Presidents Report

I’m pleased to announce that on Monday our Club and members were informed that the Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot has received financial support from Rotary International Board. This was the final step needed for approval for the pilot to proceed to the establishment then implementation phase to commence. This means we have an opportunity to craft a stronger future for Rotary in our Zone.
The Zone 8 project was just one of the issues discussed last weekend at the District Assembly. Assembly provides all incoming Club Boards with the opportunity to meet the new District team and find out their plans for the coming year. To this end, President Elect Neville took our Club’s incoming Board for 2023-24 with him to Epping Boys High last Saturday morning to hear from the District Governor Elect (DGE), Christine Owen, and meet District Officer bearers.
The international theme for the Rotary year 2023-24 was revealed as “Create Hope in the World” (NB: this theme will not become ‘official or be able to be used in marketing/publicity purposes until 01 July 2023). Rotary International President-Elect Gordon R. McInally seeks all in Rotary to create hope in the world by working for peace and mental wellbeing. He urges members to engage in tough conversations and earn the trust that’s necessary to realize these values.
Aligned to these principles, DGE Christine has established the following goals for our District in 2023-24:
During Assembly our club was asked to participate in a panel discussion on partnership projects, where I spoke about Teacher in the Box and our partnership with the Nusa Tenggara Association (NTA). This was a great opportunity to showcase the Club’s activities here and further in our work towards the Global Grant, as well as highlighting the ethos of collaboration which has underpinned so many of our activities in the current Rotary year. I’m also pleased to advise that DGE Christine has asked me to be part of the District team on the “Say No to Domestic Violence” Campaign, and once again this is recognition of our Club’s strong commitment to community service and social justice.
After leaving District Assembly, our team then headed over to Bunnings Castle Hill to join a hoard of other Club members and partners in cooking up a storm and raising money for NTA - in fact, this BBQ has been our most profitable Bunnings BBQ to date!! So a huge vote of thanks to the brilliant organisational and interpersonal skills of Kerry, and a job well done to the amazing team of members & partners who cooked, cleaned, served, and mingled – a truly fantastic result.
Please remember, our next meeting on Monday 24 April is a combined meeting with the WPH&C Lions Club to celebrate the annual ANZAC Commemoration Dinner. This year there will be two outstanding speakers: Major Stan Beaman (AACC) talking about Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War, and Captain Heng Yew Khong (AACC) speaking on the fall of Singapore in WWII. So, no meeting at Springfield next week; rather this event will take place at West Pennant Hills Sports Club commencing at 6.30 for 7pm start and will see 27 Club members and partners attending – so a great representation from the Club for this important event.
And my friends, that’s the Buzz for the week. Stay safe and travel well. Janelle
The Zone 8 project was just one of the issues discussed last weekend at the District Assembly. Assembly provides all incoming Club Boards with the opportunity to meet the new District team and find out their plans for the coming year. To this end, President Elect Neville took our Club’s incoming Board for 2023-24 with him to Epping Boys High last Saturday morning to hear from the District Governor Elect (DGE), Christine Owen, and meet District Officer bearers.
The international theme for the Rotary year 2023-24 was revealed as “Create Hope in the World” (NB: this theme will not become ‘official or be able to be used in marketing/publicity purposes until 01 July 2023). Rotary International President-Elect Gordon R. McInally seeks all in Rotary to create hope in the world by working for peace and mental wellbeing. He urges members to engage in tough conversations and earn the trust that’s necessary to realize these values.
Aligned to these principles, DGE Christine has established the following goals for our District in 2023-24:
- Engage Members: fun, L&D, meaningful projects/service;
- Collaboration between Clubs: all working towards the same goal - “doing good in the world”;
- Zone-wide “Say No to Domestic Violence” Campaign;
- All Clubs give to Rotary Foundation.
During Assembly our club was asked to participate in a panel discussion on partnership projects, where I spoke about Teacher in the Box and our partnership with the Nusa Tenggara Association (NTA). This was a great opportunity to showcase the Club’s activities here and further in our work towards the Global Grant, as well as highlighting the ethos of collaboration which has underpinned so many of our activities in the current Rotary year. I’m also pleased to advise that DGE Christine has asked me to be part of the District team on the “Say No to Domestic Violence” Campaign, and once again this is recognition of our Club’s strong commitment to community service and social justice.
After leaving District Assembly, our team then headed over to Bunnings Castle Hill to join a hoard of other Club members and partners in cooking up a storm and raising money for NTA - in fact, this BBQ has been our most profitable Bunnings BBQ to date!! So a huge vote of thanks to the brilliant organisational and interpersonal skills of Kerry, and a job well done to the amazing team of members & partners who cooked, cleaned, served, and mingled – a truly fantastic result.
Please remember, our next meeting on Monday 24 April is a combined meeting with the WPH&C Lions Club to celebrate the annual ANZAC Commemoration Dinner. This year there will be two outstanding speakers: Major Stan Beaman (AACC) talking about Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War, and Captain Heng Yew Khong (AACC) speaking on the fall of Singapore in WWII. So, no meeting at Springfield next week; rather this event will take place at West Pennant Hills Sports Club commencing at 6.30 for 7pm start and will see 27 Club members and partners attending – so a great representation from the Club for this important event.
And my friends, that’s the Buzz for the week. Stay safe and travel well. Janelle
Australian Native Bees
The Yellow and Black Carpenter Bee
These 15 to 24 mm long bees are the largest native bees in Australia. The females have a glossy black abdomen and bright yellow fur on the thorax. Males are covered uniformly with yellowy brown or olive fur. They are called Carpenter Bees because they cut nest burrows in soft timber such as the dead limbs of mango trees. These Carpenter Bees like a warm climate, and in NSW and WA they are restricted to the northern areas. They are also found in QLD and NT. Similar species of Carpenter Bees in other countries are good pollinators of passionfruit.
Many thanks to Aussie Bee for supply of the text and photo used above
Source Which Native Bees Live in Your Area? ( |
Night Report
- Sergeant Tony opened the meeting. At Tony’s request Cawas presented a toast to our members and the BBQ at Castle Hill Bunnings on Saturday 15th April.
- Janelle welcomed all present with special mentions for Ida Su from RC Pennant Hills, and soon to be member Robyn Hain.
- Our Guest Speaker is not available for the meeting.
- For the more detail covering Castle Hill Bunnings/District Assembly/Peter and Andrew/Club Recognition/ANZAC Ceremonies, please refer to the President’s Report.
- Tony supplied indicative numbers for the Castle Hill Bunnings BBQ run by Kerry, and her team as (1) Revenue ~$2600, (2) Expenses ~$730, and (3) Nett ~ $1840.
- Tony also reminded members of the Il Posto event this coming Friday and received an additional attendee.
- David indicated that part of the District Assembly learnings covered Bequeaths to Rotary Foundation.
- Peter reported that the Global Grant for NTA Projects is submitted. We should expect a series of questions from Chicago before the request is considered by same.
- Teacher in a Box was also mentioned by Peter, indicating the considerable assistance from Andrew.
- John sought assistance with Area Clean Up next Sunday and Set up on 30 April.
- Edwina reported that recipients for Pride of Workmanship have been selected and that work is proceeding to ensure a successful POW night.
- Bob Whyms indicated some of the practical discussion points for discussions at the upcoming visit to his workshop.
- Kaye Carter revealed a basket full of knitted poppies, for sale, to assist members with ANZAC celebrations.

Mother’s Day Markets
Neville outlined a Situation Appraisal of this coming event
Janelle announced the appointment of Susan Moore to the position of Sponsorship Officer.
District Assembly
Neville reported in the District Assembly held on Saturday 15th April.
Neville outlined a Situation Appraisal of this coming event
- There are 14 paying stalls confirmed.
- We are looking for more stallholders to enter the Market.
- Club stalls cover BBQ/Cakes/Plants/Rotary Crafts/Entrance and Stage.
- There are roles for Rotarians and Partners in the abovementioned plus Bump In/Bump out/Security and Customer Service.
- Additionally, RFS/Girl Guides/Graces Place/Uniting Church will have stalls.
- Some 2000 Flyers have been distributed.
- Janelle has requested volunteer support for the supply of cakes and slices.
- A High Level Timetable is attached
Janelle announced the appointment of Susan Moore to the position of Sponsorship Officer.
District Assembly
Neville reported in the District Assembly held on Saturday 15th April.
- Christine Owen is the District Governor for RY 2023/24.
- She has announced District Goals
- Engage Members
- Collaboration between Clubs
- Zone work – Say No to Domestic Violence
- All Clubs contribute to Foundation.
- She has announced District Goals
- Janelle has ben invited to join the Domestic Violence Committee.
- Here is a video of RIPE Gordon McInally presenting the Rotary Theme 2023-24 “Create Hope in the World”.
Sergeant at Arms
Jill and Janelle presented books to each member and most partners. These books were selected at the recent Giant Book Sale to suit each recipients needs/wants/personalities.
- Julianne won the Raffle, and
- Rita won Heads and Tails.
Jill and Janelle presented books to each member and most partners. These books were selected at the recent Giant Book Sale to suit each recipients needs/wants/personalities.
Sergeant at Arms
Scottish Logic ... contributed by Neville
A Little Levity... contributed by Neville
Some Good Ones ... contributed by Jim