Inside This Issue |
Upcoming Events
Save Our Kids |
Monday, 21st January |
Lester Pearson (Member RC Gosford North) presents "Save Our Kids"
An excerpt from a speech by Emma McBride MP (15th February 2017)
I rise today to recognise a life changing program running on the Central Coast: Save Our Kids. It was created by Lester Pearson, who was named 2017 Central Coast Citizen of the Year for his work with the program and another passion project, Coats for Kids, which provides warm clothing for children sleeping rough or in refuges. Lester has dedicated himself to supporting some of the most vulnerable young people on the coast. Save Our Kids began in 2011 at the Rotary Club of Gosford North and was founded as a youth suicide prevention program, which filled a gap that saw Rotary Club supporting young achievers but not doing as much as they would like to support those struggling with mental health issues. ...
No Meeting - observing Australia Day |
Monday 28th January |
Duty Roster
If you are unable to be at the meeting please contact the person doing your role the following week/s, arrange a swap and advise Keith, so he can amend his records.
Also, to avoid being rostered on, please notify Keith of any upcoming known absences (eg holidays) from meetings in the next twelve months.
Also, to avoid being rostered on, please notify Keith of any upcoming known absences (eg holidays) from meetings in the next twelve months.
Club Weekend away |
9-10 February 2018 |
The Social Committee has commissioned Ros to organise a fantastic weekend away.
Come and join us and see the sights of the Mayfield Garden, Jenolan Caves, stay at the Jenolan Caves House and enjoy Sunday lunch at Billy The Greek Restaurant at Dural. For full details click on link. |
January is Vocational Service Month

One of the most important aspects of Rotary is building relationships. Learning about professions and job involvement is one of those foundation stones to creating an environment in our Rotary Clubs which builds relationships. Often during the introduction of a new member there can be glimpses of what job choice has been made. And there are those occasional programs devoted to Rotary membership talks where a new member or a more seasoned member shares their life story and work experiences.
Intriguing, interesting and informative are words that will often describe these vocational talks.
New and innovative work positions are being created in our world.
Vocational Service month is a great time to celebrate and learn about the life work of our members, whether it is a profession that has lots of history or newly established.
This month and in the months ahead, take some time during your club meetings to have Rotarians share their stories of what they do to impact their world. Relationships will be stronger and one of the reasons for the founding of Rotary will be expressed.
Intriguing, interesting and informative are words that will often describe these vocational talks.
New and innovative work positions are being created in our world.
Vocational Service month is a great time to celebrate and learn about the life work of our members, whether it is a profession that has lots of history or newly established.
This month and in the months ahead, take some time during your club meetings to have Rotarians share their stories of what they do to impact their world. Relationships will be stronger and one of the reasons for the founding of Rotary will be expressed.
The above presentation is by Tom Schmidt of District 6290
Wanted - New MembersIf you know of someone who would benefit from Rotary, or, from whom Rotary would benefit if they were a member, then contact Tony C.
Click here for a PDF copy of the form to the right, and send or give it to Tony C. |
Significant Club Fundraising Events during the year
The Garage Sale 2018
We have just had our best and most successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 13 & 14 October raising a record gross - north of $35k.
Excellent Project Management and a large number of dedicated volunteers, some putting in hours of effort, in the weeks before the weekend contributed to this result. |
Meetings |
Monday 6:30pm for 7:00pm - Springfield House - 245 New Line Road, Dural 2158 |
Apologies |
If you are unable to attend or are bringing a guest (even if they are your partner) you must notify Carol.
Phone 8850 6515 or email [email protected] before 3pm on the Friday before the meeting. |
If you are expected and do not show you will be required to pay for the meal.
President's Report 14th January 2019
Twenty five members were welcomed to our first meeting for the year. I trust you all had a relaxing Christmas/New Year break.
Our guests tonight were our speaker, David Roberts speaking about Angel Flight. Our other guest was Roauf El Kholy President of the Rotary Club of Tenth of Ramadan, Cairo, Egypt. Roauf has visited us before. Twenty six of us started the year with a nice lunch in the pleasant surroundings at Geranium Cottage. Janelle, Rosemary, Anne and I farewelled Larissa at the Airport along with three of her school friends, two exchange students from Northern Hemisphere and Feranda. There were tears and the obligatory departure photos. Larrisa sent us the following message.
You may have heard that an investigation is underway into the feasibility of combining the two Sydney Districts 9685 and 9675. Should both districts combine it would be voluntary and not forced. (1.33 minutes) (9.46 minutes)
A lot is happening in our youth programs at the moment. In Janelle’s absence here is a summary.
President Colin
You may have heard that an investigation is underway into the feasibility of combining the two Sydney Districts 9685 and 9675. Should both districts combine it would be voluntary and not forced.
- At the December Presidents Meeting DG Susan asked all present to please arrange for two videos to be shown at a regular club meeting during January. The Power point Video has been created by the Steering Committee made up of Rotarians from both Sydney Districts and covers the topic of our two districts joining together to create one larger Sydney District.
- Please be aware that at this time, we are not in danger of being forced to merge/redistrict. The magic number from Rotary International is District membership below 1,000. This is an opportunity for the two Sydney Districts to have a discussion about the benefit from combining the two districts.
- Next week we need to discuss the Pros and Cons of such a move. Then we need to conduct a vote within the club to be forwarded to District.
- The vote will be: Yes to continue the discussion, or No, not to continue the discussions at this time.
- Please take time to consider this presentation carefully as your vote to continue discussion, or not about combining the two districts is important to the Steering Committee.
- I will run the videos during the Jan 21 meeting meal and invite comment. If I need to take a question on notice we will vote at the Feb 4th meeting. If not we will vote on Jan 21st. (1.33 minutes) (9.46 minutes)
A lot is happening in our youth programs at the moment. In Janelle’s absence here is a summary.
- RYPEN (Summer)
- Zachary Tchetchenian is set to attend the RYPEN camp from 1-3 February 2019.
- Thomas Hubbard attends the RYLA week long training session from 13-20 January 2019. Paul and Janelle will represent the Club at the RYLA dinner on 15/01/2019.
- Ruairi O’Kane is attending ANU for the 10 day NYSF workshop commencing 16 January 2019.
- Youth Exchange
- Inbound – Larissa departed for home on Sunday 6 January 2019; Colin, Rosemary, Janelle, District Counsellors, exchange students and school friends were present to bid her farewell. A big thank you is extended to her host family for the last two weeks of her stay, Donna and Chris (Feranda’s host parents from the Carlingford Club); this occurred due to illness in the Craig household.
- Outbound – Mikela Love returned from Denmark on Saturday 5 January 2019. Unfortunately no Club representative was present to welcome her home (District was present) as there was some confusion with her return date and neither District nor her parents advised the club of her return. Janelle has spoken to her and her family post return and she is doing well.
- Next Inbound Exchange student. We Need three host families by end of Feb for a Northern Hemisphere student arriving around June. Friends, neighbours, extended family are all acceptable as hosts.
- Youth Night
- This is scheduled for Monday 18 February 2019 and will see 5 minute presentations by Zachary, Thomas and Ruairi and a 15-20 minute presentation from Mikela.
- Discussion on combining the two Sydney Districts
- Our speaker is Lester Pearson. (Member RC Gosford North) telling us about the "Save Our Kids" program.
President Colin
Night Report 14th January 2019
Opening: Sgt Rosemary welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2019. She welcomed our guest speaker David Roberts, and our visitor, Roauf from Egypt.
Jaswant performed the toast, to Rotary, Australia, Fiji, Cricket and Tennis – really!
President Col’s Report
Refer President’s report in the bulletin.
Director’s Reports
Peter (International): at the board meeting $5,000 was committed to the upcoming project at Nusa Tengarra Timur, East Indonesia. The next step is a donor visit, with Lane Cove Club, on 30 Jan. Peter will provide updates.
Keith (Club Service): It has been several years since the last meal increase, but Frank has advised us of a price increase. Accordingly, from 4th Feb it will be $32 for a regular meeting, and $35 for a partner meeting.
Tony C (Membership): be on the lookout for new members: neighbours, friends, people you know. We have our personalise Rotary cards, and the Club flyers to support this.
There is a seminar to promote Rotary image & branding. It’s on Sun 17th Feb at Ryde/Eastwood Leagues. Any volunteers, contact Tony. There is no cost to attendees. (Carol expressed interest)
Max (Social): There is a Social Committee meeting on 6 Feb at Carols. Anyone interested in being on the committee is welcome.
Bill (Bunnings BBQ): our last BBQ was a success raising around $1,150.
Those scheduled for 2019 (all Sat at Dural Bunnings) are:
The Club will be advised of new bank details once done.
Rosemary (Book Sale): thanks to those that responded to Rosemary’s email asking for dates available for sorting and the sale (those who didn’t respond were fined later) – IT’S A GO.
Sort dates 23rd Feb, 9th Mar, 19th Mar
Set-up: Wed 20th Mar, Thur 21st Mar
Sale: Fri 23rd Mar 9-5, Sat 23 Mar 9-5, Sun 24 Mar 11-12
Drop off homes: we have 5, and need 2 more. Let Rosemary know if you can help.
Need committee members (David and Kerry volunteered). The next meeting is 7:30pm Thu 17th Jan.
Rosemary mentioned she will be at a wedding in Canberra during the sale, but will drive the sorts and setup. The Book Sale committee will handle the sale.
Ros (weekend away): There are 12 booked for the Jenolan Caves weekend 9th & 10th Feb. With this small number we have three options: 1. Stay with the coach and driver, but pay $100 extra, 2. Drive there (and save $70) or 3. Cancel the trip. Call Ros ASAP to let her know your preference. Also, Billy the Greek will not open for us with this number. An alternate arrangement will be made.
David (Conference): this year the conference is end of March (after the book sale) in Newcastle. The cost is $250 for the full conference which is a good deal. We have a few going but would like to have more as this increases the fun factor, and our Club does exceptionally well at the dress up Saturday Night. This year the theme is “Rotary Rocks” – lots of scope to be creative. If interested contact David for more information.
Raoulf talk about his club in Egypt.
Raoulf’s club is in Egypt, some 50Klm outside Cairo. We basically do similar projects and the weekly meeting is very similar. Raoulf would like us to work on a joint project. The invitation is there to visit his Club. Colin and Raoulf exchanged banners.
Guest Speaker – David Roberts, Angel Flight
Ros introduced David, who was a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW, and was later admitted to the NSW Bar, now retired. In 2008 he started a passion in flying and now owns a Cirrus which he uses for Angel Flights. He presented a video which explained Angel Flights origins and what it does.
Angel Flight is a registered charity which provides transport for remote people (who can least afford it) to non urgent medical treatment which could be some 1,000 klm away. This could be for such things as medical specialist visits, MRI, cancer treatments where there are no specialists or equipment in the bush and air transport is the only practical means to get there. This is provided to the patients and carers free of charge, the angels of the air provide their own aircraft, their time and fuel. There are some 3,000 volunteer angels of the air (pilots) and 4,000 volunteer angels of the earth (drivers)
David has flown 32 Angel Flights
(get more details from ).
Sergeant at Arm’s
Did you know that Monday was dress up your pet day, clean up your desk day and clean up your home day? Thanks to Sgt Rosemary, we now do!
Raffle won by: John,
Heads & Tails won by: oops, I forget, but it was in 2 throws all of heads (Douglas).
Bob Davison, Night reporter
Jaswant performed the toast, to Rotary, Australia, Fiji, Cricket and Tennis – really!
President Col’s Report
Refer President’s report in the bulletin.
Director’s Reports
Peter (International): at the board meeting $5,000 was committed to the upcoming project at Nusa Tengarra Timur, East Indonesia. The next step is a donor visit, with Lane Cove Club, on 30 Jan. Peter will provide updates.
Keith (Club Service): It has been several years since the last meal increase, but Frank has advised us of a price increase. Accordingly, from 4th Feb it will be $32 for a regular meeting, and $35 for a partner meeting.
Tony C (Membership): be on the lookout for new members: neighbours, friends, people you know. We have our personalise Rotary cards, and the Club flyers to support this.
There is a seminar to promote Rotary image & branding. It’s on Sun 17th Feb at Ryde/Eastwood Leagues. Any volunteers, contact Tony. There is no cost to attendees. (Carol expressed interest)
Max (Social): There is a Social Committee meeting on 6 Feb at Carols. Anyone interested in being on the committee is welcome.
Bill (Bunnings BBQ): our last BBQ was a success raising around $1,150.
Those scheduled for 2019 (all Sat at Dural Bunnings) are:
- 20th April
- 15th June
- 10th August
- 21st December
The Club will be advised of new bank details once done.
Rosemary (Book Sale): thanks to those that responded to Rosemary’s email asking for dates available for sorting and the sale (those who didn’t respond were fined later) – IT’S A GO.
Sort dates 23rd Feb, 9th Mar, 19th Mar
Set-up: Wed 20th Mar, Thur 21st Mar
Sale: Fri 23rd Mar 9-5, Sat 23 Mar 9-5, Sun 24 Mar 11-12
Drop off homes: we have 5, and need 2 more. Let Rosemary know if you can help.
Need committee members (David and Kerry volunteered). The next meeting is 7:30pm Thu 17th Jan.
Rosemary mentioned she will be at a wedding in Canberra during the sale, but will drive the sorts and setup. The Book Sale committee will handle the sale.
Ros (weekend away): There are 12 booked for the Jenolan Caves weekend 9th & 10th Feb. With this small number we have three options: 1. Stay with the coach and driver, but pay $100 extra, 2. Drive there (and save $70) or 3. Cancel the trip. Call Ros ASAP to let her know your preference. Also, Billy the Greek will not open for us with this number. An alternate arrangement will be made.
David (Conference): this year the conference is end of March (after the book sale) in Newcastle. The cost is $250 for the full conference which is a good deal. We have a few going but would like to have more as this increases the fun factor, and our Club does exceptionally well at the dress up Saturday Night. This year the theme is “Rotary Rocks” – lots of scope to be creative. If interested contact David for more information.
Raoulf talk about his club in Egypt.
Raoulf’s club is in Egypt, some 50Klm outside Cairo. We basically do similar projects and the weekly meeting is very similar. Raoulf would like us to work on a joint project. The invitation is there to visit his Club. Colin and Raoulf exchanged banners.
Guest Speaker – David Roberts, Angel Flight
Ros introduced David, who was a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW, and was later admitted to the NSW Bar, now retired. In 2008 he started a passion in flying and now owns a Cirrus which he uses for Angel Flights. He presented a video which explained Angel Flights origins and what it does.
Angel Flight is a registered charity which provides transport for remote people (who can least afford it) to non urgent medical treatment which could be some 1,000 klm away. This could be for such things as medical specialist visits, MRI, cancer treatments where there are no specialists or equipment in the bush and air transport is the only practical means to get there. This is provided to the patients and carers free of charge, the angels of the air provide their own aircraft, their time and fuel. There are some 3,000 volunteer angels of the air (pilots) and 4,000 volunteer angels of the earth (drivers)
David has flown 32 Angel Flights
(get more details from ).
Sergeant at Arm’s
Did you know that Monday was dress up your pet day, clean up your desk day and clean up your home day? Thanks to Sgt Rosemary, we now do!
Raffle won by: John,
Heads & Tails won by: oops, I forget, but it was in 2 throws all of heads (Douglas).
Bob Davison, Night reporter
This Week's Humour
The Stages of Life
- A group of blokes, all aged 40, discussed where they should meet for a reunion lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at Wetherspoons in Exeter because the waitresses had big breasts and wore mini-skirts.
- Ten years later, at age 50, the friends once again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at Wetherspoons in Exeter because the food and service was good and the beer selection was excellent.
- Ten years later, at age 60, the friends again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at Wetherspoons in Exeter because there was plenty of parking, they could dine in peace and quiet, and it was good value for money.
- Ten years later, at age 70, the friends discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at Wetherspoons in Exeter because the restaurant was wheelchair accessible and had a toilet for the disabled.
- Ten years later, at age 80, the friends discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at Wetherspoons in Exeter because they had never been there before.
Tony Makin
Joke Bank content is 0.
Club Calendar
Editor's Note: If you wish to download and print the Calendar please click here.
Bulletin Editor - Mighty Duo of Neville & Keith