David Turnbull who stood in as Sergeant at the last minute.
President Rosemary welcomed guests including the guest speaker Andrew Frank, partners, Megan McCartney (Charlie’s daughter who wanted to know what mum does at Rotary), and Julian Savio.
She also thanked a number of people for their work – in particular Charlie who is making big inroads with the Facebook site, Tom and Neville who put up the awning at the fire station by themselves, and those who attended and provided the BBQ at the fundraiser for the West Pennant Hills school.
She advised that the first meeting after the Garage Sale (17th October) will be a crazy hat partners night and the speaker will be from Headspace.
Directors Reports
Community Services: Cawas advised that the Taldamunde project has been a great success and is likely to end up with an article in Rotary Downunder. He also thanked those who worked at the West Pennant Hills school BBQ.
International: Tony Makin asked those who may be interested in a community project in Agra, India should contact him and he will pass on the details. He also called for volunteers for the DIK project this Saturday and received seven supporters.
Shirts: Ross Ballinger said that people looking for yellow shirts for the Garage sale should contact him by Tuesday. Shirts are $30 and aprons $24. Caps are also available.
Tree of Joy: Brian Furrer is ready to start the Tree of Joy project again this year. It will follow the same format as last year and he needs 6-8 volunteers. He intends to hold a meeting of interested members at 6:00 pm before the meeting next week.
Sarah travelled to Canberra with Janelle and another exchange student. She visited Floriade, Questacon, the Australian Museum and the War Memorial.
Keith Ball supported President Rosemary’s comments and said that over 40 people are visiting the website per day thanks to the work being done by Charlie and the Garage Sale. By 5:00 pm on the night of the meeting 303 people had visited the Garage Sale page. The most traffic that had been received in the past 6 months was around 10 visits per day.
Garage Sale: Neville Hansen played a short very inspiring video titled “Yes We Can” about the Paralympians. He made several important points about the Garage Sale:
· Members must sign in when they arrive to work
· Heavy lifting is limited to less than 40kg
· The Fire Brigade has asked that the apron in front of the building be kept clear and that they need clear access to the hoses stored at the back of the shed.
All the brochures have been distributed and Facebook and the website are working well. He also asked that members fill out the availability sheet as soon as they can.
Rosemary then inducted Angelo into the Club and it is a great pleasure to welcome him. Keith said that he was the first person to make enquiries from the website. He has an interest in charity and fundraising and Neville is to be his mentor.
David Turnbull advised members that Graham Cuthbertson is improving and seems much happier in himself.
Carol Russell introduced Andrew Frank as the guest speaker on Estate Planning. The key message was that Estate Planning is necessary to avoid issues later on and there are four key areas to consider: a Will, a Power of Attorney, a Guardianship arrangement, and to carefully consider superannuation which is considered to be separate from a person’s estate and is treated according to superannuation rules.
Tom Westcott won the raffle, and Peter Cleary the Heads and Tails.
Many thanks to David Turnbull who stood in as Sergeant at the last minute.
President Rosemary welcomed guests including the guest speaker Andrew Frank, partners, Megan McCartney (Charlie’s daughter who wanted to know what mum does at Rotary), and Julian Savio.
She also thanked a number of people for their work – in particular Charlie who is making big inroads with the Facebook site, Tom and Neville who put up the awning at the fire station by themselves, and those who attended and provided the BBQ at the fundraiser for the West Pennant Hills school.
She advised that the first meeting after the Garage Sale (17th October) will be a crazy hat partners night and the speaker will be from Headspace.
Directors Reports
Community Services: Cawas advised that the Taldamunde project has been a great success and is likely to end up with an article in Rotary Downunder. He also thanked those who worked at the West Pennant Hills school BBQ.
International: Tony Makin asked those who may be interested in a community project in Agra, India should contact him and he will pass on the details. He also called for volunteers for the DIK project this Saturday and received seven supporters.
Shirts: Ross Ballinger said that people looking for yellow shirts for the Garage sale should contact him by Tuesday. Shirts are $30 and aprons $24. Caps are also available.
Tree of Joy: Brian Furrer is ready to start the Tree of Joy project again this year. It will follow the same format as last year and he needs 6-8 volunteers. He intends to hold a meeting of interested members at 6:00 pm before the meeting next week.
Sarah travelled to Canberra with Janelle and another exchange student. She visited Floriade, Questacon, the Australian Museum and the War Memorial.
Keith Ball supported President Rosemary’s comments and said that over 40 people are visiting the website per day thanks to the work being done by Charlie and the Garage Sale. By 5:00 pm on the night of the meeting 303 people had visited the Garage Sale page. The most traffic that had been received in the past 6 months was around 10 visits per day.
Garage Sale: Neville Hansen played a short very inspiring video titled “Yes We Can” about the Paralympians. He made several important points about the Garage Sale:
· Members must sign in when they arrive to work
· Heavy lifting is limited to less than 40kg
· The Fire Brigade has asked that the apron in front of the building be kept clear and that they need clear access to the hoses stored at the back of the shed.
All the brochures have been distributed and Facebook and the website are working well. He also asked that members fill out the availability sheet as soon as they can.
Rosemary then inducted Angelo into the Club and it is a great pleasure to welcome him. Keith said that he was the first person to make enquiries from the website. He has an interest in charity and fundraising and Neville is to be his mentor.
David Turnbull advised members that Graham Cuthbertson is improving and seems much happier in himself.
Carol Russell introduced Andrew Frank as the guest speaker on Estate Planning. The key message was that Estate Planning is necessary to avoid issues later on and there are four key areas to consider: a Will, a Power of Attorney, a Guardianship arrangement, and to carefully consider superannuation which is considered to be separate from a person’s estate and is treated according to superannuation rules.
Tom Westcott won the raffle, and Peter Cleary the Heads and Tails.
Night Photos 19th September 2016
Editor: Click on any photo to see a larger display
This Week's Humour
Stuff you didn't know you didn't know!
Men can read smaller
print than women can; women can hear better
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Coca-Cola was originally green.
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It is impossible to lick your elbow.
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The State with the highest percentage of people who walk to work: Alaska
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The percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28%
(now get this...)
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The percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38%
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The cost of raising a medium-size dog to the age of eleven: $ 16,400
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The average number of people airborne over the U.S. in any given hour: 61,000
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Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair..
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The first novel ever written on a typewriter, Tom Sawyer.
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The San Francisco Cable cars are the only mobile
National Monuments.
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Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history:
Spades - King David
Hearts - Charlemagne
Clubs - Alexander, the Great
Diamonds - Julius Caesar
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111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987, 654,321
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If a statue in the park of a person on a horse
has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle. If the horse has one front leg in the air,
the person died because of wounds received in battle.
If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
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Only two people signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4,John Hancock and Charles Thomson. Most of the rest signed on August 2, but the last signature wasn't added until 5 years later.
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Q. Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of what?
A. Their birthplace
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Q. Most boat owners name their boats. What is the most popular boat name requested? A. Obsession
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Q.. If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until you would find the letter 'A'?
A. One thousand
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Q. What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers have in common?
A. All were invented by women.
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Q. What is the only food that doesn't spoil?
A. Honey
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Q. Which day are there more collect calls than any other day of the year?
A. Father's Day
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In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes, the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence, the phrase...'Goodnight , sleep tight'
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It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and, because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month, which we know today as the honeymoon.
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In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts... So in old England , when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them 'Mind your pints and quarts, and settle down.' . . .It's where we get
the phrase 'mind your P's and Q's'
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Many years ago in England , pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the rim, or handle, of their ceramic cups. When they needed a refill , they used the whistle to get some service. 'Wet your whistle' is the phrase inspired by this practice.
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1. You accidentally enter your PIN on the microwave.
2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.
3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of three.
4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.
5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses.
6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your mobile phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries...
7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen.
8. Leaving the house without your mobile phone, which you didn't even have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic, and you turn around to go and get it .
10. You get up in the morning and go online before getting your coffee.
11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile. : )
12. You're reading this and nodding and laughing.
13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message.
14. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list.
15. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list .
~~~~~~~~~~~AND FINALLY~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
NOW you're LAUGHING at yourself!
"Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves,
for they shall never cease to be amused!"
(Unknown Author)
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Colin McGowan
Stan Baseley
Club Calendar
Take me to the Club Calendar
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