No Meeting following Trivia Night |
Monday 27th August
Duty Roster
If you are unable to be at the meeting please contact the person doing your role the following week/s, arrange a swap and advise Keith, so he can amend his records.
Also, to avoid being rostered on, please notify Keith of any upcoming known absences (eg holidays) from meetings in the next twelve months.
Also, to avoid being rostered on, please notify Keith of any upcoming known absences (eg holidays) from meetings in the next twelve months.
Inside This Issue |
Upcoming Events25th August Trivia Night - Cherrybrook Community Centre
13th-14th October Garage Sale ALL HANDS
Wanted - New MembersIf you know of someone who would benefit from Rotary, or, from whom Rotary would benefit if they were a member, then contact Tony C.
Click here for a PDF copy of the form to the right, and send or give it to Tony C. |
Significant Club Fundraising Events during the year
The Garage Sale
We have just had our best and most successful Garage Sale on the weekend of 7&8 October raising a record gross - north of $35k.
Excellent Project Management and a large number of dedicated volunteers, some putting in hours of effort, in the weeks before the weekend contributed to this result. |
Meetings |
Monday 6:30pm for 7:00pm - Springfield House - 245 New Line Road, Dural 2158 |
Apologies |
If you are unable to attend or are bringing a guest (even if they are your partner) you must notify Carol.
Phone 8850 6515 or email [email protected] before 11am on the day of the meeting. |
If you are expected and do not show you will be required to pay for the meal.
Presidents Report 20th August
What a wonderful, amazing, fabulous club meeting. Forty three
Rotarians and guests were welcomed to this Youth Exchange Reunion put together by Janelle, Rosemary and Tony Coote. Our Rotarian Partners present were: Pamela, Roma, Rob, Glenda, Bev, Margaret, Lyn, and Indira. Anne was a late apology due to an illness she has inherited from me. Other guests were Barry Freeman (visiting from Central Coast), Jill Marquette who has visited a few times already, Winnie Yip from the District Youth Exchange Program, Nicole Love (Mikaela Love is our 2018 outbound student to Denmark), Chris and Rob Ferguson (Beth was our 2013 outbound student to Denmark). Our inbound students present were Louise Lastein (2012 from Denmark), Vilde Sollien (2013 from Norway), this years students; Larissa Marcossi from Brazil and Josephine Schevers from Belgium. Josephine is being sponsored by Hills Kellyville and is staying with the Laroumanie’s, her first host family. Also present via video were Avi, and Maxx. |
Only one of our outbound exchange students, Anna Laroumanie (2017 to Japan) was able to come in person, but Beth and Mikaela sent a video and Amelia sent her apologies as she is currently doing HSC trial exams.
Club Business.
Larissa: Janelle updated the club about Larissa’s next host parents, Bob and Bev, then Janelle and Amelia.
Trivia night money: All of the money raised is going to the Coonabarabran Rotary Club. Eight members/partners will be attending their club meeting Sept 3 (leaving Saturday and back Tuesday). Please let me know tonight if you would like to join us. Anne is still looking for pamper pack ingredients that we take with us to Coonabarabran. We will also take the hay used as prop for the Trivia night.
Ride the Train to end Polio: The Board has agreed to support this fund raiser.
Olga Edwards. The Club has received a request to provide support for Olga Edwards whose two children were murdered in WPHs. The Board will consider what the Club can do.
Combined meeting with Glenhaven: There is no Club meeting on Monday August 27th . However, President Mentie Knowles from the Glenhaven Club has invited us to attend their meeting on Tuesday 28th August 2018 to hear a presentation by Dominic Teakle, CEO of the Police Citizens Youth Clubs NSW. Dominic will be a key speaker at the District
Conference early next year and for those unable to attend that conference, this is an opportunity to learn more about the PCYC.
The Glenhaven club has also asked if they can join us on Sept 10th as they are down on numbers due to members travelling. and I have accepted their request.
Entrance Club theatre night: Entrance Club is running another theatre night at Woy Woy on 20th October. Those of us who went last year found it a great evening and it is supporting Clive Denmark who continues to support our club at the
book sale and Garage sale. Cost is $40 per person and if you want drinks and nibbles pre start we need to be there by 7 pm. Please let Max know if you intend to go and car pooling can be arranged.
Dare to Ask: This is a program developed by Lifeline to equip individuals with the ability to Recognise when it is necessary to ask whether someone is thinking about suicide, Respond with the appropriate skills and Refer to relevant help. We will roll this out to the club when we find a suitable date that Lifeline is available.
Charlie: Following an incident last night that some club members are aware of Charlie is a dare to ask example and is currently in Westmead Hospital.
Thank You: Janelle, Rosemary and Tony Coote plus the student team were thanked for a wonderful wander down memory lane.
Trivia night: is on Saturday.
Farmers: Also please don’t forget items for ladies pamper packs e.g.
Hand cream
Body moisturiser
Lip gloss
Nice specialty tea
Neutral lipstick
Scented soap
Let me know by Sat if you want to come to Coonabarabran on Sat Sept 1 returning Tuesday Sept 4th .
There is no Club meeting next Monday but please consider joining with Glenhaven on Tuesday 28th .
Keith has agreed to stand-in as president and Ricardo as sergeant-at-arms at the next Club meeting on September 3rd.
Until we meet again on Monday September 3 rd for more fun and fellowship, have a great week
President Colin
Club Business.
Larissa: Janelle updated the club about Larissa’s next host parents, Bob and Bev, then Janelle and Amelia.
Trivia night money: All of the money raised is going to the Coonabarabran Rotary Club. Eight members/partners will be attending their club meeting Sept 3 (leaving Saturday and back Tuesday). Please let me know tonight if you would like to join us. Anne is still looking for pamper pack ingredients that we take with us to Coonabarabran. We will also take the hay used as prop for the Trivia night.
Ride the Train to end Polio: The Board has agreed to support this fund raiser.
Olga Edwards. The Club has received a request to provide support for Olga Edwards whose two children were murdered in WPHs. The Board will consider what the Club can do.
Combined meeting with Glenhaven: There is no Club meeting on Monday August 27th . However, President Mentie Knowles from the Glenhaven Club has invited us to attend their meeting on Tuesday 28th August 2018 to hear a presentation by Dominic Teakle, CEO of the Police Citizens Youth Clubs NSW. Dominic will be a key speaker at the District
Conference early next year and for those unable to attend that conference, this is an opportunity to learn more about the PCYC.
The Glenhaven club has also asked if they can join us on Sept 10th as they are down on numbers due to members travelling. and I have accepted their request.
Entrance Club theatre night: Entrance Club is running another theatre night at Woy Woy on 20th October. Those of us who went last year found it a great evening and it is supporting Clive Denmark who continues to support our club at the
book sale and Garage sale. Cost is $40 per person and if you want drinks and nibbles pre start we need to be there by 7 pm. Please let Max know if you intend to go and car pooling can be arranged.
Dare to Ask: This is a program developed by Lifeline to equip individuals with the ability to Recognise when it is necessary to ask whether someone is thinking about suicide, Respond with the appropriate skills and Refer to relevant help. We will roll this out to the club when we find a suitable date that Lifeline is available.
Charlie: Following an incident last night that some club members are aware of Charlie is a dare to ask example and is currently in Westmead Hospital.
Thank You: Janelle, Rosemary and Tony Coote plus the student team were thanked for a wonderful wander down memory lane.
Trivia night: is on Saturday.
Farmers: Also please don’t forget items for ladies pamper packs e.g.
Hand cream
Body moisturiser
Lip gloss
Nice specialty tea
Neutral lipstick
Scented soap
Let me know by Sat if you want to come to Coonabarabran on Sat Sept 1 returning Tuesday Sept 4th .
There is no Club meeting next Monday but please consider joining with Glenhaven on Tuesday 28th .
Keith has agreed to stand-in as president and Ricardo as sergeant-at-arms at the next Club meeting on September 3rd.
Until we meet again on Monday September 3 rd for more fun and fellowship, have a great week
President Colin
Night Report 20th August
Tonight's meeting was a trip down memory lane.
The focus was on Youth Exchange with reports via video from a number of past students and excellent presentations from Vilde and Louise who we hosted a few years ago. (see Colin’s report) It was wonderful to see what mature and accomplished young ladies they have turned out to be.
Their comparisons of how we treat our inbound students vs what happens in Denmark and Norway was interesting and should encourage us to continue with our support for Youth Exchange.
We have a long and proud history in this area and apart from the advantages to the students, it also binds this Club together with wonderful opportunities to showcase and share our country and way of life.
Mention was made of the fact that moneys raised from the upcoming Trivia night will go to the Coonabarabran Rotary Club to be distributed to our drought stricken farmers.
An example of how Rotary can make a quick and direct response to those in need without involving costly middlemen and bureaucracy.
There will be no meeting Monday 27th August due to Trivia night the previous Saturday night.
We had 3 Sergeant at Arm’s Vilde , Louise and Larissa so the takings should be huge.
Heads and tails won by Larissa
Raffle won by Rob Clarke.
Alan Paynter
Night Reporter
The focus was on Youth Exchange with reports via video from a number of past students and excellent presentations from Vilde and Louise who we hosted a few years ago. (see Colin’s report) It was wonderful to see what mature and accomplished young ladies they have turned out to be.
Their comparisons of how we treat our inbound students vs what happens in Denmark and Norway was interesting and should encourage us to continue with our support for Youth Exchange.
We have a long and proud history in this area and apart from the advantages to the students, it also binds this Club together with wonderful opportunities to showcase and share our country and way of life.
Mention was made of the fact that moneys raised from the upcoming Trivia night will go to the Coonabarabran Rotary Club to be distributed to our drought stricken farmers.
An example of how Rotary can make a quick and direct response to those in need without involving costly middlemen and bureaucracy.
There will be no meeting Monday 27th August due to Trivia night the previous Saturday night.
We had 3 Sergeant at Arm’s Vilde , Louise and Larissa so the takings should be huge.
Heads and tails won by Larissa
Raffle won by Rob Clarke.
Alan Paynter
Night Reporter
This Week's Humour
How Fast are you Going
Sitting on the highway waiting to catch speeders, a state police officer saw a car puttering along at 22 M.P.H. He thinks to himself, that car is just as dangerous as a speeder. So, he turns his lights on and pulls the car over. Approaching the car, he notices there are 5 old ladies, two at the front and 3 at the back, wide eyed and looking like ghosts.
The driver obviously confused said "Officer, I don't understand, I wasn't doing over the speed limit. What seems to be the problem?" "Ma'am," the officer said, "you should know that driving slower than the speed limit can also be dangerous". "Slower than the speed limit, NO SIR! I was doing exactly 22 miles an hour", the old woman said proudly. The officer containing a chuckle explains that 22 was the route number, not the speed limit. A bit embarrassed, the woman grinned, thanking the officer for pointing out her error. "Before I go Ma'am, I have to ask, is everyone OK? These women seem badly shaken and haven't uttered a word all this time" "Oh! they will be alright in a minute, Officer, we just got off Route 142. |
A young couple moves into a new neighborhood. The next morning while they are eating breakfast, the young woman sees her neighbor hanging the wash outside. "That laundry is not very clean; she doesn't know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap." Her husband looks on, remaining silent. Every time her neighbor hangs her wash to dry, the young woman makes the same comments. A month later, the woman is surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and says to her husband: "Look, she's finally learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this? " The husband replies, "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows."
And so it is with life... What we see when watching others depends on the clarity of the window through which we look |
Getting Old
Well I must be getting older
And I don't know who to blame All the words now have new meanings Though they still sound just the same. And I was so good at English Now I get the words all wrong cause when I put them in a sentence it’s just like they don't belong. Like, when a bloke was really happy it used to be ok to say “He's gay” a “Rap” was how you hit a door And Hi! just meant gidday. “Grass” was grown upon your lawn We used a "Pot" to cook a stew A “Score” was what your team made And a "Dope" meant silly you A “Dyke” that was just a little dam A “Poof” a puff of smoke and “Bread” was flour and water Now if you've got none well your broke And “Cactus” was a prickly plant But now it means you’re dead a “Joint” was an old run down shack A place to rest your weary head. “Acid” was something we used in Chemistry at school and winter was the only time that we could say we’re “Cool”. A “Trip” meant falling over when we tangled up our feet And lollies were the only thing that we could say were “Sweet”. A “Camp” was just a little tent set up out in the scrub. We only “Stuffed” our chickens and food was our only “Grub”. If someone had a bit of luck we’d say that's really slick now when something’s great mate well they say it’s “fully sick”. And we put “ice” into our eskies just to cool our beer and rum and the only "Smack" I ever got was on me bloody bum. People stopped you in the street to talk about the weather now when you ask a question the kids simply say “Whatever”. Well I’ve tried to understand it It's progress I've been told But I really have to face it mate Gees I must be getting old. Bev
Joke Bank content is 5 jokes.