President's Report

Hi all, on Monday night we had a Melbourne Cup Night at Pennant Hills Hotel. Some 30 people attended, and we had a very enjoyable night. Jim ran the Melbourne Cup night which entailed a Quiz, multiple choice questionnaire, a fashion parade and everyone had a chance to purchase some sweeps. Congratulations to the winners. A big thank you to Jim for organising the night, Janelle for all the table decorations, balloons, horseshoes, and horse racing backdrop and also a thank you to Carol and Bob for running the sweeps.
Updates from past week:
That’s it for the week so Let’s look after each other, stay safe and let’s do it.
Remember to check “What’s On” for what’s on.
Yours in Rotary
Neville Hansen
Events for October:
Updates from past week:
- Hope you enjoyed your week off on 23rd Oct and visited another Rotary Club or another organisation. A number of us visited Kenthurst and heard Iisa and Ingred talk. A great night. It was good to see people visiting Clubs in Launceston in Tasmania, meetings with Rotary Club of Bali Seminyak, and even a Rotary meeting on a boat cruise in the pacific. Great to see.
- Last week we had a Vocational visit to Alfresco Shade. Tom would like to give all the money raised that night to the NZ flood relief. Thank you everyone for your donation. We had some 22 people attend and then dinner at the Fiddler. A very good night and thank you Kerry for organising.
- Well Isa has now moved houses. Iisa spent 10 days with Nicole & Todd while Janelle was in Indonesia and now has moved to the Rita & John’s. Thank you to everyone looking after Iisa I know it is a lot of work in the background, but you are doing a fantastic job.
- International Student Commitment. Please remember this is a commitment by the Club. We all need to get involved and help the Host families. If you are going somewhere pls ask the Host Family if you can take Iisa. Multiple benefits, Good for you, good for Iisa, respite for the Host family
- Rotary Leadership Institute Courses (RLI): RLI is a training course offered to Rotarians to develop their skills in leadership and management within Clubs to improve performance, knowledge and enjoyment in leading or helping to lead Clubs in the District. Carol has now been moved to the next course. Run via Zoom and starts on Friday night. Future dates are: 23-24-25 Feb 2024, 17-18-19 May 2024.
- Welcome back, Janelle and Andrew from their trip to Flores, Indonesia. Thank you for making the difference. We will organise a full night to cover the trip and update the Club.
- Regionalisation: Submitted our preferences for the Regional Clusters
- Regionalisation: Voted for our nominees for Regional Council. Successful candidates have now been released. Please see below.
- Board meeting this Wednesday, 8 Nov 2023.
- Magnificent Men’s Breakfast: As part of the District 9685 DFV campaign all Rotary clubs are being encouraged to celebrate International Men's Day. Our club has embraced this concept and in recognising men who advocate against domestic and family violence and who role model respectful relationships, we will be holding a special breakfast to honour our truly Magnificent Men. Breakfast is on Sunday 19 Nov from 8:30 to10:30pm at Sunny Side Café, Coonara Shopping Centre. Details are in the email sent out. We would love to have everyone there.
- Visioning: The Club is scheduled to do Visioning on Mon 13 Nov and Mon 4 Dec after the AGM. A Visioning Survey has been sent out to all Members and Honorary Members to give us a position in time. Thank you to everyone who has completed the survey.
- Training for Square: Andrew is now back from Indonesia. Andrew and I will have a talk how to deliver the training. Maybe bring your Grandchild.
- Sue and Michael had their last meeting with us before heading off to the US for some 12 months. I would like to thank them both for their contribution to the Club. The Club is much richer for their contribution, and we will be looking forward to seeing them back in some 12 months or sooner.
- “What’s On” Link on phone. Is there anyone without the link. Please see Andrew to put on for you. Rosters etc for events are on What’s On. The link is also in the Bulletin and the home page of our Website.
That’s it for the week so Let’s look after each other, stay safe and let’s do it.
Remember to check “What’s On” for what’s on.
Yours in Rotary
Neville Hansen
Events for October:
Regional Council Elections: Attached is the list of candidates’ clubs have chosen to lead and represent our zone starting from 1 Jan 2024. Positions and Candidates attached.
Chair-Elect: Tony Heyward, RC of Tawa, New Zealand (D9940)
Portfolio Lead: Major Fundraising and Grants: Dr Peter Rogers AM, RC of Melbourne, VIC, Australia (D9800) Portfolio Lead: Membership: Andy Rajapakse, RC of Burleigh Heads, QLD, Australia (D9640) Portfolio Lead: Service Projects and Programs: Madhumita Bishnu, E-Club of Melbourne, VIC, Australia (D9800) Rotaract Nominee: Eeshwar Rajagopalan, Rotaract Club of Subiaco/RC of Elizabeth Quay, WA, Australia (D9423) As previously indicated, the following roles received one eligible application each, so candidates were therefore automatically elected: Chair: Dallas Booth, RC of Turramurra, NSW, Australia (D9685) Portfolio Lead: Public Image and Partnerships: Neil McWhannell, RC of Wahroonga, NSW, Australia (D9685) Portfolio Lead: Learning and Development: Euan Miller, RC of Norwood, SA, Australia (D9510) The applicants for the above roles were deemed to have the necessary skills and experience to complete their duties. The role of Portfolio Lead: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion did not receive any eligible applications. A suitable candidate for the role will be selected once the Regional Council is in place. |
Night Report
Night report: 6 November meeting at Pennant Hills Hotel
Jim started the meeting by requesting Sue Moore to give the toast to everyone.
President Neville gave updates on the following and he said:
President Neville paid tribute to Michael and Sue Moore by showing some photos to the club members.
Jim announced that there are more sweep entries for the Melbourne Cup to be bought and encouraged the members to buy.
Winners are greener receiving bottles of wine:
Jim started the meeting by requesting Sue Moore to give the toast to everyone.
President Neville gave updates on the following and he said:
- Hope you enjoyed your week off and visited another Rotary Club or another organisation. A number of us visited Kenthurst and heard Iisa and Ingred talk. A great night. Hands up who visited another Club / organisation. Who travelled the furthest.
- Last week done the Vocational visit to Alfresco Shade. Tom would like to give all the money raised that night to the NZ flood relief. Thank you everyone for your donation. We had some 22 people attend and then dinner at the Fiddler. A very good night and thank you Kerry for organising.
- Well Isa has now moved houses. Iisa spent 10 days with the Ryman’s while Janelle was in Indonesia and now has moved to the Tchetchenian’s. Thank you to everyone looking after Iisa I know it is a lot of work in the background, but you are doing a fantastic job. I will let Iisa update everyone on her exciting travels.
- International Student Commitment. Please remember this is a commitment by the Club. We all need to get involved and help the Host families. If you are going somewhere pls ask the Host Family if you can take Iisa. Multiple benefits, Good for you, good for Iisa, respite for the Host family
- Rotary Leadership Institute Courses (RLI): RLI is a training course offered to Rotarians to develop their skills in leadership and management within Clubs to improve performance, knowledge and enjoyment in leading or helping to lead Clubs in the District. Carol has now been moved to the next course. Run via Zoom and starts on Friday night. Future dates are (i) 23-24-25 Feb 2024, and (ii) 17-18-19 May 2024.
- Welcome back, Janelle and Andrew from their trip to Flores, Indonesia. Thank you for making the difference. High level this week but we will organise a full night.
- Regionalisation: Submitted our preferences for the Regional Clusters
- Regionalisation: Voted for our nominee for Regional Council. Successful candidates have now been released. I will distribute.
- Board meeting this Wednesday, 8 Nov 2023.
- Magnificent Men’s Breakfast: As part of the District 9685 DFV campaign all Rotary clubs are being encouraged to celebrate International Men's Day. Our club has embraced this concept and in recognising men who advocate against domestic and family violence and who role model respectful relationships, we will be holding a special breakfast to honour our truly Magnificent Men. Breakfast is on Sunday 19 Nov from 8:30 to 10:30pm at Sunny Side Café, Coonara Shopping Centre. Details are in the email sent out. We would love to have everyone there.
- Visioning: The Club is scheduled to do Visioning on Mon 13 Nov and Mon 4 Dec after the AGM. A Visioning Survey has been sent out to all Members and Honorary Members to give us a position in time. Thank you to everyone who has completed the survey.
- Training for Square: Andrew is now back from Indonesia. Andrew and I will have a talk how to deliver the training. Bring your Grandchild.
- Sue and Michael’s last meeting with us before heading off to the US for some 12 months. I would like to thank them both for their contribution to the Club. The Club is much richer for their contribution, and we will be looking forward to seeing them back in some 12 months.
- “What’s On” Link on phone. Is there anyone without the link. Please see Andrew to put on for you. Rosters etc are on What’s On.
- Colin S report mostly on asking for volunteers for the forthcoming Christmas fete, tree of joy at Cherrybrook shopping centre this coming Saturday. Also, he mentioned Memorial Day this coming 11th of November.
- David who is fresh from his holidays, has nothing to report about the Foundation.
- Carol reported on possible new members for our club whom she met during the Castle Hill BBQ.
- Keith reiterated to all members to at least see the bulletin because all the information we need to know is in there.
- Cawas discussed the importance of the forthcoming meeting on November 20. He requested that we all attend the face-to-face meeting on this day.
- Anne thanks Carol and Janelle for taking over her role while she was away.
- Janelle reported on the success of the outcome of the Castle Hill BBQ and thanked everyone who helped. The next big event is the Christmas market on Dec 3 Sunday. There are 22 stalls available on this fundraising event. She discussed domestic violence and on the 15th Nov, she will have a day off work to attend the Domestic violence campaign in Canberra. She also reiterated to join the breakfast meeting at Coonara on the 19th of November. Community walk for domestic violence is not going to happen on Nove 10 at Castle and will be moved to another date.
- Iisa reported on her activities for the last 3 weeks. She was happy that her school exams were finished. She done a lot of domestic travel during school break and enjoying the places she been to. Culburra beach, seen message in the bottle. She will have her formal in her high school next month and went to Blue Mountain last week.
President Neville paid tribute to Michael and Sue Moore by showing some photos to the club members.
Jim announced that there are more sweep entries for the Melbourne Cup to be bought and encouraged the members to buy.
Winners are greener receiving bottles of wine:
- Best dressed male – Bob Davidson
- Best dressed female – Sandra White
- Best dressed couple – Michale and Sue Moore
- Quiz of the day winner – Sue Moore
- Lucky raffle draw – Lyn Henderson
- Heads and Tail – Lola Chenouda.
Thank you from your night reporter – Alex Jugueta
My family just stood there ... contributed by Cawas
Miss Beatrice ... contributed by Cawas
Miss Beatrice, the church organist, was in her eighties. She was admired for her sweetness and kindness to all. One afternoon the pastor came to call on her and she showed him into her quaint sitting room. She invited him to have a seat while she prepared tea.
As he sat facing her old Hammond organ, the young minister noticed a cut-glass bowl sitting on top of it. The bowl was filled with water, and in the water floated, of all things, a condom! When she returned with tea and scones, they began to chat. The pastor tried to stifle his curiosity about the bowl of water and its strange floater, but soon it got the better of him and He could no longer resist. "Miss Beatrice", he said, "I wonder if you would tell me about this?" pointing to the bowl. "Oh, yes," she replied, "Isn't it wonderful? I was walking through the Park a few months ago and found this little package on the ground. The directions said to place it on the organ, keep it wet and that it would prevent the spread of disease. Do you know I haven't had the flu all winter?" |
Zelda ... contributed by Cawas