President Elect's Report

It was my pleasure to stand in for Neville tonight and great to see 28 members online.
Thank You John for your interesting Sergeants session and congratulations to George for winning his imaginary bottle of Red wine in the Heads & Tales, I hope he didn’t drink it all last night 😊
Hopefully everyone has recovered from the Trivia Night, it was a great success and a good time had by all!
Our next big event will be the Garage Sale on September 30 at Cherrybrook Uniting Church. We have already sold 8 Market and 1 Car Boot sites. Please put this in your diary and start thinking about what you are going to bake for our always popular cake stall.
Iisa has certainly been a busy young lady in last week and is certainly slotting into life Down Under.
Lee Goddard, our guest speaker gave a great insight into the life in the modern Navy and its challenges.
Some of us will be attending Colin Wright’s funeral on Wednesday, full details are in Jim Simpsons email.
Colin was a long standing and much-loved member of our club and many of us will remember the wonderful weekend trips he organised. Our thoughts are with Dianne and family at this sad time.
Next week we will meet at The Vicar 6.30 for 7pm dinner and please remember to bring your badges.
Neville will be back at the helm…. Keeping with our nautical theme !
Have a great week, stay safe and look out for each other.
Thank You John for your interesting Sergeants session and congratulations to George for winning his imaginary bottle of Red wine in the Heads & Tales, I hope he didn’t drink it all last night 😊
Hopefully everyone has recovered from the Trivia Night, it was a great success and a good time had by all!
Our next big event will be the Garage Sale on September 30 at Cherrybrook Uniting Church. We have already sold 8 Market and 1 Car Boot sites. Please put this in your diary and start thinking about what you are going to bake for our always popular cake stall.
Iisa has certainly been a busy young lady in last week and is certainly slotting into life Down Under.
Lee Goddard, our guest speaker gave a great insight into the life in the modern Navy and its challenges.
Some of us will be attending Colin Wright’s funeral on Wednesday, full details are in Jim Simpsons email.
Colin was a long standing and much-loved member of our club and many of us will remember the wonderful weekend trips he organised. Our thoughts are with Dianne and family at this sad time.
Next week we will meet at The Vicar 6.30 for 7pm dinner and please remember to bring your badges.
Neville will be back at the helm…. Keeping with our nautical theme !
Have a great week, stay safe and look out for each other.
Night Report
John Tchetchenian was our Sargeant for the night, and invited Colin Baxter to propose a toast which he did – To Rotary..
Vice President Anne stood in for Neville, our President, who is away for a few days, and did an admirable job, well done Anne. See Presidents Report in the Bulletin to catch up on the weeks happenings.
Directors Reports.
Community Service…. Colin Sharpe reported that the Tree of Joy planning underway, The Garage Sale coming up end September. Colin asked if any tools were available for a stall.
Environment Officer Kaye noted that a tree had been planted last week. Clean Up Australia planning was underway and on Sunday 24.9.23 the park at Pennant Hills Market Place an hour or two would be spent cleaning generally around the area. She called for Volunteers to help.
Foundation - David Turnbull thanked everyone who had donated recently.
Fund Raising – Janelle travelling for work, report next week.
International – Peter Stanton on holidays.
Membership – Carol Russell reported that Todd Ryman would be applying to become a member in the short while…. Other potentials from the BBQ at Castle Hill Bunnings still considering.
Public Image - Keith Ball noted that comment had been received that the Jokes were scrolling through too quickly, instructions to be sent out.
Vocational - Future planning underway.
Youth – Cawas Sahukar … The Science Expo underway for October. Host families organised and the programme has been organised.
Iisa, our Exchange Student gave us a run-down of her very busy week, including attendance at her very first Wedding ever with her fellow exchange student who is with Norwest Sunrise, it was a member of that club who married. She is very excited about all that has been arranged for her here in Australia.
Club Services – Covered in President’s report earlier in the Bulletin.
Social - VP Anne noted that we needed to re-invigorate our Social Committee and have some new events organised. Carol Russell has indicated she will join the committee and assist.
Treasurers Report. No report for this meeting. All in good order.
Guest Speaker… Alan Paynter introduced our speaker for the evening…. Rear Admiral Lee Goddard.
Admiral Lee has, and still does hold many very senior high-level appointments within the Navy and we were all enthralled listening to his remarkable career and down to earth practical management style whilst working and supporting young, and not so young, male and female members of the Military.
He spoke of the huge diversity of members of the Military, these days with as many female as male members and the high level of competence of quite young male and female officers. He noted that competence and character were the only things that were discriminated on, and that there was no place for any other issues where discrimination rears its ugly head.
For many years the world has been a stable place to live, however things are changing and he spoke also of the importance of defending our Country in this world of increasing uncertainty whilst also maintaining good relationships with countries who might be of concern.
So much wisdom in his words, I for one was enthralled listening to this voice of reason in an unsettled world.
Heads and Tails won by George who received an imaginery Bottle of Red Wine and was advised not to have a drink and then drive home!!!!
VP Anne thanked Robert Erskine and also Georgia and Nicole Ryman for visiting the meeting and then closed the meeting and reminded everyone that we at meeting at the…..
Vicar next week 11th September. 6.30 for a 7pm start…
271 New Line Road, Dural…
And bring your name badge please.
John Tchetchenian was our Sargeant for the night, and invited Colin Baxter to propose a toast which he did – To Rotary..
Vice President Anne stood in for Neville, our President, who is away for a few days, and did an admirable job, well done Anne. See Presidents Report in the Bulletin to catch up on the weeks happenings.
Directors Reports.
Community Service…. Colin Sharpe reported that the Tree of Joy planning underway, The Garage Sale coming up end September. Colin asked if any tools were available for a stall.
Environment Officer Kaye noted that a tree had been planted last week. Clean Up Australia planning was underway and on Sunday 24.9.23 the park at Pennant Hills Market Place an hour or two would be spent cleaning generally around the area. She called for Volunteers to help.
Foundation - David Turnbull thanked everyone who had donated recently.
Fund Raising – Janelle travelling for work, report next week.
International – Peter Stanton on holidays.
Membership – Carol Russell reported that Todd Ryman would be applying to become a member in the short while…. Other potentials from the BBQ at Castle Hill Bunnings still considering.
Public Image - Keith Ball noted that comment had been received that the Jokes were scrolling through too quickly, instructions to be sent out.
Vocational - Future planning underway.
Youth – Cawas Sahukar … The Science Expo underway for October. Host families organised and the programme has been organised.
Iisa, our Exchange Student gave us a run-down of her very busy week, including attendance at her very first Wedding ever with her fellow exchange student who is with Norwest Sunrise, it was a member of that club who married. She is very excited about all that has been arranged for her here in Australia.
Club Services – Covered in President’s report earlier in the Bulletin.
Social - VP Anne noted that we needed to re-invigorate our Social Committee and have some new events organised. Carol Russell has indicated she will join the committee and assist.
Treasurers Report. No report for this meeting. All in good order.
Guest Speaker… Alan Paynter introduced our speaker for the evening…. Rear Admiral Lee Goddard.
Admiral Lee has, and still does hold many very senior high-level appointments within the Navy and we were all enthralled listening to his remarkable career and down to earth practical management style whilst working and supporting young, and not so young, male and female members of the Military.
He spoke of the huge diversity of members of the Military, these days with as many female as male members and the high level of competence of quite young male and female officers. He noted that competence and character were the only things that were discriminated on, and that there was no place for any other issues where discrimination rears its ugly head.
For many years the world has been a stable place to live, however things are changing and he spoke also of the importance of defending our Country in this world of increasing uncertainty whilst also maintaining good relationships with countries who might be of concern.
So much wisdom in his words, I for one was enthralled listening to this voice of reason in an unsettled world.
Heads and Tails won by George who received an imaginery Bottle of Red Wine and was advised not to have a drink and then drive home!!!!
VP Anne thanked Robert Erskine and also Georgia and Nicole Ryman for visiting the meeting and then closed the meeting and reminded everyone that we at meeting at the…..
Vicar next week 11th September. 6.30 for a 7pm start…
271 New Line Road, Dural…
And bring your name badge please.
This is your Captain speaking ... contributed by Cawas
The pilot was welcoming the passengers on the plane shortly after take off.......
"This is your Captain speaking, Thank you for flying with us this morning.
The weather is....."
Then suddenly he starts screaming his head off:
"Oh my God. Oh my God! Oh my God! It’s burning…It’s burning…This is going to hurt....It’s burning. "
A ghostly silence reigned!
After a couple of minutes, He gets back on the microphone talking to the passengers:
"I sincerely apologise for the incident, but I just dropped a very hot cup of coffee on my lap... you should see my pants."
One passenger replies -
"Why don't you come here and see Our PANTS"! 🤣🤣
"This is your Captain speaking, Thank you for flying with us this morning.
The weather is....."
Then suddenly he starts screaming his head off:
"Oh my God. Oh my God! Oh my God! It’s burning…It’s burning…This is going to hurt....It’s burning. "
A ghostly silence reigned!
After a couple of minutes, He gets back on the microphone talking to the passengers:
"I sincerely apologise for the incident, but I just dropped a very hot cup of coffee on my lap... you should see my pants."
One passenger replies -
"Why don't you come here and see Our PANTS"! 🤣🤣
Avocados... contributed by Tony C
Laughter... contributed by Cawas
Debbie, the church gossip, and self-appointed monitor of the church’s morals kept sticking her nose into other people’s business. Several members did not approve of her extra-curricular activities but feared her enough to maintain their silence.
She made a mistake, however, when she accused Bill, a new member, of being an alcoholic after she saw his old pickup parked in front of the town’s only bar one afternoon.
She emphatically told Bill and several others that everyone seeing it there would know what he was doing. Bill, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and just turned and walked away. He didn’t explain, defend, or deny. He said nothing.
Later that evening, Bill quietly parked his pickup in front of Debbie’s house…………. and left it there all night.
You gotta love Bill!
She made a mistake, however, when she accused Bill, a new member, of being an alcoholic after she saw his old pickup parked in front of the town’s only bar one afternoon.
She emphatically told Bill and several others that everyone seeing it there would know what he was doing. Bill, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and just turned and walked away. He didn’t explain, defend, or deny. He said nothing.
Later that evening, Bill quietly parked his pickup in front of Debbie’s house…………. and left it there all night.
You gotta love Bill!
How to Control Slideshows
Have a Happy Weekend... contributed by Jim |
Your Editor has some control when initially producing a Slideshow. The speed can be varied from 3 to 9 secs. 5 seconds is the default. I have set this group to 6 seconds.
The viewer has other controls. If you wave the cursor over the picture, controls will appear at the Top Left and Top Right of the picture.