The Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick’s theme for the 2024-25 Rotary year is CREATE THE MAGIC. Stepanie urges “It’s up to you. You create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member.” Incoming District Governor Niranjan Deodar has also incorporated this theme into District 9685.
This year Zone 8 Regionalisation has descended upon us and will see a major change “Creating tomorrow” in the way Rotary is run in Zone 8 (Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and Pacific Islands). Over time the functions run by the District will be moved into governance by the Regional Council.
Consolidating the Regionalisation, Stephanie and Niranjan’ visions and building on the good work the club has achieved and the way it has been run in recent years I want to set out the vision for our Board and our club to follow while applying the theme of Create the Magic during the coming year. The main areas of focus are:
- Club health
- Regionalisation
- Local community
- International project
"Club health" includes:
- committed and happy members and partners who can have fellowship and fun while unselfishly giving their time on a voluntary basis to do good work in the community.
- Continue to make use of technology within the club and to communicate with the community.
- Obtaining revenue to support our projects.
- Tell our Rotary stories effectively.
- The club to be an active member of Community Group 1 that includes all 12 clubs in the Hills Area.
- Utilise the support available from the Regional Council to grow membership and raise our public image profile.
"Local Community" includes.
- Community service projects such as the Tree of Joy, supporting school events and supporting our sister club at Coonabarabran.
- Rotary Youth Programs and programs between West Pennant Hills and Cherrybrook and Coonabarabran Rotary Clubs. The club will again participate in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program.
- Continued support for domestic violence and homelessness programs.
"International Project"
- Continue to implement the Indonesian project that with the help of a Global Grant will install 70 water tanks and 70 toilets in Flores.
- Continue to implement the Teacher -in-a-Box program in Flores that provides The Indonesian curriculum on a server for each school and Australian donated pre-loved PCs/Notebooks connected to it.
- Continue to provide funds to The Rotary Foundation to allow grants to be made to international and local projects.
Club Management.
To help take the club forward during 2024-25 I gratefully acknowledge the club members who have volunteered to be the leadership team. I welcome the three members (Karen Lambert, Alex Jugueta and Sandra White) who are new to the Club’s Board, and thank the four who are stepping down., Rotarian’s Tony Coote, Bob Davison, Tony Makin and Cawas Sahukar. Fundraising events will be run by event managers this year rather than a Fundraising director.
- Neville Hansen Secretary – Immediate Past President
- Alex Jugueta Treasurer new
- Sandra White Club Services/Co-President Elect -New.
- Anne Sharpe Community Services/Co-President Elect – moving from Club services.
- Karen Lambert Foundation – new to the Board
- Andrew Little International – returning in a new role
- Carol Russell Membership – same as this year.
- Keith Ball Public Image – same as this year.
- Kerry Mann Vocational - same as this year.
- Janelle Craig Youth - moving from Fundraising.
I thank Past President Neville Hansen for his hard work and commitment last year to lead the Club and maintain it’s health and vibrancy built up by the previous presidents. I also thank Janelle for her work in two District Roles (Domestic Violence and Youth Exchange). Janelle retains these roles again this year.
As we look forward to a year of Creating Magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member remember the Rotary moto of “Service above Self”.
Let’s look after each other and create the magic.
Yours in Rotary
President Colin Sharpe.
Interested in Joining Us?Come along to a meeting and check us out. Contact either:
Colin (President) 0412 064 336 or Carol (Membership) 0418 431 157 If you need information about our Club or about Rotary in general then - Click here. Browsing the rest of this site is also a good idea. |