President's Report

Hi all, on Monday night we had a Vocational visit to Alfresco Shade at Riverstone. Some 22 people attended, and Tom, Ben and Stuart showed us around the workshops. Alfresco Shade makes purpose-built umbrellas and shades for all types of applications. Tom indicated that jobs are getting bigger, and they are doing more jobs around 1,000 square metres. Tom and Ben gave us an overview of the company, Stuart demonstrated the industrial sewing machine and Bill demonstrated the Laser cutter. Bill also cut us a Rotary Wheel. Thanks, Alfresco Shade a great visit.
Tom would like any money raised for the night to be donated to the Wairoa Flood Mayoral Relief Fund. Wairoa is a town in NZ where Tom grew up and was devastated in February when the remnants of a cyclone passed through the town. People can put money into the Fundraising account (account ending in 15) and this will be donated to the Rotary Club of Wairoa. Thank you everyone.
Updates from past week:
Tom would like any money raised for the night to be donated to the Wairoa Flood Mayoral Relief Fund. Wairoa is a town in NZ where Tom grew up and was devastated in February when the remnants of a cyclone passed through the town. People can put money into the Fundraising account (account ending in 15) and this will be donated to the Rotary Club of Wairoa. Thank you everyone.
Updates from past week:
- Hope you enjoyed your week off and visited another Rotary Club or another organisation. A number of us visited Kenthurst and heard Iisa and Ingred talk. A great night.
- Thank you to everyone involved in the Castle Hill Bunnings BBQ on Saturday, a fantastic result. Big thanks to Kerry & Adrian for Coordinating. Nett profit of $2,577
- Welcome back, Janelle and Andrew from their trip to Flores, Indonesia. Thank you for making the difference. More at next weeks meeting.
- Regionalisation: Submitted our preferences for the Regional Clusters.
- Regionalisation: Voted for our nominee for Regional Council.
- The Rotary Club of Beecroft had their Living Treasures Awards on Saturday, 21 October, 2pm - 4 pm at Beecroft Community Hall and I attended. A verry good project for collaborating with the Community.
- Kenthurst’s 50th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday 28th October at Rydges Norwest, Baulkham Hills. Some 100 people attended, a very good event.
- Domestic and Family Violence Walk moved to May 2024, date TBC. Now “Reclaim the Night” at Arthur Whiting Park Castle Hill on 1 Dec from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.
- Friday 3 Nov, 5pm, Tree of Joy night at Cawas’s. Putting labels on Baubles.
- Next Week Mon 6 Nov is Melbourne Cup Meeting, Jim is organising the night, looking forward to it.
- Visioning: The Club is scheduled to do Visioning on Mon 13 Nov and Mon 4 Dec after the AGM. A Visioning Survey has been sent out to all Members and Honorary Members to give us a position in time. Thank you to everyone who has completed the survey.
- Magnificent Men’s Breakfast Sunday 19th Nov at Sunny Side Café, Coonara Shops. More to come.
- Cherrybrook Public School Christmas Fete – The Club has been asked to do the Santa Stand for Christmas Photos so we will need a couple of Santas and a Couple of Santa Helpers. We have also been asked to help with the Bump in / Bump Out. More to come.
- Wine Packaging moved from 4-5 Nov to 25-26 Nov, date still to be confirmed.
- Tom would like to give all the money raised tonight to go towards the floods in NZ. Thank you for your donation.
That’s it for the week so Let’s look after each other, stay safe and let’s do it.
Remember to check “What’s On” for what’s on. Yours in Rotary Neville Hansen |
Night Report
Monday night 30th October saw us visit Honorary Rotary Member Tom Westcott’s premises of Alfresco Shade at Riverstone where he operates a business that constructs and erects Shade Sails at commercial sites such as schools, businesses, shopping centres and any other sites that require large, shaded areas.
The business has grown over the years to a position where they now employ 15 staff in every aspect, administration of the business, cutting and sewing of the fabric for the sails, and erection of the shades themselves where each can weigh up to 1 tonne or more… A great deal of technical expertise is required in the management of such a project and in each area of the process. The business has now taken extra premises close by where the supporting steel poles and fixings are cut and assembled ready for erection on site.
The members asked a lot of questions and Tom was keen to talk about his business, where it came from and where it is today and into the future. Congratulations to Tom and your Team.
After the site inspection we then adjourned to The Fiddler to quench our thirst after the hot afternoon it was, and to enjoy a meal and fellowship together.
The business has grown over the years to a position where they now employ 15 staff in every aspect, administration of the business, cutting and sewing of the fabric for the sails, and erection of the shades themselves where each can weigh up to 1 tonne or more… A great deal of technical expertise is required in the management of such a project and in each area of the process. The business has now taken extra premises close by where the supporting steel poles and fixings are cut and assembled ready for erection on site.
The members asked a lot of questions and Tom was keen to talk about his business, where it came from and where it is today and into the future. Congratulations to Tom and your Team.
After the site inspection we then adjourned to The Fiddler to quench our thirst after the hot afternoon it was, and to enjoy a meal and fellowship together.
Night Reporter
Carol Russell |
Train... contributed by Cawas
Speeding ... contributed by Cawas
A cop pulls a guy over for speeding, he walks up to the car & says 'sir you were going pretty fast back there, what's the hurry?' The guy replies 'oh sorry officer, I always forget to watch my speed when I've had a few drinks.' 'You've been drinking?!' the cop exclaims. 'Well yeah', says the guy, 'I needed a few stiff ones after i stabbed that guy. Fortunately I was able to fit his body in the trunk!' The cop pulls his gun & yells 'STAY WHERE YOU ARE!' He calls for backup. When the 2nd cop arrives they yank the guy from the car, cuff him & search him and the entire car. They find nothing. They give him a breathalyzer - he's clean. The 2nd cop says to the 1st cop 'What the hell? I thought you said this guy was drunk, murdered someone and had a body in the trunk!' Before he can respond the guy says 'Oh yeah? I bet the b*stard told you I was speeding too.
Shoes ... contributed by Cawas
A man walks into a pet shop and says to the owner. "Ok I want to buy a pet, but I don't want a boring normal pet, no cats, or dogs or budgies I want something different." The pet shop owner informs him that he has a talking centipede. "Really?" says the man "How much?" The owner informs him that the talking centipede is £50. Happy with the unusual offering the man pays the money and takes his new pet home. On getting home he lays the match box with the centipede in it on the table, opens it and says, "Hello Mr centipede, fancy going to the pub for a few drinks?" The centipede says nothing. Figuring it must be tired from the journey he decides to leave it for an hour and try again later. An hour later he opens the match box and says "Hello Mr centipede, fancy going to the pub for a few drinks?" The centipede again says nothing. Starting to get suspicious the man decides he will give it one more hour, and if the centipede doesn't talk he will take it back to the shop for a refund. An hour later the man opens the match box and says "Hello Mr centipede, fancy going to the pub for a few drinks?" The centipede says "I heard you the first time you moron! I'm putting my shoes on!"