Presidents Report

At our meeting on Monday 30 January, Neville gave us a wonderful presentation of his time in Eugowra in early January helping with Rotary Flood Relief efforts. On Sunday 05 February he continued his connection with this important project by traveling back there to be part of a community event. I’d like to again thank Neville for his dedication to this work and for representing our Club so capably in this domain. I’m sure he’ll share yesterday’s adventures to you tonight if you ask him!
Finally, it’s with sadness that we mourn the passing of Miriam Jacka who died on Friday 03 February 2023. Miriam was not only the wife of Past President Larry Jacka who went on to be District Governor, she was also a very active and committed Rotarian in her own right. Jim very kindly sent out advice to members based on the information he received from Jill and David. We will keep you posted of funeral arrangements as they become available and will undertake a minute’s silence to honour Miriam and her connection to our Club at the start of our FtF meeting next week.
And that my friends, this is the Buzz for the Week. Enjoy a great week ahead and indulge in a very special Valentine’s themed meeting next Monday. Janelle
Night Report
Opening: Keith opened the meeting at 7:35 and welcomed all
Welcome to Guest Speaker Florence Lee-Gunawan from “Love for Australia”
President’s Report, Keith standing in for Janelle.
Janelle is stepping back for the next 10 days while she gets her daughter Amelia moved and settled into her new job in Dubbo. Janelle will be back on board on 15 Feb.
Director’s Reports
- Community Service: There was a Community Service meeting on 3 Feb and minutes distributed.
- Fund Raising: There was 1st book sort on Saturday. Next one is 18 Feb. Can everyone pls let John C know their availability.
- International: Meeting with Rotary Club of Bali Seminyak to ensure there are no issues with the Grant application.
- Membership: Always looking for new Members. Who do you know who you could invite.
- Public Image: Issues with Bulletin distribution.
- Vocational: POW (Pride of Workmanship) coming up on 15 May. Can nominations pls be forwarded to Edwina.
- Club Services: 26 Week Roster now in the Bulletin. Pls check. Please let Neville and Ros Hogan if you are going to be away. Neville travelled to Eugowra on Sunday 5th Feb for the Launch of the Eugowra Video. This was held at the Eugowra Bowling Club, some 100 people there and run by Rotary. Will put link to Video in Bulletin when available.
- Florence talked about how her Charity started off in 2012 taking meals to people and giving away meals at festivals. From 2021 they are now a shop and people have to register and can come and take anything free of charge and are allowed 50 visits. They currently have some 150 customers and costs approx. $1K per week to run. All sponsored by small businesses and family. What a fantastic Charity.
Neville Hansen
Date: 6 Feb 2023 |
Grace'sPlace Opening
Eugowra - Photo and Video supplied by Neville
"Eugowra Stories - Heartbreak and Hope"Editor's Note: This video is from Rotary Parkes. It is 33 minutes long and very engrossing. It will open on a new page.
Night Photos
Courtesy of Alex & Self
Clever and suprising word rearrangements ... contributed by Tony C