President's Report

- We have a lot of members travelling this week so only 16 attending tonight.
- Thank you to Ros Hogan and the BBQ team for running the BBQ at Bunnings Castle Hill. Thank you to Ali and Amelia for running the cake stall ($740). Across BBQ, Cakes, Drinks and Donations we made $$2371 net for the Saturday effort. Well done to all who helped.
- Neville, Janelle, Nicole and Todd said a tearful farewell to Iisa on Sunday 30 June at Sydney Airport.
- Thank you to Kerry for her very interesting talk on the Dementia Café. Very topical given the number of people affected by dementia.
- We welcome Sue back a member. More about Sue later.
So, looking forward: - Our guest speaker on July 15th is Emma Kark from the Hornsby Council Recycling Centre at Thornleigh.
- Don’t forget to let me know if you can help pick up leaves at Kenthurst. About an hours work if Anne gets 4 volunteers for This Thursday at 9 am at Jones Road Kenthurst.
- Board members: Meeting at my place this Wednesday at 7.30 pm. Don’t forget to send Tony Makin cc me your reports, even if only to say you have nothing to report.
- Next week is a Face to Face meeting at the Vicar. Come and hear about recycling by Hornsby Council.
- Don’t forget you can see the Club Directory, “What’s On” and “Calendar” on your phone. If it is not working let me know and it will be fixed for you.
So, Let’s stay safe look after each other and create magic.
Night Report
Sgt Cawas opened the meeting.
Welcome to guest speaker Kerry Midham who will be speaking on People that affected with Dementia.
Colin thanked the success of weekend BBQ and Cake stall at Bunnings Castle Hill.
Keith gave a toast to the group.
President’s Report
Refer President’s report in bulletin.
Director’s Reports (as applicable)
Guest Speaker
Name: Kerry Midlam
Topic: Dementia Cafe
Sandra White introduced Kerry Midlam who will be speaking on Dementia Café.
Kerry spoke how Dementia Café started with a few and now has grown.
Approached local council where they operate at West Pymble YMCA centre.
Group meet where they do exercises and then have coffee.
Carers do come along and stay as well so they can talk with other carers.
Place is free for discussion to be open and understanding.
Club has been allocated with a budget each year.
During covid period was a low point but they often meet in parks to keep in touch.
Carol mentioned she may have someone who can fit in this group.
Colin mentioned possible to have one setup here for the club which Anne and Sandra are discussing.
Sandra White thanked our guest speaker Kerry for the interesting talk around
People affected by Dementia and how she started the Café group.
General Business
Sgt Cawas opened the meeting.
Welcome to guest speaker Kerry Midham who will be speaking on People that affected with Dementia.
Colin thanked the success of weekend BBQ and Cake stall at Bunnings Castle Hill.
Keith gave a toast to the group.
President’s Report
Refer President’s report in bulletin.
Director’s Reports (as applicable)
- Carol Russel advised possible new members from weekend BBQ
- Planning to seek 10 new members for this year, but now is 9 was we now a have a new member on board.
- Keith Ball advised made changes to the Web page and any feedback most welcome.
- Sandra White advise looking for venue for Melbourne cup options.
- Tony Coote gave an update but not much to report
- Last year report is now ready for auditors to review
- Colin reported that Alan, one of our members, is recovering well.
Guest Speaker
Name: Kerry Midlam
Topic: Dementia Cafe
Sandra White introduced Kerry Midlam who will be speaking on Dementia Café.
Kerry spoke how Dementia Café started with a few and now has grown.
Approached local council where they operate at West Pymble YMCA centre.
Group meet where they do exercises and then have coffee.
Carers do come along and stay as well so they can talk with other carers.
Place is free for discussion to be open and understanding.
Club has been allocated with a budget each year.
During covid period was a low point but they often meet in parks to keep in touch.
Carol mentioned she may have someone who can fit in this group.
Colin mentioned possible to have one setup here for the club which Anne and Sandra are discussing.
Sandra White thanked our guest speaker Kerry for the interesting talk around
People affected by Dementia and how she started the Café group.
General Business
- Colin mention that Anne is looking for helpers this week
- Board meeting will be happening on Wednesday
- Next week face to face meeting at The Vicar, the guest speaker will present on Thornleigh Recycling Centre.
Night Report: Vince Delpopolo
Date: 08/07/2024 |
The Environmental Section
The planting of native tree saplings with and on behalf of our recent guest speakers.
Plastic Free July
Not only is it ‘Dry July’, it is also Plastic Free July. You can:
(adapted from the Hornsby Shire Council brochure) |
Kaye positioning a plaque next to a native tree on behalf of Chris Waugh (NCCG)
Exchange of Text Messages..... contributed by Cawas
Apt Names..... contributed by CawasI met a surgeon who named his son Naïf (pronounced Knife).
I said what an apt name! Then I came to know the following: 1. Lawyer’s daughter Sue. 2. Radiologist’s son Ray. 3. Ophthalmologist’s daughter Iris. 4. Florist’s daughter Rose. 5. Mechanic’s son Jack. 6. Archaeologist’s son Doug. 7. Thief’s son Rob. 8. Gymnast’s son Jim. 9. Jeweler’s twin daughters Ruby and Pearl. 10. Ornithologist’s son Robin. 11. Orthopedician’s son Boney. 12. Barber’s son Harry. 13. Solicitor’s son Will. 14. Accountant’s son Bill. 15. Horticulturist’s daughter Ivy. 16. Gardener’s son Pete. 17. Monarch’s son Prince. 18. Dramatist’s daughter Oprah. 19. Sanitation engineer’s son John. 20. Highway engineer’s son Miles. 21. Dietician’s daughter Olive. 22. Actor’s son Oscar. 23. Photographer's son: Click. 24. Gastro-physician's daughter: Enema 25. Homeopath's daughter: Arnica and 26. Teacher's son - Mark Spiritual People..... contributed by Cawas |