President's Report
Hi all,
Well, we had a very full meeting at the Vicar on Monday night. We had some 42 people attend.
Andrew gave us a talk on TIB (Teacher In a Box). The Club is implementing this technology into Flores, Indonesia. The whole school curricula is loaded onto a PC and then the Students can accesses this information via WIFI. This replaces the very small libraries in Flores, Indonesia Schools. Thank you, Andrew and Tim.
Jim Simpson and Max Henderson were also inducted as Honorary Members.
Updates from past week:
Well, we had a very full meeting at the Vicar on Monday night. We had some 42 people attend.
Andrew gave us a talk on TIB (Teacher In a Box). The Club is implementing this technology into Flores, Indonesia. The whole school curricula is loaded onto a PC and then the Students can accesses this information via WIFI. This replaces the very small libraries in Flores, Indonesia Schools. Thank you, Andrew and Tim.
Jim Simpson and Max Henderson were also inducted as Honorary Members.
Updates from past week:
- There was a working bee on Tuesday to mow the lawns around the Women’s Shelter Houses at Kenthurst. Thank you Colin, Anne, Tony M, George.
- We had another working bee on Friday to clear out the Shipping Containers at Galston. Thank you to Colin, Janelle, Ros H, George, Nicole, Edwina, Bob D, Peter S and Tony C plus Mike and Zen who Joseph loaned us for the day. The Containers at Galston are now clean and gone, they were picked up on Monday. Everything has been loaded into a 20foot shipping container at Hills Storage and Cherrybrook RFS. All the shelving has been sold.
- Wine and Cheese night at Cootes on Friday night. Some 20 people attended and a very good night. Thank you Glenda & Tony.
- The Lions Club of West Pennant Hills & Cherrybrook, ANZAC Commemoration Dinner will be held on Monday 22 April at the West Pennant Hills Sports Club. Can you pls let Ros Hogan know if you are attending by Sunday 14 April, and place $55 into the General Account. We will them know on Monday 15 April. Last Call tonight, can you pls let Bob know.
- We have our Mother’s Day Market coming up on Sunday 5th May and Janelle gave us an update. Thank you to George and Adrian for putting out the Banners last Thursday.
- Norwest Sunrise Trivia Night will be held on Saturday 4th May starting at 6:30pm at the Wesley Uniting Church, Castle Hill. Please talk to Janelle if you would like to attend. The Club has booked a table of 8.
- Please remember District Assembly for all incoming Board members is on 4 May 2024, and the Venue will be the Western Sydney University, Second Avenue, Kingswood. If you are on the incoming Borad, you should have received an invite.
- Friendship Dinners – Carol Russell and Anne & Colin Sharpe on Sunday. Thank you.
- International Student Commitment. Please remember this is a commitment by the Club. We all need to get involved and help the Host families. If you are going somewhere pls ask the Host Family if you can take Iisa. For example, the Footy on Friday night or something you like to do i.e. go out for dinner. Multiple benefits, Good for you, good for Iisa, respite for the Host family
- Rotary Leadership Institute Courses (RLI): RLI is a training course offered to Rotarians to develop their skills in leadership and management within Clubs to improve performance, knowledge and enjoyment in leading or helping to lead Clubs in the District. The next course is on 17-18-19 May 2024. Run via Zoom and starts on Friday night. Full details in the District Newsletter.
- Regionalisation: District 9685 was allocated 5 (five) Regional Community Groups (RCGs) that in general fitted quite well with our existing clusters. Nominations for the Regional Community Leader are now closed. The Board voted on last Wednesday night for its nominee.
- All attendees at the District Conference were impressed by the presentation on St Jude’s schools. The Club will sponsor a student for a year (cost $3,240). Bendigo Bank to be approached to see if they are prepared to reimburse us for this sponsorship.
- Meeting of Current and incoming Membership Directors & Presidents for Stuart Armstrong’s and Mercedes Durante’s Clusters (approx. 12 Clubs) to be held at the Vicar on 6 May 24. There is no club meeting on that date, but all current directors are encouraged to attend and all Members and Partners also. Each Club will have 5-10 mins to talk about membership, what has worked, what did not work and any new ideas.
- The Club has been approached by the Rotary Club of Warners Bay to become involved in a national activity to raise funds for the Men’s Health Education Rural Van (a Mobile Home fitted out to provide on-site checks for men’s health issues currently being used in rural towns). Funds are to be raised by donating the proceeds from Bunnings barbeques to be held on 10-11 August 2024. This invitation has gone out to a large number of clubs. Approved that we become involved in with this event. They need some $130K pa.
- Next Years District Conference will be on 21-22 March 2025 and at the Pullman Penrith.
- Centurions: It would be very nice to have all members as Centurions. This is achieved by placing $100 in our General Account and letting Bob know. We currently have approx. ¼ of the Club as Centurions and we have three months to go. Please talk to David and thanks everyone.
That’s it for the week so let’s look after each other, stay safe and let’s do it.
Remember to check “What’s On” for what’s on. Yours in Rotary, Neville Hansen |
Night Report |
15 April 2024 |
Sergeant Tony called the meeting to order and asked George to propose the toast which was to Rotary and the victims of Bondi.
President Neville welcomed our guests – guest speaker Andrew Little, Bev Jordan for Relay for Life, Tim Sharpe, Pam Carne from Teacher in a Box, Nia Sander, Vignesh Arumugan, Pat Tang and partners.
President’s Report Please refer to previous report.
Directors Reports
Colin Sharpe – Community – Congratulations to Sandra White and Anne Sharpe who have agreed to be Presidents in 2025/6. Still looking for a Fund-Raising director.
- Mowing lawns at Kenthurst will be on the first Tuesday of the month. 4 people required for 2 hours. A roster will be made.
- Containers at Hills Storage for only 4 months. Any suggestions for storage?
- A plea for members to select a committee for next Rotary year and for Directors to make their plans.
Carol Russell – Membership – “Who do you know?” Nia Sandar aged 15 is interested!
- Social – “Caravan” play at Castle Hill on April 24.
- Weekend away proposed for “Christmas in July” somewhere.
Janelle Craig– Fundraising – Mothers’ Day Stall – please refer to previous PowerPoint and email. Thank you to those members who have already volunteered. A plea to please supply goods for cake stall.
- Northwest Sunrise Trivia Night on Saturday 4 May. Please contact Janelle if interested.
Vocational – Grace’s Place visit on Monday April 29
General Business – Kaye had ANZAC items for sale.
Relay For Life – Bev Jordan informed us of this 24-hour event raising funds for Cancer research and treatment. May 18 - 9am – May 19- 9am. Refer to flyer.
Honorary Membership - Jim Simpson and his wife Dianne together with Max Henderson and his wife Lynne were presented with Honorary Membership after many years of service to the club. Jim 26 years and Max 13. Thank you, Jim and Max.
Tony Coote then introduced our guest speaker Andrew Little who informed us of the Teacher in a Box program that is being used in Flores and Maumere, West Timor.
The program commenced in Africa at St Jude’s and is now used in 20 countries in the developing world. 4 billion people in the world have no internet access and this program provides educational opportunities without needing connectivity. Andrew has added the Indonesian curriculum to the program along with children’s books, phonics program, teacher training, etc.
Andrew is looking for more laptops as well as a more suitable way of getting them to Indonesia. If you would like to help. Please register your interest by joining the “Friends of Teacher in a Box” group.
Andrew thanked Tim Sharpe and Patrick Hackett for their invaluable help.
We had a short “play” with the program.
Tony then conducted a brief fine session followed by Heads and Tails won by Colin Baxter. The raffle was won by Jim Simpson (drawn by his wife Dianne!)
President Neville then concluded our long meeting by thanking all for attending especially our guest speaker Andrew, Pam Carne, Bev Jordan, our new Honorary members, Jim and Max and all partners and friends. He reminded us of the ANZAC meeting next week at the West Pennant Hills Sports Club. Also to consider being a Centurion by donating $100 to the Rotary Foundation.
Rosemary Clarke
Night Reporter |