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Monday 22nd August
David Turnbull Alan Paynter Carol Russell Stan Baseley Andrew Little John Tchetchenian Peter Stanton Rosemary Clarke |
Monday 29th August
Howard Fleming Steve Baker Brian Furrer John Tchetchenian Alan Paynter Tom Westcott Ross Ballinger Clive Denmark |
Monday 5th September
Neville Hansen Roslyn Savio Carol Russell Stan Baseley Bernard Chandra Gino Savio Peter Stanton Keith Ball |
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27th August 2016
3rd September 8th & 9th October |
Trivia Night - Cherrybrook Community Centre
District Governor Official Clubs Visit Dural Country Club Garage Sale |
Trivia Night

.Save the date - Saturday 27th August 2016.
We are holding our annual trivia night on Saturday 27 August 2016 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre.
Book Now
As with last year, it will be an enjoyable and affordable night at only $20.00 per person (no extra costs re the trivia rounds) with the only optional extras being a raffle and a separate activity at intermission (gold coin nearest the bottle).
Invite all your friends and relatives and start putting tables of 8 together (can accommodate 10 at a stretch).
We had around 200 people attend last year and we are targeting an additional row of 5 tables this year to get up to a record 240 people.
Last year we raised around $5,000 from the trivia night, so let’s all work on filling all 30 tables this year and beat last year’s total!
Steve Sims will be the quiz master again this year and we will have a new MC this year as Jim Simpson will be away.
You will have to guess who he is (Hint - he loves to have a microphone in his hand!).
We will start putting out lists at the meeting on Monday 18 July, which is a partner’s night.
Whilst we have asked all the local Probus Clubs and Rotary clubs to promote the trivia night at their meetings, we would like members to send the attached flyer to as many people as possible so that the trivia night gets maximum publicity.
For all the latest developments a website page has been developed by Andrew Little. Link
Note: This link goes to another page. At the bottom of that page is a link back to this page..
We are holding our annual trivia night on Saturday 27 August 2016 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre.
Book Now
As with last year, it will be an enjoyable and affordable night at only $20.00 per person (no extra costs re the trivia rounds) with the only optional extras being a raffle and a separate activity at intermission (gold coin nearest the bottle).
Invite all your friends and relatives and start putting tables of 8 together (can accommodate 10 at a stretch).
We had around 200 people attend last year and we are targeting an additional row of 5 tables this year to get up to a record 240 people.
Last year we raised around $5,000 from the trivia night, so let’s all work on filling all 30 tables this year and beat last year’s total!
Steve Sims will be the quiz master again this year and we will have a new MC this year as Jim Simpson will be away.
You will have to guess who he is (Hint - he loves to have a microphone in his hand!).
We will start putting out lists at the meeting on Monday 18 July, which is a partner’s night.
Whilst we have asked all the local Probus Clubs and Rotary clubs to promote the trivia night at their meetings, we would like members to send the attached flyer to as many people as possible so that the trivia night gets maximum publicity.
For all the latest developments a website page has been developed by Andrew Little. Link
Note: This link goes to another page. At the bottom of that page is a link back to this page..
District Governor's Official Clubs Visit
Garage Sale Flyer
Garage Sale Presentation
Neville has supplied a PDF copy of his presentation. It is detailed but subject to change. Link (Opens in a new window)
A thank you from ShelterBox Australia
Note: These two boxes are yet to be deployed.
I have added them to the list in International Service and will update when deployed.
I have added them to the list in International Service and will update when deployed.
A group from the Club, together with a Rotoractor from Castle Hill and an employee of Bunnings painted a room at Taldumante - a youth refuge in Pennant Hills - on 12th August.
We are scheduled to paint another room this Friday. If you want to participate contact Cawas for details.
We are scheduled to paint another room this Friday. If you want to participate contact Cawas for details.
International Service - Note from Tony
- As announced at the last meeting, after trying to identify an alternative location for a volunteer event, the committee has decided that the only realistic opportunity is to go to Vanuatu again.
- We were not avoiding Vanuatu because of any lack of need; it is just that a few of us have been to Vanuatu before (some more than once).
- The project in Vanuatu is to put a roof on a school block in the hills above Hogg Harbour, Espiritu Santo. Another team have recently returned and are expected to have completed the blockwork structure.
- There are great advantages in working in Vanuatu:
- We have been before and know what we are in for.
- Vanuatu is safe.
- The accommodation is good by the standards of impoverished nations (if they weren’t impoverished we wouldn’t be going). The cold water is not really cold and the food is good.
- The materials will be organised for us. We just need to contribute to the cost.
- There are two hardware stores within reach for anything we don’t have at the site.
- The resort is in a perfect location within a stone’s throw of the sea and right next to Champagne Bay which is where many luxury liners stop to enjoy the beach.
- We work to about 4.00pm then relax and enjoy the sea and a long Happy Hour before dinner.
- They fly big planes into Espiritu Santo (for the benefit of Mr Coote).
- Cost is minimal – likely to be about $2,000 which can be reduced by tax deductions under special circumstances (please see me if you want to know more about this).
- I am waiting for photos and a report on the project from the returning team so that I can give the club more detail.
- The critical issue is that we need to know that we have enough people to make this work. This has been a problem in the past and has been terminal in two previous attempts to organise a trip. Also two of the likely team have already indicated that they are not available in May next year which is the preferred time.
- Please email, text or phone me to log your enthusiasm. The people of Vanuatu need us and you need to do a bit of Service above Self. It is guaranteed to be memorable.
RYE - Amelia's Report
I have created a new page that contains all of Amelia's Reports. The intent is to show the latest here as it comes in and then give access in the following weeks by referring the reader to Amelia's Reports.
Take me to Amelia's Reports. Note to website neophytes - At the bottom right of each report is a link back to Club Bulletin. |
News from Other Clubs
More Rotary GraphicsThought I might follow a theme. These images can be downloaded by left clicking and saving.

A way out of poverty is to create sustainable, measurable, and long-term economic improvements in communities and livelihoods by:
- Building the capacity of entrepreneurs, community leaders, local organizations, and community networks to support economic development in impoverished communities
- Developing opportunities for productive work
- Reducing poverty in underserved communities
- Supporting studies for career-minded professionals related to economic and community development

Rita Baidya of Nabapally, India, borrowed money from a Rotary credit program to buy a calf which will eventually help her family through the sale its milk

With the help of a Rotary grant and international partners, the Rotary Club of Guatemala Sur equipped an orphanage in Sumpango, Guatemala, with needed resources and equipment.
Significant Club fundraising events during the year

The Book Sale March 2016. As the result of a lot of hard work the March book fair which was a great success, especially from the organisers Max Henderson, Andrew Little and Clive Denmark. Funds raised were $14,000. Well done.

The Trivia Night
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 29 August 2015 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising just over $5,000 for local charities including: Shine for Kids, Books in Homes Australia, Familial Cancer - Lynch Syndrome Australia, Warrah Society and other charities supported by the club.
Next Trivia Night is 27th August - Book Now
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 29 August 2015 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising just over $5,000 for local charities including: Shine for Kids, Books in Homes Australia, Familial Cancer - Lynch Syndrome Australia, Warrah Society and other charities supported by the club.
Next Trivia Night is 27th August - Book Now

The Garage Sale
We had a very successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 26/27 September raising over $24k gross. The weather made it hard to set-up in the lead up to the event, but for the sale the wet weather stayed away.
We had a very successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 26/27 September raising over $24k gross. The weather made it hard to set-up in the lead up to the event, but for the sale the wet weather stayed away.

The club runs fund raising barbecues throughout the year, mainly at Bunnings (both Dural and Thornleigh) Here are Barry, Tony, Nick and David hard at work. at Thornleigh..
The club runs fund raising barbecues throughout the year, mainly at Bunnings (both Dural and Thornleigh) Here are Barry, Tony, Nick and David hard at work. at Thornleigh..
:Monday 6:30pm for 7:00pm - Springfield House - 245 New Line Road, Dural.
If you are unable to attend or are bringing a guest (even if they are your partner) you must notify Jilda. Phone 9439 1422 or email [email protected] before 11am on the day of the meeting.
If you are expected and do not show you may be required to pay for the meal.
President's Report 15th August 2016

Amazing! Awesome! What a spectacular evening on Monday. Our Youth meeting delivered some incredible young people who showcased their confidence in speaking. Larissa Isakov, Anna Laroumanie and our exchange student Sarah Zehnder all demonstrated how lucky we are to have such fabulous leaders in the making. Thank you to Tony Coote for organising such an inspiring evening!
Jan Duffy, our Assistant District Governor, urged us all to attend the Zone District Governor’s dinner on Sept 3rd at Dural Country Club. Entertainment will be provided by the “Sweet Adelines” and it promises to be a great evening of fun and fellowship. Please let me know by this Friday if you can come.
We were sad to say goodbye to Graham and Margaret Evans but it is exciting for them to be embarking on the next stage of their life, closer to family and downsizing at Seaforth. Thank you for your years of service to our club and our very best wishes go with you.
Don’t forget to book your table for the Trivia night on August 27th. It’s a great night where you can enjoy fun and fellowship whilst learning a lot of interesting if not unusual facts!!
Have fun and fellowship whilst serving humanity.
Jan Duffy, our Assistant District Governor, urged us all to attend the Zone District Governor’s dinner on Sept 3rd at Dural Country Club. Entertainment will be provided by the “Sweet Adelines” and it promises to be a great evening of fun and fellowship. Please let me know by this Friday if you can come.
We were sad to say goodbye to Graham and Margaret Evans but it is exciting for them to be embarking on the next stage of their life, closer to family and downsizing at Seaforth. Thank you for your years of service to our club and our very best wishes go with you.
Don’t forget to book your table for the Trivia night on August 27th. It’s a great night where you can enjoy fun and fellowship whilst learning a lot of interesting if not unusual facts!!
Have fun and fellowship whilst serving humanity.
Night Report15th August 2016
The meeting was opened by President Rosemary, who invited Keith to proceed with the Rotary Toast – To Rotary, Australia and Switzerland.
President Rosemary welcomed all of the evening’s guests:
· Assistant District Governor Jan Duffy
· Rotary Youth Exchange Chairman John Dodd
· Country Co-Ordinator David Arnott and Marilyn Arnott
· Outgoing RYE Student Anna Laroumanie and her parents, Celine and Paul
· Winter RYPEN Larissa Isakov and her parents, Alex and Natalie
· Daisy Montano, fellow Rotarian from Norwest Sunrise and teacher at Larissa’s school
· Ricardo Raad and Rebecca (Norwest Sunrise)
· Angelo Casamento
· Jeremy Carter – Norwest Sunrise and his guest Ananda Pandey
· Ann Turner
· Dr Anna Vaas – First time guest tonight
· Annette’s guest – Joseph Brolly
· Sarah Zehnder – Inbound Rotary Exchange Student
· Partners
Thank You note received from ShelterBox Australia for a donation made by WPHC Rotary Club.
Thank you to:
Please refer President’s Report or ask me for further details.
Rosemary shared a ‘Rotary Fact’. Please refer to the President’s Report.
We all enjoyed our evening meal which was, as usual, extremely delicious!
Directors’ Reports
Tony Makin – International
Tony confirmed that the team will be heading to Vanuatu in May 2017 and will be staying at the same resort as last time.
Andrew Little – Trivia Night
· Andrew confirmed that we have 22 tables confirmed but would love to see this number increased.
· Janelle confirmed that some Rotaract members will attend as well as some Exchange Students.
· Andrew and Max will be discussing roles for the night, such as people to sell raffle tickets.
· Club members are also required to help set up the tables & chairs as well as clean up at the end of the evening.
· Prizes have been organised.
· It will most surely be a fun-filled night!
Anne Duffy – Assistant District Governor
Anne spoke about the DG Zone Meeting on the 3rd September. She explained details of the evening, placing emphasis on the fact it will be an evening of fun and entertainment. She asked President Rosemary to really encourage club members to attend as the attendance confirmations are low at the moment.
Colin Sharpe – Social
Colin confirmed the meeting at Carol’s home on Tuesday night, 16th August.
Note from Ian Scott
Encouraged all of us to attend the Rotary Leadership Institute, as the teachings add much value to our role as Rotarians. Colin confirmed that it is well worth attending.
Cawas – Taldumande Project (FYI – Taldumande is an Aboriginal word meaning ‘Place of Refuge’).
Cawas gave great thanks to the Club Members and Partners who helped with painting one of the rooms. Thanks went to the following:
Alan Paynter
David Turnbull
Peter Stanton
Peter Cleary
John Tchetchenian
Barry Freeman
Keith Ball
Cawas has asked for more volunteers for this Friday to paint one more room. Cawas expressed the importance of our service offering to Taldumande by explaining that this a home for young, homeless children. It is a place of safety for them.
Those who have volunteered are:
Ricardo Raad
David Arnott
Annette Westcott
Colin McGowan – Welfare Officer
Colin shared some sad news about Graeme Cuthbertson – Graeme is currently in hospital, in ACU, with acute Renal Failure. He has been ill for a few weeks now, with so many symptoms, that his medical team were unable to initially diagnose his illness. He is Diabetic, is seriously dehydrated and will be undergoing a kidney biopsy within the next few days. Our club will do everything and anything to offer assistance to Judy and Graeme but it is recommended that he doesn’t receive visitors at this stage as he is still in ACU.
Colin also shared with us that tonight we say goodbye (or see ya’ later, as I prefer!) to Graham and Margaret Evans. They are moving to Seaforth where they will be closer to their Grandchildren. Graham has been a member of the WPHC Rotary Club for 16 years. Colin shared some great memories of their social get-togethers, especially those involving Graham visiting the local fish market to stock up on awesome seafood which was then followed by great entertaining with sumptuous food. Margaret hasn’t been in good health but has always been so positive and so helpful toward others. There is a Rotary Club across from their new home as well as a Probus Club. We are very sorry to see them leave but wish them all the best and much happiness in their future endeavours.
Tony Coote – Youth
Tony introduced our four Youth Representatives:
Anna Laroumanie – Going to Japan on RYE in December
Larissa Isakov – Returning student from Winter RYPEN
Sarah Zehnder – Inbound RYE student from Switzerland
Amelia Craig – Outbound RYE student currently in Switzerland
Tony was very excited to introduce these four, young ladies and commented that it was about time that we saw some young ‘blokes’ actively seeking RYE opportunities too!
The Youth speakers
Anna Laroumanie
Anna thanked the club for the invitation to attend tonight’s meeting. She learnt a few months ago that she is going to Japan. She was very excited because Japan has regions that are very warm and sunny as she doesn’t like the cold. She received her District Number a few weeks ago and discovered that she will be going to one of the coldest regions in Japan. She is now happy about that as it gives her an opportunity to learn about conditions with which she is very unfamiliar. She believes that her Exchange year in Japan will be the greatest year of her life. She wants to return to Australia a different and better person. She recently prepared a 3 minute speech to welcome new Japanese Exchange Students to her school. Anna is very grateful to Rotary International for giving her this incredible opportunity.
Larissa Isakov
Larissa has returned from Winter RYPEN (Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment). WPHC Rotary Club sponsored her.
She is 15 years old, from a family of five (Mum, Dad and two siblings) and attends St. Andrews College. She would love to attend university once she completes high school.
She was nervous attending RYPEN as she was in a group of 70 students. The camp commenced on 17th June and they were divided into colour groups. She was in the red group. All activities that were organised were done in such a way to help the students get to know each other. They all developed social skills through activities such as bush dancing and leadership activities. There were seminars conducted by Motivational Speakers. She increased her knowledge and improved her mindset. She learned about making decisions when no one else wanted to. Everyone was supportive of each other. There was no bullying. She learnt that a positive mindset and outlook increased the availability of opportunities.
Larissa gave thanks to WPHC Rotary Club for sponsoring her, Daisy (her teacher) for nominating her and continued support. She also thanked her parents, Alex and Natalie, for their support and encouragement.
Sarah Zehnder
Sarah has been in Australia for 3 weeks now. She is currently living with Janelle and her family. She attends Cherrybrook Technology High School and is on Exchange from Switzerland.
Sarah shared information about Switzerland, Food her home and her family.
She comes from the canton of Thurgau which has a population of approximately 270,000 people.
The population is mostly German speaking but there are other languages spoken such as Italian and French.
The highest mountain peak in Switzerland is Dufour-Spitze and Matterhorn.
The two lakes are Lake Geneva and Lake Zurich, both of which are so large they are measured in kilometres.
Food in Switzerland is delicious – Zug Cherry Cake & Grisons Nut Cake; Zurich Ragout and St. Gallen Bratwurst; Fondue & Raclette; awesome cheese such as Gruyere (Sarah’s favourite!). Her favourite chocolate is Munzli and she has been to this factory. Sarah says we must visit it one day!
Many of the dishes and main dishes, such as Thurgau marinated Pot Roast, contain alcohol!
Sarah comes from a family of five – Mum (Postal Worker), Dad (Lawyer), Sister – Lena is 17 (Pharmacy Assistant) and Janine – 13 (Secondary School Student). There is also a family dog called Mylo.
Sarah loves traveling, languages, drawing, super heroes, Psychology etc. She is excited about the opportunity to make friends all over the world. In Switzerland she is part of a Sorority at school – they read lots of books and wear hats. She wants knowledge! She was learning Judo but would now like to learn some other sport.
Sarah would like to study Journalism or Psychology at University. She loves seeing new things and places and meeting new people.
Whilst in Australia she would love to learn how to surf and have a great time.
She gave great thanks to WPHC Rotary Club for hosting her.
John Dodd – RYE Chairman
John was originally worried with the change in age restrictions for RYE Students from 18 to 15. He wasn’t sure it would work. Were they too young?
His concerns have now been dispelled. These students are very mature, as we witnessed by our Youth speakers this evening. They have such incredible potential. They are placed in very different situations and expected to adapt and carry on. They do!
John and his wife recently caught up with a student that they hosted 24 years ago. She is now a 40 year old with 3 children and has published an article. RYE Students are world citizens and promoters of world peace.
Our task now is to send out as many students as we host. We only sent 9 students from our district this year. John would love to see these numbers increased.
We need to think about year 9 and 10 students who could benefit from the Rotary Youth Exchange Program. The District is prepared to offer full sponsorship to students who can’t afford it financially.
Amelia Craig – Andrew Little and Janelle Craig reporting
Amelia was interviewed for the local newspaper in her town in Switzerland. The article is about Amelia being from Australia and her experiences with Rotary Youth Exchange. Amelia was approached to participate in the article as a representative for RYE Australia. Andrew is Amelia’s Counsellor in Australia.
Janelle showed some photos of Amelia, who is staying with only two families whilst in Switzerland. Those families have children who are currently away on RYE or will be in the near future.
Amelia loves Potato Rosti and eating hot lunches at school.
The family with whom she currently lives, has a daughter who will be going to Ohio on Exchange.
Janelle explained that she has had some difficult moments when she has witnessed some tough times that Amelia has experienced. It’s difficult because they are so far away from each other. She did add that it has been so beautiful to see how her daughter is growing and developing as a person.
Janelle will be flying to Switzerland on 2nd October to visit Amelia.
Sarah Zehnder and Amelia actually met each other in Switzerland prior to Sarah’s departure for Australia.
Neville Hansen – Garage Sale.
The particulars of this event have been submitted by Neville.
Just to highlight some key points of his presentation:
Objectives of the Garage Sale are –
· Ensure a safe environment.
· Look for maximum revenue with least effort.
· Share work around.
· Have fun and enjoy the Fellowship.
· The Girl Guides Hall is booked for 3 weeks prior to the Garage Sale.
· Stick to your pricing on Saturday and offer price incentives on Sunday.
· As many people as possible need to offer their assistance on the Saturday from 9-11am as this is the busiest time.
Evening end
Cawas was fined for not making tomato sauce available for the pies. It is an Aussie tradition, ‘PIES & SAUCE’!!
Raffle Draw won by Robert McCartney and Neville Hansen.
Special announcement…….
After many years of warm, friendly and professional service, Tom has taken the next step in his life and joined the Police Force in Goulburn. President Rosemary awarded him a certificate of appreciation and we all wish him the best of luck for his new career.
President Rosemary closed the evening with thanks, a reminder of the DG Evening on 3rd September and we all then sang the TWO VERSES of the National Anthem.
President Rosemary welcomed all of the evening’s guests:
· Assistant District Governor Jan Duffy
· Rotary Youth Exchange Chairman John Dodd
· Country Co-Ordinator David Arnott and Marilyn Arnott
· Outgoing RYE Student Anna Laroumanie and her parents, Celine and Paul
· Winter RYPEN Larissa Isakov and her parents, Alex and Natalie
· Daisy Montano, fellow Rotarian from Norwest Sunrise and teacher at Larissa’s school
· Ricardo Raad and Rebecca (Norwest Sunrise)
· Angelo Casamento
· Jeremy Carter – Norwest Sunrise and his guest Ananda Pandey
· Ann Turner
· Dr Anna Vaas – First time guest tonight
· Annette’s guest – Joseph Brolly
· Sarah Zehnder – Inbound Rotary Exchange Student
· Partners
Thank You note received from ShelterBox Australia for a donation made by WPHC Rotary Club.
Thank you to:
Please refer President’s Report or ask me for further details.
Rosemary shared a ‘Rotary Fact’. Please refer to the President’s Report.
We all enjoyed our evening meal which was, as usual, extremely delicious!
Directors’ Reports
Tony Makin – International
Tony confirmed that the team will be heading to Vanuatu in May 2017 and will be staying at the same resort as last time.
Andrew Little – Trivia Night
· Andrew confirmed that we have 22 tables confirmed but would love to see this number increased.
· Janelle confirmed that some Rotaract members will attend as well as some Exchange Students.
· Andrew and Max will be discussing roles for the night, such as people to sell raffle tickets.
· Club members are also required to help set up the tables & chairs as well as clean up at the end of the evening.
· Prizes have been organised.
· It will most surely be a fun-filled night!
Anne Duffy – Assistant District Governor
Anne spoke about the DG Zone Meeting on the 3rd September. She explained details of the evening, placing emphasis on the fact it will be an evening of fun and entertainment. She asked President Rosemary to really encourage club members to attend as the attendance confirmations are low at the moment.
Colin Sharpe – Social
Colin confirmed the meeting at Carol’s home on Tuesday night, 16th August.
Note from Ian Scott
Encouraged all of us to attend the Rotary Leadership Institute, as the teachings add much value to our role as Rotarians. Colin confirmed that it is well worth attending.
Cawas – Taldumande Project (FYI – Taldumande is an Aboriginal word meaning ‘Place of Refuge’).
Cawas gave great thanks to the Club Members and Partners who helped with painting one of the rooms. Thanks went to the following:
Alan Paynter
David Turnbull
Peter Stanton
Peter Cleary
John Tchetchenian
Barry Freeman
Keith Ball
Cawas has asked for more volunteers for this Friday to paint one more room. Cawas expressed the importance of our service offering to Taldumande by explaining that this a home for young, homeless children. It is a place of safety for them.
Those who have volunteered are:
Ricardo Raad
David Arnott
Annette Westcott
Colin McGowan – Welfare Officer
Colin shared some sad news about Graeme Cuthbertson – Graeme is currently in hospital, in ACU, with acute Renal Failure. He has been ill for a few weeks now, with so many symptoms, that his medical team were unable to initially diagnose his illness. He is Diabetic, is seriously dehydrated and will be undergoing a kidney biopsy within the next few days. Our club will do everything and anything to offer assistance to Judy and Graeme but it is recommended that he doesn’t receive visitors at this stage as he is still in ACU.
Colin also shared with us that tonight we say goodbye (or see ya’ later, as I prefer!) to Graham and Margaret Evans. They are moving to Seaforth where they will be closer to their Grandchildren. Graham has been a member of the WPHC Rotary Club for 16 years. Colin shared some great memories of their social get-togethers, especially those involving Graham visiting the local fish market to stock up on awesome seafood which was then followed by great entertaining with sumptuous food. Margaret hasn’t been in good health but has always been so positive and so helpful toward others. There is a Rotary Club across from their new home as well as a Probus Club. We are very sorry to see them leave but wish them all the best and much happiness in their future endeavours.
Tony Coote – Youth
Tony introduced our four Youth Representatives:
Anna Laroumanie – Going to Japan on RYE in December
Larissa Isakov – Returning student from Winter RYPEN
Sarah Zehnder – Inbound RYE student from Switzerland
Amelia Craig – Outbound RYE student currently in Switzerland
Tony was very excited to introduce these four, young ladies and commented that it was about time that we saw some young ‘blokes’ actively seeking RYE opportunities too!
The Youth speakers
Anna Laroumanie
Anna thanked the club for the invitation to attend tonight’s meeting. She learnt a few months ago that she is going to Japan. She was very excited because Japan has regions that are very warm and sunny as she doesn’t like the cold. She received her District Number a few weeks ago and discovered that she will be going to one of the coldest regions in Japan. She is now happy about that as it gives her an opportunity to learn about conditions with which she is very unfamiliar. She believes that her Exchange year in Japan will be the greatest year of her life. She wants to return to Australia a different and better person. She recently prepared a 3 minute speech to welcome new Japanese Exchange Students to her school. Anna is very grateful to Rotary International for giving her this incredible opportunity.
Larissa Isakov
Larissa has returned from Winter RYPEN (Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment). WPHC Rotary Club sponsored her.
She is 15 years old, from a family of five (Mum, Dad and two siblings) and attends St. Andrews College. She would love to attend university once she completes high school.
She was nervous attending RYPEN as she was in a group of 70 students. The camp commenced on 17th June and they were divided into colour groups. She was in the red group. All activities that were organised were done in such a way to help the students get to know each other. They all developed social skills through activities such as bush dancing and leadership activities. There were seminars conducted by Motivational Speakers. She increased her knowledge and improved her mindset. She learned about making decisions when no one else wanted to. Everyone was supportive of each other. There was no bullying. She learnt that a positive mindset and outlook increased the availability of opportunities.
Larissa gave thanks to WPHC Rotary Club for sponsoring her, Daisy (her teacher) for nominating her and continued support. She also thanked her parents, Alex and Natalie, for their support and encouragement.
Sarah Zehnder
Sarah has been in Australia for 3 weeks now. She is currently living with Janelle and her family. She attends Cherrybrook Technology High School and is on Exchange from Switzerland.
Sarah shared information about Switzerland, Food her home and her family.
She comes from the canton of Thurgau which has a population of approximately 270,000 people.
The population is mostly German speaking but there are other languages spoken such as Italian and French.
The highest mountain peak in Switzerland is Dufour-Spitze and Matterhorn.
The two lakes are Lake Geneva and Lake Zurich, both of which are so large they are measured in kilometres.
Food in Switzerland is delicious – Zug Cherry Cake & Grisons Nut Cake; Zurich Ragout and St. Gallen Bratwurst; Fondue & Raclette; awesome cheese such as Gruyere (Sarah’s favourite!). Her favourite chocolate is Munzli and she has been to this factory. Sarah says we must visit it one day!
Many of the dishes and main dishes, such as Thurgau marinated Pot Roast, contain alcohol!
Sarah comes from a family of five – Mum (Postal Worker), Dad (Lawyer), Sister – Lena is 17 (Pharmacy Assistant) and Janine – 13 (Secondary School Student). There is also a family dog called Mylo.
Sarah loves traveling, languages, drawing, super heroes, Psychology etc. She is excited about the opportunity to make friends all over the world. In Switzerland she is part of a Sorority at school – they read lots of books and wear hats. She wants knowledge! She was learning Judo but would now like to learn some other sport.
Sarah would like to study Journalism or Psychology at University. She loves seeing new things and places and meeting new people.
Whilst in Australia she would love to learn how to surf and have a great time.
She gave great thanks to WPHC Rotary Club for hosting her.
John Dodd – RYE Chairman
John was originally worried with the change in age restrictions for RYE Students from 18 to 15. He wasn’t sure it would work. Were they too young?
His concerns have now been dispelled. These students are very mature, as we witnessed by our Youth speakers this evening. They have such incredible potential. They are placed in very different situations and expected to adapt and carry on. They do!
John and his wife recently caught up with a student that they hosted 24 years ago. She is now a 40 year old with 3 children and has published an article. RYE Students are world citizens and promoters of world peace.
Our task now is to send out as many students as we host. We only sent 9 students from our district this year. John would love to see these numbers increased.
We need to think about year 9 and 10 students who could benefit from the Rotary Youth Exchange Program. The District is prepared to offer full sponsorship to students who can’t afford it financially.
Amelia Craig – Andrew Little and Janelle Craig reporting
Amelia was interviewed for the local newspaper in her town in Switzerland. The article is about Amelia being from Australia and her experiences with Rotary Youth Exchange. Amelia was approached to participate in the article as a representative for RYE Australia. Andrew is Amelia’s Counsellor in Australia.
Janelle showed some photos of Amelia, who is staying with only two families whilst in Switzerland. Those families have children who are currently away on RYE or will be in the near future.
Amelia loves Potato Rosti and eating hot lunches at school.
The family with whom she currently lives, has a daughter who will be going to Ohio on Exchange.
Janelle explained that she has had some difficult moments when she has witnessed some tough times that Amelia has experienced. It’s difficult because they are so far away from each other. She did add that it has been so beautiful to see how her daughter is growing and developing as a person.
Janelle will be flying to Switzerland on 2nd October to visit Amelia.
Sarah Zehnder and Amelia actually met each other in Switzerland prior to Sarah’s departure for Australia.
Neville Hansen – Garage Sale.
The particulars of this event have been submitted by Neville.
Just to highlight some key points of his presentation:
Objectives of the Garage Sale are –
· Ensure a safe environment.
· Look for maximum revenue with least effort.
· Share work around.
· Have fun and enjoy the Fellowship.
· The Girl Guides Hall is booked for 3 weeks prior to the Garage Sale.
· Stick to your pricing on Saturday and offer price incentives on Sunday.
· As many people as possible need to offer their assistance on the Saturday from 9-11am as this is the busiest time.
Evening end
Cawas was fined for not making tomato sauce available for the pies. It is an Aussie tradition, ‘PIES & SAUCE’!!
Raffle Draw won by Robert McCartney and Neville Hansen.
Special announcement…….
After many years of warm, friendly and professional service, Tom has taken the next step in his life and joined the Police Force in Goulburn. President Rosemary awarded him a certificate of appreciation and we all wish him the best of luck for his new career.
President Rosemary closed the evening with thanks, a reminder of the DG Evening on 3rd September and we all then sang the TWO VERSES of the National Anthem.
Night Photos 8th August 2016
Editor: Click on any photo to see a larger display
This Week's Humour
11th Commandment
During a recent meeting in Heaven; God, Moses and Saint Peter concluded that the behavior of Ex-President Bill Clinton has brought about the urgent need for an eleventh commandment. Particularly since there is a very good chance that Bill could get into the White House again if Hilary wins.
They worked long and hard in a brain-storming session to try to settle on the wording of the new commandment, because they realized that it should have the same style, majesty and dignity as the original ten.
They persevered with their brain-storming and drafted the 11th.
After many revisions, they finally agreed that the eleventh Commandment
should be:
"Thou shall not comfort thy rod with thy staff."
During a recent meeting in Heaven; God, Moses and Saint Peter concluded that the behavior of Ex-President Bill Clinton has brought about the urgent need for an eleventh commandment. Particularly since there is a very good chance that Bill could get into the White House again if Hilary wins.
They worked long and hard in a brain-storming session to try to settle on the wording of the new commandment, because they realized that it should have the same style, majesty and dignity as the original ten.
They persevered with their brain-storming and drafted the 11th.
After many revisions, they finally agreed that the eleventh Commandment
should be:
"Thou shall not comfort thy rod with thy staff."
Colin McGowan
Farmer's Maths
A farmer died leaving his 17 horses To his three sons.
When his sons opened up the will it read:
My eldest son should get 1/2 (half) of total horses;
My middle son should be given 1/3rd (one-third) of the total horses;
My youngest son should be given 1/9th (one-ninth) of the total horses.
As it's impossible to divide 17 into half or 17 by 3 or 17 by 9,
The three sons started to fight with each other.
So, they decided to go to a farmer friend who they considered quite smart,
To see if he could work it out for them.
The farmer friend read the Will patiently, and after giving due thought
He brought one of his own horses over and added it to the 17.
That increased the total to 18 horses.
Now, he divided the horses according to their father's will.
1/2 of 18 = 9. So he gave the Eldest son 9 horses.
1/3rd of 18 = 6. So he gave the Middle son 6 horses.
1/9th of 18 = 2. So he gave the Youngest son 2 horses.
Now add up how many horses they Have:
Eldest son 9
Middle son 6
Youngest son 2
TOTAL = 17
Now this leaves one horse over, so, the farmer friend takes his horse back to his Farm.
Problem solved!
A farmer died leaving his 17 horses To his three sons.
When his sons opened up the will it read:
My eldest son should get 1/2 (half) of total horses;
My middle son should be given 1/3rd (one-third) of the total horses;
My youngest son should be given 1/9th (one-ninth) of the total horses.
As it's impossible to divide 17 into half or 17 by 3 or 17 by 9,
The three sons started to fight with each other.
So, they decided to go to a farmer friend who they considered quite smart,
To see if he could work it out for them.
The farmer friend read the Will patiently, and after giving due thought
He brought one of his own horses over and added it to the 17.
That increased the total to 18 horses.
Now, he divided the horses according to their father's will.
1/2 of 18 = 9. So he gave the Eldest son 9 horses.
1/3rd of 18 = 6. So he gave the Middle son 6 horses.
1/9th of 18 = 2. So he gave the Youngest son 2 horses.
Now add up how many horses they Have:
Eldest son 9
Middle son 6
Youngest son 2
TOTAL = 17
Now this leaves one horse over, so, the farmer friend takes his horse back to his Farm.
Problem solved!
Club Calendar
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