Monday 28th August
No Meeting after Trivia Night
Duty Roster
If you are unable to be at the meeting please contact the person doing your role the following week/s, arrange a swap and advise Max, so he can amend his records.
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20th August
26th August
11th September
Radio Active Live
Trivia Night
John Hewko - General Secretary to RI & Foundation
Joint sitting at Pennant Hills Golf Club with Beecroft and other clubs. Timing 6:30pm for 7:00pm |
Club Calendar
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"Time to tune in to Radio Active Live"

The social committee is offering you the opportunity to go to see a series of “Radio Plays” performed live at the Hills Lodge on Sunday 20 August at 3pm. We have been a couple times before. They are extremely funny and enjoyable, enacting short radio plays and radio advertisements complete with sound effects. The sort of thing our parents (or Grandparents) enjoyed.
The cost is $27.50 including a full afternoon tea. See the attached flyer and the following email.
If you would like to come please pay at our next Rotary meeting. If you are an apology and would like to come please email me asap and transfer the funds to WPHC Rotary General Account BSB 062 890 Account No 10052963 With ”Radio and your name” in the description. Please ensure that you have the correct account.
Click on Flyer for a larger image.
The cost is $27.50 including a full afternoon tea. See the attached flyer and the following email.
If you would like to come please pay at our next Rotary meeting. If you are an apology and would like to come please email me asap and transfer the funds to WPHC Rotary General Account BSB 062 890 Account No 10052963 With ”Radio and your name” in the description. Please ensure that you have the correct account.
Click on Flyer for a larger image.
Legacy Trivia Night

A community fund raising project of
Come & support Legacy – a worthy cause
WHEN Saturday 1 2th August 2017
START 7 pm for 7.30pm start
WHERE West Pennant Hills Sports Club – 103 New Line Road , West Pennant Hills
COST $ 2 5 per head and all proceeds will go to Legacy
Tables of 8 can be booked , email the [email protected] or
phone Peter at 0411 174 905 . ( See payment details below) Please note
that this cost does not include any food or drinks. Food can be
purchased and eaten only in the club bistro (not in the Trivia Room).
Drinks can be purchased at the bar at your own cost
RSVP Friday 5th August
Come & support Legacy – a worthy cause
WHEN Saturday 1 2th August 2017
START 7 pm for 7.30pm start
WHERE West Pennant Hills Sports Club – 103 New Line Road , West Pennant Hills
COST $ 2 5 per head and all proceeds will go to Legacy
Tables of 8 can be booked , email the [email protected] or
phone Peter at 0411 174 905 . ( See payment details below) Please note
that this cost does not include any food or drinks. Food can be
purchased and eaten only in the club bistro (not in the Trivia Room).
Drinks can be purchased at the bar at your own cost
RSVP Friday 5th August
Trivia Night
Certificate supplied by Anna Papoutsakis

Colin has forwarded this certificate - editor
Keith could you please add the attached appreciation certificate from Anna Papoutsakis in recognition of the three cows Cherry, Brook and Penny that the club donated to her cause Mission: Nam-Possible.
A cow produces calves and provides an income for the family. A cow costs $AU 750. The family can sell the calf and earn equivalent of 9 months’ salary with the money thereby regaining their dignity.
Keith could you please add the attached appreciation certificate from Anna Papoutsakis in recognition of the three cows Cherry, Brook and Penny that the club donated to her cause Mission: Nam-Possible.
A cow produces calves and provides an income for the family. A cow costs $AU 750. The family can sell the calf and earn equivalent of 9 months’ salary with the money thereby regaining their dignity.
Days for Girls Workshop |
Become a Friend or Companion of Australian Rotary Health |
Top Five Reasons to End Trachoma

Top 5 Reasons to support EndTrachoma by 2020
Clubs around Australia support many worthwhile charities and projects. But EndTrachoma by 2020 is something particularly special for Rotary Australia.
Learn More >>
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Close the page and come back to here.
August is Membership Month
If you wish for a pdf version of the form then click here
Significant Club fundraising events during the year

The Book Sale March 2017. As the result of a lot of hard work the April Book Sale was a great success, especially from the organisers Max Henderson, Andrew Little and Clive Denmark. Funds raised were circa $13,000. Well done.

2016 Trivia Night
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 27 August 2016 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising just over $5,000 towards the charities we support.
2017 Event is on 26th August
The Club held a very successful trivia night on Saturday 27 August 2016 at the Cherrybrook Community Centre, raising just over $5,000 towards the charities we support.
2017 Event is on 26th August

The Garage Sale
We have just had a very successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 8/9 October raising a record gross of over $30k. The combination of good planning and benign weather contributed to this result.
We have just had a very successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 8/9 October raising a record gross of over $30k. The combination of good planning and benign weather contributed to this result.

The club runs fund raising barbecues throughout the year, mainly at Bunnings (both Dural and Thornleigh) Here are Barry, Tony, Nick and David hard at work. at Thornleigh..
The club runs fund raising barbecues throughout the year, mainly at Bunnings (both Dural and Thornleigh) Here are Barry, Tony, Nick and David hard at work. at Thornleigh..
Monday 6:30pm for 7:00pm - Springfield House - 245 New Line Road, Dural 2158
If you are unable to attend or are bringing a guest (even if they are your partner) you must notify Jilda.
Phone 8484 7106 or email [email protected] before 11am on the day of the meeting.
Phone 8484 7106 or email [email protected] before 11am on the day of the meeting.
If you are expected and do not show you will be required to pay for the meal.
President's Report
Presidents Report – August 7th
President Colin welcomed fellow Rotarians partners and guests. Guests this week were Alison Chuah and our speaker Roger Norman. President Elect Charlie was thanked for running a great meeting last week. Business Items Cawas was thanked for co-ordinating the Club BBQ presence at West Pennant Hills Primary School. His experienced and trainee assistants Keith, Paul, Joseph, Ross, Bernard, David, Peter C, Nick, and Anne Sharpe were also thanked for a sterling effort to generate more than $2000 takings for the school. The Club’s BBQ Alumni awarded competence certificates Nick (Egg Cooking), Paul (plating), Joseph (cashier) and Cawas incompetence in egg cooking. President Elect Charlie made a heart-felt apology for forgetting the event and made a significant contribution to the fines take. RI President Ian Riseley has said “Ïn this Rotary year, I am asking each club to provide Rotary Headquarters with tow numbers: the amount of money, both in cash and in kind, spent on humanitarian service, and the number of hours of work performed in Rotary’s name” The Board has set a policy for advertising items for sale, give away, wanted, and business promotion. The policy is to send a PDF of the add to the Bulletin editor with a request to send it out using the Bulletin mailing list. |
Australian Rotary Health has recently introduced a new fundraising initiative called Lift the Lid on Mental Illness. For the next three years, the Lift the Lid campaign will be celebrated in October Mental Health Month, including World Mental Health Day on 10th October.
ARH has set up a relationship with Bunnings who are excited by Lift the Lid and are encouraging Rotary Clubs to access their 277 plus stores on the weekend 7 & 8 October, and to collect funds and raise awareness through our national Lift the Lid campaign. Unfortunately Oct 7 & 8 clashes with our Garage Sale so it is unlikely that the club can participate this year.
West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Lions Trivia night to support Legacy is on this Sat Evening August 12th. This Club supports our Trivia night so it would be great if we could put together a table of 8 ($25/person). See the Bulletin for details.
This night also clashes with the Woy Woy Musical that 8 of us are going to.
Teresa is extending leave of absence and will return from Poland on Oct 9th
Board members were reminded of the meeting on Wednesday at 7.30pm at Tony Makin’s place.
Pommy Joke – specifically for our Yorkshireman
ARH has set up a relationship with Bunnings who are excited by Lift the Lid and are encouraging Rotary Clubs to access their 277 plus stores on the weekend 7 & 8 October, and to collect funds and raise awareness through our national Lift the Lid campaign. Unfortunately Oct 7 & 8 clashes with our Garage Sale so it is unlikely that the club can participate this year.
West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Lions Trivia night to support Legacy is on this Sat Evening August 12th. This Club supports our Trivia night so it would be great if we could put together a table of 8 ($25/person). See the Bulletin for details.
This night also clashes with the Woy Woy Musical that 8 of us are going to.
Teresa is extending leave of absence and will return from Poland on Oct 9th
Board members were reminded of the meeting on Wednesday at 7.30pm at Tony Makin’s place.
Pommy Joke – specifically for our Yorkshireman
- Tony decided to lookup his friend Alf, who was a tight-fisted Yorkshireman. He found Alf at his bungalow in Huddersfield stripping the wallpaper from the dining room. Rather obviously, he remarked, "You're decorating, I see." To which Alf replied, "Nay Tony lad, I'm moving 'ouse to Bradford."
- At an antiques auction in Leeds, England a wealthy American announced that he had lost his wallet containing £5,000, and he would give a reward of £50 to the person who found it. From the back of the hall a Yorkshire voice shouted, "I'll give £100!"
Night Report
Night Report – 7th August 2017
Sgt Ric opened the meeting on time, with Peter S commencing Rotary Grace and Jim S proposing the toast.
President Colin welcomed all the members as well as partners (well there was just one - Alison Chuah. He also welcomed out guest speaker Roger Norman from Turramurra Rotary.
President’s Report - Refer President’s report in bulletin.
Director’s Reports
Membership – Keith advised that there will be a meeting on the 5th September at Charlotte McCartney’s place.
International – Peter Stanton updated members about the Next Big Thing. They are looking at what values/criteria are important for the project. From a cost and proximity perspective we’ll probably target a project in South East Asia.
Marketing – Charlie presented President Colin and John T with the framed certificates that Anna Papoutsakis had presented the club last week in appreciation for the donation from our club, with the funds being used to purchase Cherry, Brooke and Penny.
Club Service – Max encouraged members to support the WPH Lions Club Trivia Night, which is being held on Sat 12th August at WPH Sports Club (if possible), as they have supported our Trivia Night for the past couple of years.
Club Service (cont.) - Ross reminded members that the Radio Active Live Show will be held at the Hills Lodge on Sun 20th Aug at 3:00 pm. It should be a fun afternoon with the show recapturing the magic of the Golden Age of Radio.
Youth – Rosemary advised that they are looking for RYLA candidates (18 to 27 yo) who are actively involved in the community. She also mentioned that her school will happily accept any Earn & Learn stickers from Woolworths.
Community Service – Cawas provided members with a summary of the BBQ which was held at the WPH Public School Fete on Sun 6th August. Please refer to President’s report for more details.
Members Talk
Paul Laroumanie spoke about his interest in Music Composition. He played a composition and posed a number of questions to the members. What is it called? Who was it composed for? Who was it composed by? It is called Eliza’s Aria and is a song from the ballet ‘Wild Swans’. It was composed by Elena Kats-Chernin in 2002 for the Australian Ballet and Sydney Opera House. The composition has been used in a number of TV and cinema ads by British bank Lloyds.
Guest Speaker
Our guest speaker for tonight was Roger Norman from Turramurra Rotary who presented on their Graffiti Removal project.
He gave a comprehensive overview of how the project came about and what issues we need to consider if our club wanted to start something similar. Roger talked about the various techniques and materials required to remove graffiti from many different surfaces eg; metal surfaces, bricks, wood etc. He also talked about how to fund a graffiti removal project – Local Councils, Department of Justice, businesses who have premises that are graffiti targets.
Roger also described the materials/equipment such a project would require – water blaster, prep lock paint, removal solutions. Apparently Dulux will supply FREE paint for graffiti removal projects.
If you see any graffiti and wish to report it – go to the following website:
Sergeant at Arm’s
Sgt Ric used some rather dubious methods to relieve member’s of some hard currency.
Raffle won by: John T
Heads & Tails won by: Peter C
President Colin thanked all the members in attendance, partners and guests for another entertaining evening.
Reporter: Nick Chuah
Sgt Ric opened the meeting on time, with Peter S commencing Rotary Grace and Jim S proposing the toast.
President Colin welcomed all the members as well as partners (well there was just one - Alison Chuah. He also welcomed out guest speaker Roger Norman from Turramurra Rotary.
President’s Report - Refer President’s report in bulletin.
Director’s Reports
Membership – Keith advised that there will be a meeting on the 5th September at Charlotte McCartney’s place.
International – Peter Stanton updated members about the Next Big Thing. They are looking at what values/criteria are important for the project. From a cost and proximity perspective we’ll probably target a project in South East Asia.
Marketing – Charlie presented President Colin and John T with the framed certificates that Anna Papoutsakis had presented the club last week in appreciation for the donation from our club, with the funds being used to purchase Cherry, Brooke and Penny.
Club Service – Max encouraged members to support the WPH Lions Club Trivia Night, which is being held on Sat 12th August at WPH Sports Club (if possible), as they have supported our Trivia Night for the past couple of years.
Club Service (cont.) - Ross reminded members that the Radio Active Live Show will be held at the Hills Lodge on Sun 20th Aug at 3:00 pm. It should be a fun afternoon with the show recapturing the magic of the Golden Age of Radio.
Youth – Rosemary advised that they are looking for RYLA candidates (18 to 27 yo) who are actively involved in the community. She also mentioned that her school will happily accept any Earn & Learn stickers from Woolworths.
Community Service – Cawas provided members with a summary of the BBQ which was held at the WPH Public School Fete on Sun 6th August. Please refer to President’s report for more details.
Members Talk
Paul Laroumanie spoke about his interest in Music Composition. He played a composition and posed a number of questions to the members. What is it called? Who was it composed for? Who was it composed by? It is called Eliza’s Aria and is a song from the ballet ‘Wild Swans’. It was composed by Elena Kats-Chernin in 2002 for the Australian Ballet and Sydney Opera House. The composition has been used in a number of TV and cinema ads by British bank Lloyds.
Guest Speaker
Our guest speaker for tonight was Roger Norman from Turramurra Rotary who presented on their Graffiti Removal project.
He gave a comprehensive overview of how the project came about and what issues we need to consider if our club wanted to start something similar. Roger talked about the various techniques and materials required to remove graffiti from many different surfaces eg; metal surfaces, bricks, wood etc. He also talked about how to fund a graffiti removal project – Local Councils, Department of Justice, businesses who have premises that are graffiti targets.
Roger also described the materials/equipment such a project would require – water blaster, prep lock paint, removal solutions. Apparently Dulux will supply FREE paint for graffiti removal projects.
If you see any graffiti and wish to report it – go to the following website:
Sergeant at Arm’s
Sgt Ric used some rather dubious methods to relieve member’s of some hard currency.
Raffle won by: John T
Heads & Tails won by: Peter C
President Colin thanked all the members in attendance, partners and guests for another entertaining evening.
Reporter: Nick Chuah
Night Photos
Click on a photo for a larger image
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This Week's Humour
A couple of short ones
A couple are sitting in their living room, sipping wine. Out of the blue,
the wife murmurs, "I love you." "Is that you or the wine talking?" asks the husband. "It's me," says the wife, "talking to the wine." |
I called an old Sydney Uni engineering classmate and asked what he was doing.
He replied that he was working on "Aqua-thermal treatment of ceramics, aluminum and steel under a constrained environment." I was impressed...Upon further inquiring, I learned that he was washing dishes with hot water under his wife's supervision. |
Irony .....there's something here for all of us!
Colin S
Fluffy Toy
I came home from work to find my dog playing with a fluffy toy, tossing it in the air, rolling on in, etc. A closer check revealed the toy to be my neighbour's pet rabbit.
There was already a bit of tension between us and the neighbours, so I didn't want them to know my dog had killed their pet. I took the rabbit inside and cleaned him up. Not badly damaged, his fur looked okay, once the dog slobber and dirt was removed.
Nobody was home next door, so I sneaked into the backyard and carefully propped the rabbit up in its hutch. It looked pretty good, apart from the fact that it was dead.
About an hour later I heard the lady next door arrive home, then a scream. I put my head over the fence and calmly inquired, what was wrong. She was a bit hysterical and sobbing and just kept saying, "my rabbit, my rabbit . . . ".
I said oh, has he died.
She said, he died two days ago and we buried him.
I came home from work to find my dog playing with a fluffy toy, tossing it in the air, rolling on in, etc. A closer check revealed the toy to be my neighbour's pet rabbit.
There was already a bit of tension between us and the neighbours, so I didn't want them to know my dog had killed their pet. I took the rabbit inside and cleaned him up. Not badly damaged, his fur looked okay, once the dog slobber and dirt was removed.
Nobody was home next door, so I sneaked into the backyard and carefully propped the rabbit up in its hutch. It looked pretty good, apart from the fact that it was dead.
About an hour later I heard the lady next door arrive home, then a scream. I put my head over the fence and calmly inquired, what was wrong. She was a bit hysterical and sobbing and just kept saying, "my rabbit, my rabbit . . . ".
I said oh, has he died.
She said, he died two days ago and we buried him.
Joke Bank content is 3 jokes.
Club Calendar
Editor's Note: If you wish to download and print the Calendar please click here.
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Bulletin Editor - Keith Ball