President's Report |
Monday 9 December 2024 |

President’s update:
Looking forward:
So, Let’s stay safe look after each other and create some magic and have a great holiday break. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Tonight’s story
I asked Copilot for:
I consulted my 1890s book of everything and found how to deal with Christmas day aliments.
Hot water is one of the very best remedies for unpleasant effects of Christmas dinner. Take'a cup of water as hot as you can bear to sip it slowly; then lie down for a while. In a short time it will act upon the bowels, and the head will be relieved. Hot water, taken in this way, is an excellent remedy. Remember, as hot as you can possibly bear to sip it, otherwise it will be useless, or may produce vomiting. The effect of the hot water is to cleanse all the pars, passages, tubes, etc., through which the food has to pass, and thus prevent the feeling of discomfort and pain called indigestion. It is not really so very unpleasant, and can be improved by pouring the water on to a small slice of lemon, and then remove it, and steadily ‘sip the water.
- Welcome members, and partners. Thirty attending tonight.
- Sandra and Jill were wished a Happy Birthday.
- Thank you to the steward Keith and helpers who set up the tables.
- Thank you to all who turned up at Janelle’s place to prepare the gifts for distribution. Anne has sent out a club thank you email. It was again an amazing response from the community. We received 1319 tags and 1136 were returned (86%). 133 tags taken from Cherrybrook were not returned. 14 hampers were given at anonymously at Westleigh and given the HVSG.
- Thank you to Kerry and her team for setting up and closing up the Bunnings BBQ and thank you to the 15 volunteers who cooked and served. Special thank you to Elise who spent from 8 am to 3 pm preparing the bread and even learnt how to be a runner. Thank you to Janelle for managing the cakes. Net income was $3,500 with cakes returning $930.
- Carol and I attended Northwest Sunrise Club last Friday morning to celebrate PDG Alan Grady’s 50 years of Rotary. Alan described his Rotary life. What an amazing contribution he has made to communities in Australia, the Pacific and Nepal. A potential club speaker.
- On Friday evening, Neville, Janelle, Adrian, Colin B, Gwen, Colin S and Anne went to Helping Hearts Survive to present $2,500 proceeds from the Christmas Market.
- Thank you to BNI (Rebecca Raad) for the kind donation of $1000, that came from the proceeds of their golf day.
- The Rotary Club of NorWest Sunrise have formally advised that Martin Collins will be transferred to our club as from 1 Jan.
Looking forward:
- Thank you to the lawn mowing team for volunteering on Thursday 19 December so the lawns can be made nice for the tenant’s Christmas.
- Closing Remarks
- Thank you to all who brought along food for Hands and Feet.
- Next week and until Feb 3 is a Rotary holiday, broken only by the Presidents lunch on Sunday January 19th at Lilian Fraser Gardens Pennant Hills.
So, Let’s stay safe look after each other and create some magic and have a great holiday break. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Tonight’s story
I asked Copilot for:
- The history of Christmas.
- Pagan Roots: Long before Christmas, many cultures celebrated the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, with festivals of light and feasting. For example, the Norse celebrated Yule, and Romans observed Saturnalia1.
- Christian Origins: Christmas is primarily celebrated as the birth of Jesus Christ, though the exact date of his birth is unknown. The early Christian church chose December 25th to coincide with existing pagan festivals, making it easier for converts to adopt the holiday.
- Medieval Celebrations: During the Middle Ages, Christmas became a mix of religious observance and festive activities, including feasting, music, and dancing.
- Modern Traditions: Over time, Christmas evolved to include many customs we recognize today, such as decorating trees, exchanging gifts, and Santa Claus. These traditions have been influenced by various cultures and have become both religious and secular celebrations.
- The origin of Santa Claus
- Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, or simply Santa, is a legendary figure who is said to bring gifts to the homes of well-behaved children on Christmas Eve (December 24th). Here's a bit about his history and the legend:
- Origins: The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back to Saint Nicholas, a 4th-century Greek bishop of Myra (modern-day Turkey). He was known for his generosity and kindness, often giving secret gifts to those in need.
- Dutch Influence: The Dutch settlers in America brought with them the tradition of Sinterklaas, a figure based on Saint Nicholas. Sinterklaas would leave gifts for children on December 6th, Saint Nicholas' feast day. Over time, Sinterklaas evolved into the modern-day Santa Claus.
- Modern Image: The current image of Santa Claus, with his red suit, white beard, and jolly demeanour, was popularized in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (commonly known as "The Night Before Christmas") by Clement Clarke Moore and the illustrations by Thomas Nast played significant roles in shaping Santa's modern image.
- Cultural Icon: Santa Claus is now a central figure in Christmas celebrations worldwide. He is often depicted as living at the North Pole with a team of elves who help him make toys, and he travels on Christmas Eve in a sleigh pulled by reindeer to deliver presents to children.
I consulted my 1890s book of everything and found how to deal with Christmas day aliments.
Hot water is one of the very best remedies for unpleasant effects of Christmas dinner. Take'a cup of water as hot as you can bear to sip it slowly; then lie down for a while. In a short time it will act upon the bowels, and the head will be relieved. Hot water, taken in this way, is an excellent remedy. Remember, as hot as you can possibly bear to sip it, otherwise it will be useless, or may produce vomiting. The effect of the hot water is to cleanse all the pars, passages, tubes, etc., through which the food has to pass, and thus prevent the feeling of discomfort and pain called indigestion. It is not really so very unpleasant, and can be improved by pouring the water on to a small slice of lemon, and then remove it, and steadily ‘sip the water.
So, Let’s stay safe look after each other and create magic.
Night Report
Opening: Sgt. David Turnbull opened the meeting and Welcomed Members and Partners.
President’s Report
Refer President’s report in bulletin.
Colin thanked Kerry for organising the Bunnings BBQ on Saturday and Janelle for running the cake stall, a very successful day raising approximately $3000.
Director’s Reports (as applicable)
Community Service:
Guest Speaker
Heads & Tails won by Karen Lambert
President’s Report
Refer President’s report in bulletin.
Colin thanked Kerry for organising the Bunnings BBQ on Saturday and Janelle for running the cake stall, a very successful day raising approximately $3000.
Director’s Reports (as applicable)
Community Service:
- Anne asked for assistance from members to help with Garden Maintenance at the Transitional Houses in Kenthurst.
- Janelle advised the 16 days of Activism has been completed with many community walks taking place. The committee will meet again in the new year.
- Carol advised that Alan Grady, a former Member of Norwest Sunrise will be joining us in the New Year.
- Janelle advised candidates for RYLA and RYPEN have been accepted (two are from RuffTrack)
- Elise updated us on her week, the final week of School, her photograph with the Headmaster and she enjoyed helping with the Tree of Joy
Guest Speaker
- Name: Santa Claus (AKA Gino), His Elf also made an appearance (AKA Elise)
- Topic: Christmas photo’s
- President Colin thanked Santa and his Elf for attending the Club this night.
- Members help load Neville’s car with groceries for Hands and Feet after the Meeting.
Heads & Tails won by Karen Lambert
Night Reporter: Sandra
Date: 16 December 2024 |
TOJ Donation
Tree of Joy Present Collation |
12 December 2014 |
TOJ - Craig Garage |
13 December 2014 |
TOJ - Parramatta Mission Collection |
13 December 2014
TOJ - Wesley Mission Collection |
13 December 2014
Celebratory Drinks at Helping Hearts Survive |
13 Dec 2014 |
Norwest Sunrise celebrate PDG Alan Grady 50 years with Rotary
Bunnings Castle Hill BBQ
Night Photos |
16 Dec 2024 |
A Few Smiles for You ... contributed by Neville
Editor's Note:
- Lots of content (39 pickies)
- I have extended the viewing time to 8 sec (normally 5 secs)
- I assume lots will run out of time.
- In the top left of the photo find "Play", clicking on this stops the timer. Clicking again starts the timer.
- If the picture has moved on to the next screen there are navigation aids in the top left of the picture .
- Enjoy!
Rotary Funnies ... contributed by Carol